Gynocentrism and the value of men (part one)


By Peter Ryan

As I discussed in my article on Gynocentrism And The Golden Uterus1, there is a prevailing assertion in the wider gynocentric culture that women are superior to men. The central tenet of this belief system is that because women give birth and are the rate limiting factor of reproduction, they are more biologically valuable than men. The relative biological value of life, and the value of life in general, of males and females, is reduced down to their relative investment in reproduction.

Successfully reproducing offspring is erroneously regarded as having the same outcome as successfully continuing the lineage over generations. At a glance it is easy to see how such an error can be made. It is a fact that any organism must reproduce to pass on its genes. However it is also a fact that any organism must first survive and develop to reproduce. It is also a fact that after reproduction, some degree of parental investment is required for offspring to survive and for reproduction to not become a dead-end.

The problem with stating that ‘women are more biologically valuable to the species than men because they are the rate limiting factor of reproduction’ is that it omits the vast multitude of activities and traits outside of reproduction that contribute to genes successfully passing from one generation to the next. It ignores the reality that biology is comprised of systems. The reproductive role of women is essential (and so is the male reproductive function) to genome propagation, but it is not the only essential role or activity required to get a genome from generation A to generation B or C or D.  A number of these other essential activities disproportionately rely on men, such as provision and protection for community survival.

Communities that lose women lose their capacity to reproduce, but communities that lose men lose their capacity to survive. Women might be the rate limiting factor of reproduction, but men are the rate limiting factor of survival. Reproduction cannot occur or lead anywhere without surviving to reproduce and ensuring sufficient numbers of offspring survive. These are the realities that time and time again are ignored and never addressed by those that suggest women are more valuable than men based on the sex difference in reproductive investment. Is it a fact that women are the rate limiting factor of reproduction? Yes. Is it a fact that this is a core driver of biological sex differences? Yes. Does that play a role in driving gynocentrism? Indirectly yes, as it does with most social dynamics between the sexes.

These facts do not then automatically mean the female sex is biologically more valuable (or more valuable in general) than men, or that men are biologically disposable. For those who think I am wrong and remain convinced women are more valuable, and that men are biologically disposable because of differences in reproductive investment, or stick to the fallacious ‘two tribes’ analogy, please read my two part article on Gynocentrism And The Golden Uterus linked here1 and here2.

This article will be focusing on further examining the value of males and females in biological and evolutionary terms and without the gynocentric rose-tinted glasses on. It will also be focused on rectifying common misconceptions floating around in society about the related science which have been promoted by our gynocentric mainstream media and academia to convey a narrative of female superiority.

Certain man haters and female supremacists in the scientific community, and media, make claims like “maleness is a birth defect”3 . Maleness is not a defect. Only the mentally and morally defective would hold such beliefs. Unfortunately for society, such hateful man hating bigots hold senior positions at our universities, in our mainstream media and other institutions. These beliefs cannot be ignored because they reflect the beliefs of too many individuals holding positions of influence and authority in society. This will contribute to undermining the future prosperity and very survival of our society, as civilisation heavily relies on men being in a position to ensure its own existence. I am writing these articles to set the record straight for generations of boys and young men that are being told they are inferior and defective, from every corner of our institutions.

Male Development And Body Size Reflects Male Value

Firstly when evaluating the value of males, we should consider the basic biological characteristics of males. If males were less valuable to the species than females and biologically disposable, then their biology would reflect that. If men were truly biologically disposable, they would resemble the tiny male Anglerfish4 that fuses into the female and becomes an appendage (the linked educational video is an amusing literal illustration of this), or a male worker bee or an ant, or a tiny male spider. Men would be much smaller than women and have a much shorter and less energy demanding developmental period, as they would need to be easily and quickly replaced to be disposable. Their low value would not warrant their biology and life history5 profile, investing time and energy in a large body size or a long developmental period. Human males are larger than females, take longer to develop and consume more energy during development (Teenage males consume whole fridges). Human male biology runs against the narrative men are biologically disposable and less valuable than women. In particular species where there are males that appear to be “disposable”, males develop quickly and have small body sizes.

