Courtly and romantic love

Historical writings about courtly and romantic love

– The Art of Courtly Love – by Andreas Capellanus (1190)
– First mentions of “Romantic love” in English literature (1700-1800)
– Leo Tolstoy on Romantic Love (1888)
– Madame Bovary Syndrome (1892)
– Mediaeval Love – by Violet Paget (1895)
– Courtly and Romantic Love – by Lester F. Ward (1903)
– The Troubadours – by H.J. Chaytor (1913)
– The Origin And Nature of Courtly love – by C. S. Lewis (1936)
– Eleanor of Aquitaine’s ‘Courts of Love’ – by Amy Kelly (1937)
– Romantic love & the destruction of western marriage – Denis de Rougemont (1939)
– The Mirror of Narcissus in the Courtly Love Lyric – by F. Goldin (1956)
– Romantic love introduced cuckoldry & hatred of husbands – Maurice Valency (1958)
– Female sexual desire as described in the Middle Ages – Maurice Valency (1958)
– Courtly Love as Religious Dissent, by Jeffrey B. Russell (1965)
– The Origin And Meaning of Courtly Love – Roger Boase (1977)
– Masculine submission & ‘Love service’ – Sandra Alfonsi (1986)

Contemporary writings about courtly and romantic love

– Courtly Love Today (Summary of paper by John G. Rechtien – 1988)
– Courtly Love Described (Brooklyn College – 2000)
– Courtly Love, An Overview (Michael Delahoyde – 2006)
– Rise of Courtly Love (Brandy Stark – 2007)
– To ‘Believe’ in Love – The Religious Significance of the Romantic Love Myth in Western Modernity (Sarah Balstrup – 2012)
– The Sexual-Relations Contract (Peter Wright – 2013)
– Damseling, Chivalry and Courtly Love (part 1) (Peter Wright – 2016)
– Damseling, Chivalry and Courtly Love (part 2) (Peter Wright – 2016)
– The Evolution of Gynocentrism Via Romance Writings (Peter Wright – 2017)
– To Be a Better Man: Courtly Values Revived in Modern Film (R. Cormier – 2018)
– Sexual Feudalism (Peter Wright, Wiki4Men entry – 2019)
– Courtly Love – by Joshua J. Mark (2019)
– ‘Frau Minne’ Goddess of Romantic Love (Peter Wright, 2020)
– Is Romantic Love a Timeless Evolutionary Universal, Or a Creation of The Middle Ages? (Peter Wright, 2022)
– A brief commentary on Jankowiak & Fischer’s misuse of the term ‘romantic love’ (Peter Wright, 2022)
– Challenging The Claim That Romantic Love is Universal: Excerpt from William Reddy’s The Making Of Romantic Love
– A comment on Don Monson’s ‘Why is la Belle Dame sans Merci? Evolutionary Psychology and the Troubadours’ (Peter Wright, 2022)
– A Short Reflection on Love Terminology (Peter Wright, 2023)
– Romantic Love Encourages Female Narcissism (Peter Wright, 2023)
– “Dame Amour” – French personification of courtly love (Peter Wright, 2024)
– Love in the Song of Songs (Peter Wright, 2024)
– Christian Churches Conflating Romantic Love with Agape (Peter Wright, 2024)
– Romantic love versus family love: Amore vs Storge (Peter Wright, 2024)
– Origins of the word romance and the phrase romantic love in English literature (2017)