Here’s what happened to Esther Vilar after she angered feminists

When Esther Vilar published her book The Manipulated Man she was beaten up by four young women in the toilet of the Munich State Library who were angry about her perspectives.1 According to her own statement, her emigration from Germany goes back to this. The following account detailing her ongoing experience of violence by feminists was published in the San Rafael Daily Independent Journal Newspaper in 1973.2

Daily_Independent_Journal_Mon__Jan_8__1973_ (1)

[1] Esther Vilar: “Liebe macht unfrei”, Die Weltwoche, Ausgabe 51/2007  [English translation]

[2] San Rafael Daily Independent Journal Newspaper Archives January 08, 1973 Page 42.

One thought on “Here’s what happened to Esther Vilar after she angered feminists

  1. Esther Vilar, deserves recognition as one of the greatest thinkers of the 20th century. Both men and women will regret failing to appreciate the psycho emotional and social freedom she attempted to gift the world through her writing.