Fishers Principle

If we are measuring the biological value of the two sexes, then we have to consider the evolutionary forces that shape biology. Biology exists in its current form because of selection for certain traits and genes that increase the number of copies of the genome or genes. The number of copies of the genome (or genes) that exist after a certain number of generations, is a measure of evolutionary success and thus biological value. Value also has to be considered in relation to the entities that invest in that value.

When it comes to the biological value of males and females, we are measuring the number of copies of the genome (or the number of copies of individual genes of the genome) that male and female progeny contribute to their parents, whom invest in producing the male and female offspring. The overall biological value of males and females to their parents is exactly equal. This is because the total number of copies of a genome produced after a set number of generations for parents of males and parents of females, is exactly equal. That is a mathematical certainty by virtue of the fact that every copy of every genome requires one male and one female to produce it. After ten, one hundred, or one thousand generations, parents of males and parents of females leave exactly the same total number of copies of their genome.

This is why the sex ratio at birth is almost 1:1 and there are roughly equal numbers of males and females in the population. The total parental expenditure in producing males and females will be equal, when the total number of copies of the parent’s genome that male and female offspring generate is equal. Parental expenditure is not just the reproduction of males and females, but also all the parental investment incurred in raising offspring. The reason the sex ratio is slightly biased in favour of males at birth, is because of the higher male infant mortality, which leads to a higher production of male offspring to equalise total parental expenditure in males and females. What I have described is Fishers principle6. It is also what evolutionary biologists Dr. Brett Weinstein and Dr. Heather Heying were referring to in this video7, when they were discussing why neither sex is “better” in an evolutionary sense. Biology does not have a favourite between males and females, because they produce exactly the same number of copies of the genome.

If the rate of reproduction is all that matters, then why produce a surplus number of males and why not produce an entirely female population? Fishers principle partly explains why that cannot happen. If parental expenditure in a population for male offspring is reduced and increased for female offspring, then any parent that invests in male offspring will be at an evolutionary advantage. This is because the total number of copies of the genome from investing in male offspring remains exactly equal to the total for investing in female offspring, as one male and one female are required to produce every copy. This means that the lower investment in males produces the same level of evolutionary success as the higher investment in females. Consequently parents that invest in males have a winning strategy, as they get more return from their parental investment in males, or more bang for their buck. Parents that develop a genetic bias to investing in males over females, will thus be at an advantage. As a result, investment in males will rise until the advantage from doing so disappears once parental expenditure is equalised.

The dynamics of Fishers Principle I have just described, is called an evolutionary stable strategy8. When Fishers principle persists in a species and applies, any deviation from equal parental expenditure in male and female offspring either cannot emerge or eventually disappears. This is because it is inefficient to invest more in one sex, when the total evolutionary success of each sex remains the same. People only need to ask the question why half the population is male, to recognise the tunnel vision of people that assert women are more valuable to the species (or vice versa). If that were the case then our biology would reflect that. Instead of having equal total parental investment in males and females, it would be unequal. It is important to note that whilst Fishers principle is very frequently observed, it is not universal to all life. Evolution and adaptation can bypass Fishers principle and drive an uneven investment in male and female offspring. There are species with very uneven sex ratios, or that reproduce asexually.

Fishers principle restricts a species to equally investing in males and females. If evolutionary success is more dependent on females than on males, then sexual reproduction that leads to an equal investment in males and females becomes costly and risky. A greater dependence on one sex in terms of risk, is analogous to putting all your eggs in one basket. It is also costly because you are wasting half of your resources on a sex whose contribution to evolutionary success relative to females, is lower in proportion to the share of parental investment expended on them. Consequently where evolutionary success is more dependent on females than on males and Fisher dynamics are present, there is a selective pressure to either:

A. Develop a method of reproduction that does not rely on males (such as a form of asexual reproduction), so as to overcome Fishers principle and produce entirely females.

