“Anti-man” women’s movements – forerunners of feminist movement (1830 – 1923)

The following are a few clippings from newspaper archives pointing to the existence of an “Anti-Man Movement” – so called by the women who formed them –  existing as early as 1830. Clearly ‘anti-man’ turned out to be a branding problem which would later be changed to ‘suffragettes/feminists.’ – PW



Anti-Man Society.

A meeting of the ladies in Maine has lately been held, to take into consideration the propriety of establishing a society to be called the Anti-man Society. It is said be an established fact that for the last century the male party have, by unholy combination, contrived keep all political offices to themselves, to the exclusion women. They are now resolved to put down this unrighteous combination, and if not exclude men entirely at least to have equal share among themselves.— Philadelphia Paper.

Anti-man society - Northampton Mercury - Saturday 19 June 1830
Source: Reported in Northampton Mercury – Saturday 19 June 1830

This next one from 1842 mentions the ‘Anti-Man Society’ briefly in the second paragraph:
Anti-Man movement - Evening Mail - Wednesday 26 October 1842
Source: Evening Mail Wednesday 26 October 1842

The next item details an Anti-Man movement in the year 1895:

SOURCE: Lucifer the Light-Bearer, 23 Aug 1895, Fri, Page 3


This last one is more recent, and I’m not sure what if any relation it has with the original 1830 Anti-Man Society:
Anti-man - The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate Wed 13 Jun 1923 Page 4 DOWN WITH MAN
Source: The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate Newspaper, Wed 13 Jun 1923