B. Develop males that do equally contribute to evolutionary success.

In our lineage and many others where Fishers principle has prevailed, we have gone down pathway B. The constraints of Fishers principle and females being the rate limiting factor of reproduction, generates a sexual selective pressure on males that is proportional in magnitude to the greater reproductive investment of females. This pressure drives the development of traits in males, that are equivalent in biological value to the value of female reproductive investment and the biological value of women. Despite what feminists claim, men do have innate strengths relative to women. Males have a biological value to the species that is equivalent to that of females, it is just a different form of value. These traits do not make men superior to women, just as having a uterus does not make women more valuable than men.

We have had the current Y chromosome derived male in our lineage for over 160 million years9. That is a long time to invest half your genome in a supposedly “disposable” male reproductive vehicle! Dinosaurs walked the Earth and the two supercontinents Laurasia and Gondwanaland had only recently started to break up, when Y chromosome derived males in our lineage first emerged. Males were around even before then in other forms of life for hundreds of millions of years, prior to the Y chromosome form of sex determination emerging.

If men were truly biologically disposable and the rate of reproduction was all the mattered, then at some point in the last 160 million years males would have been removed from the lineage. To illustrate this point, let us assume for the moment that reproductive reductionists are right and that women are biologically more valuable than men because they are the rate limiting factor of reproduction. Over 160 million years there would have been a selective pressure to drive the biology of our ancestors to remove males from our lineage and develop alternative methods of reproduction that rely entirely on females. This is because there would have been a cost incurred from failing to adapt along these lines and a big advantage to avoiding the cost of producing “disposable” males that had little value. Populations that produced asexually would have developed at first by accident and then quickly out-reproduced their counterparts and dominated the future gene pool. Eventually males would have disappeared from the lineage. After more than 160 million years this has failed to occur.

Humans demonstrate equal parental investment in male and female offspring and so have our ancestors over many tens of millions of years. Many species have come and gone, continents have moved and the Dinosaurs have roamed the Earth over the timescale we are talking about. Even in evolutionary terms, there has been plenty of time to develop different reproductive strategies that could have overcome Fishers principle and lead to an entirely female population. Asexual reproduction such as parthenogenesis, which is observed in the natural world, could have emerged in this time frame in our lineage. Why didn’t it? If reproduction matters so much, then why not adopt a far more rapid method of reproduction and have a population entirely of females? The answer is simply that reproduction is not the sole determinant of biological value. That is why our species sexually reproduces to begin with and has males. It is because biological value is not solely determined by the rate of reproduction, that we have males in equal number to females.

Debunking The Nonsense ‘Men And The Y Chromosome Are Disappearing’

There are some gleeful closet dwelling female supremacists and radical feminists in the media and elsewhere, that like to rely on cherry picked research that men will soon disappear because the Y chromosome is supposedly “dying out”. The gynocentric mainstream media has enjoyed promoting this narrative and reporting on it every couple of years. The claim that males and the Y chromosome are disappearing is not supported by most population geneticists, as Dr. Judith Mank explains in her presentation10 at the Royal Institution. Dr. Mank states that due to selection pressures that have acted on and refined the Y chromosome, rather than degraded, “You have a Y chromosome that’s small but quite mighty in its functions”. Of course people would not know that if they read certain news articles that want to twist science to suit an agenda.

The Y chromosome is not disappearing. The size of the Y chromosomes has stabilised and it has not lost a gene for 25 million years11. The Y chromosome has features (such as palindromes) and mechanisms (such as gene conversion12) that enable it repair to itself (see this link13this link14 and this link15 for more information). Research also shows that purifying selection16 may play a role in maintaining and refining the quality and structure of the Y chromosome. Lastly it has also been found17 that the Y chromosome has genes whose functions extend beyond sperm production, that are active in other areas of the body like the heart and lungs etc and play a role in essential cellular processes important to survival. It is thought that the presence of such important genes on the Y chromosome, may be a further factor in ensuring the integrity of the Y chromosome. Even if the Y chromosome does disappear, there are multiple examples18 observed in other species that males still remain after it is lost and that another chromosome simply takes over the Y chromosomes functions and/or an alternative mechanism of sex-determination is developed.

Linked to this ‘men are disappearing’ myth is a less common but ridiculous narrative that the lower sperm counts of men is evidence that nature is getting rid of males. Firstly the claim that the decrease in sperm counts in men over the last 50 years is going to lead to a male fertility crisis for humans, has been exaggerated and it is unclear such a crisis awaits us. Whilst there has been a large decline in sperm count reported19, it was also stated that men still have 47 million sperm per ml and that this is well within normal ranges. The average male sperm count is well above the 15 million per ml threshold where fertility problems occur20. With that said, that does not mean this is a problem we should ignore and just make idiotic remarks that “nature” is working against men. Despite what female supremacists claim, the available evidence suggests the declining sperm count of men is not due to nature selecting men out of the gene pool, but is actually driven by artificial causes. Prenatal exposure to plasticizers such as phthalates, have been shown21 to negatively affect male fertility. Women are not exempt either from these negative effects. The same plastic chemicals have been shown to also negatively affect female fertility and also their health. See these links here22 and here23 for more information. The claim lower male sperm counts are evidence of nature getting rid of males, has no leg to stand on.

The Male Variance In Reproduction

It is often quoted2425 by some that in the past one man reproduced for every two women. I have heard other numbers cited, some higher, some lower. The exact numbers of male and female ancestors that reproduced is still a matter of debate and has likely fluctuated over time and will probably remain uncertain. It is certainly a fact that males show a greater variance in reproductive success than females. When it is quoted that one man reproduced for every two women, it is misunderstood by some people to mean that men contributed only a third of the genome and women the other two thirds. In reality this is not correct. If one man reproduced for every two women, each man that did reproduce, reproduced at double the frequency of their female counterparts. Whilst lower numbers of men may have passed on their genes than women, those men that reproduced did so at a higher frequency than women. So the total contribution to the genome was exactly equal between males and females, but the contribution per male that reproduced was higher than the contribution per female that reproduced. It is a common misunderstanding to confuse the difference in the numbers of men and women reproducing, with the total level of reproduction of each sex. They are not necessarily identical.

It is also incorrect to assert that because more females reproduce than males, females are more biologically valuable to their parents as more female offspring pass on their genes. Whilst a parent may give birth to males that do not reproduce at all, that does not necessarily mean males in general are less biologically valuable than females. Any population that has fewer males reproducing than females, will also have individual males reproducing at a higher rate than individual females. This is a mathematical reality. There are parents of male offspring that pass on their genome at a higher rate than any female offspring in the population. For every male that fails to reproduce, there is another male out-reproducing his female counterparts.

The total biological value of males and females is exactly equal, but there are differences when comparing the distributions of the biological value of individuals of each sex. As we see predictably with so many human traits, women cluster around the mean of biological value with less variance and men are over-represented at both the high and low extremes with greater variance. There are females that are more biologically valuable than males and males more biologically valuable than any female. I will have more to say later on in this article on why the value of male and female life is greater than its biological value and must be regarded as equal.

The Trivers-Willard Hypothesis And The Biological Value Of Men

Fishers principle applies to the population as a whole and the result is that the total evolutionary success and biological value of male and female offspring to their parents as a whole, is exactly equal. However as previously mentioned, there can be deviations within the population when we consider individual males and individual females within the population. Some male offspring leave more copies of their genes behind than females and some female offspring leave more copies of their genes behind than males.

The Trivers-Willard hypothesis (TWH)26 predicts that the sex ratio of offspring can be varied with maternal condition. This is because males show a greater variance in reproduction than females. The number of copies of the genome males leave behind relative to females, can increase and decrease by a much greater degree. Furthermore, the physical and mental condition of male and female offspring affects their reproductive success. Consequently the reproductive success of sons is much more sensitive to the physical and mental condition of sons, than the reproductive success of daughters is to the condition of daughters. If the condition of a son increases, this could lead to a much larger gain in reproductive success than for a daughter, because male offspring can reproduce at a much faster rate and therefore have a much higher limit on how many offspring they can produce. A daughter in good condition might have 10 children and a son in good condition might have 100 children. The condition of offspring will affect their reproductive success and the condition of offspring is affected by maternal condition.  As maternal condition affects the condition of offspring (paternal condition does also in other ways) and the condition of offspring impacts the reproductive success of sons to a greater degree, maternal condition has a greater impact on the reproductive success of males than on females.

To illustrate this point, consider a mother in good condition. A mother in good condition could produce a son in good condition that could father 100 children. In contrast, a mother in good condition could produce a daughter in good condition that could give birth to 10 children. TWH predicts that mothers in good condition, will have a sex ratio biased in favour of producing male offspring to maximise evolutionary success. What happens when a mother is in poor condition? A mother in poor condition could produce a son in poor condition, who will be outcompeted by male offspring in good condition and may father only 1 or 2 children or none at all. Conversely, a mother in poor condition could produce a daughter in poor condition, that may still give birth to at least 4 or 5 children. The poor condition of the mother negatively impacts the reproductive success of the son to a much greater degree than it does for the daughter’s reproductive success. TWH predicts that mothers in poor condition, will have a sex ratio biased in favour of producing female offspring to maximise evolutionary success.

Fishers Principle does provide a constraint on the dynamics emerging from TWH. If every mother in the population is in good condition and produces more sons than daughters, or every mother in poor condition produces more daughters than sons, that will bias the parental expenditure in favour of one sex over the other in the population. Fishers principle predicts parents of the rarer sex in such a scenario, will have a higher return on their parental investment (as the total evolutionary success of each sex is equal and is shared between fewer males than females for example). This will eventually lead to an opposing bias emerging, where more of the rarer sex will be produced and the sex ratio will then shift back to equilibrium.

Whilst the population as a whole will have a sex ratio of virtually 1:1, the cohort of the population in good condition will have more sons than average and the cohort of the population in poor condition will have more daughters than average. The sex ratio bias in each cohort will balance each other out and so neither sex is favoured in the population as a whole. Fishers principle will apply to the population as a whole and TWH will predict confined deviations from the 1:1 sex ratio within cohorts of the population based on maternal condition.

What does TWH have to do with male value? Let us assume that biological value is solely or overwhelmingly derived from reproductive investment and women are more biologically valuable based solely on their greater reproductive investment. If this is correct then we would expect parents to be producing daughters in greater proportion than sons, across all values of maternal condition. This is because females always have a greater reproductive investment than males across all values of maternal condition, thanks to females having a uterus and males lacking one. If parents are in optimal condition, then they are free of external pressures and have the resources available to select for whichever sex they prefer. It would then follow they would select for producing female offspring, in such an instance where females were more biologically valuable than males. TWH does not predict this result and neither do the studies27supporting it, instead they show the predicted bias in favour of producing male offspring when there is good maternal condition.

For those that automatically assume that the effect of maternal condition on the sex ratio is proof of women being more valuable than men, there is research showing that paternal condition also affects the sex ratio. Research has found28 that adult male primates higher in the social dominance hierarchy with higher testosterone levels, can bias the sex ratio in favour of producing sons. It is also worth considering that good maternal condition is not important under TWH, unless it leads to sons that are also in good condition and can successfully compete and survive to make full use of their reproductive capacity. Good maternal condition has value under TWH, only if it positively affects the condition of sons.

Whilst the evidence for TWH remains mixed in humans, there is no evidence to demonstrate that production of female offspring is universally preferred over the production of male offspring by parents, on the basis of females being the rate limiting factor of reproduction. Studies that have better measures of parental investment show more support for the TWH, than studies with poorer measures29. Like most aspects of human biology that are based on systems, relative investment in male and female offspring is multifactorial and cannot be reduced down to a single simple mechanism (like women being the rate limiting factor of reproduction). So it is unsurprising that the evidence shows mixed support for TWH.

Where research runs contrary to TWH, it does not support the claim female offspring are selected over male offspring based solely or primarily on greater female reproductive value. A recent study30 of TWH in humans, reported little support for TWH and found women had a stronger psychological preference for having girls and men had a stronger psychological preference for having boys. If females were more biologically valuable than males, both male and female parents would show a preference for having daughters and yet that was not what was observed.

If females were truly more biologically valuable than males, then the bias to favour having female offspring would be deeply biologically ingrained. There would not be communities in China having a disproportionate amount of sons, based on the cultural tradition of wanting to continue the family name31. If all it takes is a cultural tradition of passing on the family name to cause communities to favour sons and skew the sex ratio at birth, then that makes a few claims very questionable and probably wrong. If women were more biologically valuable than men based on their reproductive value, then a preference for daughters over sons would be a universal biological reality with no significant exceptions (certainly not whole communities). No cultural tradition or exception would be strong enough to override such a biological reality, as the bias would exist at such a fundamental level of our nature. Simply wanting to pass on the family name would not stand a chance against such a deeply seated biological bias to favour females, if it actually existed as described.

The Biological Value Of Men That Do Not Reproduce

The number of copies of the genes that male and female offspring contribute to their parents, is not solely determined by their individual frequency of reproduction. It is often said casually by critics of MGTOW (men going their own way), that as these men do not reproduce they will be removed from the gene pool. Of course as predicted, these same people fail to point out that the same reductive reasoning can be applied to many feminists and entitled princesses that also fail to reproduce. The data32 shows that childless women are on the rise. Would anyone dare make the same remarks about childless women as some people do about MGTOW? I don’t think so.

It is also worth pointing out that whilst substantial numbers of MGTOW may not have children, that choice is incidental to men going their own way and very often the result of choosing to not marry women or cohabitate with them. A man going his own way does not automatically translate to a man choosing not to have children, any more than it means having children. MGTOW is a man going his way over gynocentrism and choosing a direction in life based on his choices, rather than winning female approval. Some MGTOW may choose to have children and other MGTOW may choose not to.

The evolutionary reality is actually more complicated than simply asserting that the failure of an individual to reproduce, means a failure to pass on their genes. The number of copies of the genes (or the contribution of the genome) an individual leaves behind, is decided not only by their individual frequency of reproduction, but also by a number of other factors such as:

  1. The number of their offspring that actually survive to sexual maturity and are in a sufficiently healthy condition to reproduce.
  1. The number of offspring their relatives produce and survive to sexual maturity in a healthy condition to reproduce.
  1. The number of offspring genetically similar non-relatives (unrelated individuals that share genetic similarity, will share a certain fraction of genes) produce and survive to sexual maturity in a healthy condition to reproduce.

Concepts like inclusive fitness33 and kin selection34 matter when considering the total fitness and evolutionary success of an individual. It is not just all based on the individual’s personal reproductive fitness. Whilst there are males that do not reproduce, they may still leave copies of their genes behind. These males may directly and indirectly contribute to the fitness of relatives and genetically similar non-relatives. What is often overlooked by many people, is the contribution men make to the survival of their community and the impact that then has on the capacity of the community to reproduce and also care for offspring. Men that do not reproduce but contribute to the survival of their community, can enhance the capacity of their relatives and genetically similar non-relatives to reproduce and care for their offspring and to pass on their genes. As these individuals share similar genes to the men that do not reproduce, the genes of these men can be passed on to the next generation indirectly through other people.

The concept of alloparental care35 is an important example to consider in this context. In our species, adults care for related and unrelated children that are not their direct descendants. Brothers, uncles and cousins etc that may not reproduce, may care for related kin (which was even more the case in our historical and prehistoric past). Male teachers may educate children that are completely unrelated to them. Men running our basic infrastructure and utilities provide essential services that ensure related kin and non-relatives get electricity, food, water, shelter and basic provisions. Men running our military and emergency services, protect and care for relatives and non-relatives. Men inventing, designing, constructing and maintaining our technology, infrastructure and buildings, ensure our economies continue to churn and their innovation ensures the prosperity of our societies. All of what I am describing either directly or indirectly increases the survival and reproductive prospects of relatives of these men and non-relatives that they share genes with. The list goes on and on. These examples are just a small sample of the alternative activities to reproduction, that can contribute to the evolutionary success or total fitness of individual men and allow men that do not reproduce to pass on their genes indirectly through other individuals.

The cooperation between men to ensure the continued existence of civilisation, has been going on for thousands of years and extends all the way back before civilisation to our primitive hunter-gatherer communities. These cooperative efforts between men, increase the number of copies of their genome and genes they leave behind. A man may do hundreds of activities in his lifetime which allow other activities to occur, which then either helps his own offspring survive, or his relative’s offspring, or the offspring of people genetically similar to him. A man who does not reproduce but drives a train carrying food to a local city or maintains the electrical grid, is indirectly contributing to the continuation of his own genes by ensuring his brothers, sisters, nieces or nephews or genetically similar people in that city, survive and reproduce. A male teacher that teaches unrelated children, may educate pupils that go on to improve the prospects of his relatives or individuals that share genetic similarity to him.

The cooperative efforts between men, can also lead to social rewards that enhance their evolutionary success. Cooperation between unrelated men, can enhance the evolutionary success of both of them. This can even apply where one of them does not reproduce. If such cooperation leads to the man raising the social standing of his family in the eyes of the men he assisted, then this may benefit the prospects of his family in the long term and increase the number of copies of his genes that are passed on through other members of his family to the next generation.

Cooperation, altruism and alloparental care are ubiquitous in our species, because evolutionary success is not solely guaranteed by individual reproduction and is substantially dependent on other activities related to survival that often require coordinated social activity. Such social activity very often involves males working together. The dark triad of human nature exists, but so do the better parts of our nature. It was the mass organised cooperative efforts between men, combined with an organised and rule-based (or honour based) form of competition, that enabled civilisation to emerge and harness male value. The notion that natural selection favours survival of the fittest in a dog eat dog world, is an oversimplification of evolution.

Whilst that raw side of our nature exists, human social behaviour is not solely governed by individual evolutionary success and individuals competing against each other. There would be far more violence and no civilisation to speak of, if human males demonstrated little cooperation and had the same level of competition and aggression as male chimpanzees. The same can also be said about there being far more violence and no civilisation, if human males were truly biologically disposable. Civilisation requires sufficient numbers of men in good mental and physical health to support it and to peacefully work together. This in turn requires society to value the worth of men and not treat them as disposable. Male disposability leads to violence, war and in the long term destroys the male value civilisation requires to sustain itself.

Men Are Not Solely Driven To Reproduce

It would be incorrect to assume that men failing to reproduce means they demonstrate no evolutionary success and have no biological value. As discussed, such men can indirectly leave copies of their genes behind through their efforts to contribute to the survival of the community. There has always been a cohort of men in history and prehistory that never reproduced and had no interest in doing so. They used to be called confirmed bachelors. Men choosing not to marry and have children is not a new phenomenon, it has just markedly increased in recent years with the social changes of rampant gynocentrism and feminism.

The simple fact is that if the hypothesis of men filtering themselves out of the gene pool by failing to reproduce was correct, then the significant and growing cohort of men that are choosing to avoid marriage and children would not exist and would never have arisen in the first place. Male lifestyles of any kind that do not lead to having children (religious clergy, confirmed bachelors and many MGTOW) and any deviation from heterosexuality would not exist, if this hypothesis were correct. This is because the hypothesis depends on the assumption that the only way to pass on your genes is to reproduce and consequently that then means that any predisposition to not reproduce, would have absolutely no chance of passing on to the next generation. Consequently after enough time, only males that desire to sexually reproduce with females would remain in the species.

The reality is that childless or celibate and homosexual men that do not desire heterosexual relationships do exist and have done throughout history. Why? The genes of those men were passed down through other relatives or genetically similar individuals. Take religion as an illustrative example. Dr. Brett Weinstein in a discussion36 with Dr. Richard Dawkins pointed out that whilst clergy may not have reproduced, their contribution to their religion may have indirectly furthered their genes. In actively promoting their religion, they may have encouraged behaviours and practices that could have enhanced the evolutionary success of their relatives and individuals within their communities, that they shared genetic similarity with.

We can go through a long list of famous men like Wilbur Wright, Nikola Tesla and Isaac Newton that never married and never reproduced, but made massive contributions to society that led to technological changes that enabled the population size to mushroom from one billion to seven billion in just a few centuries. There are plenty of unknown men that never reproduced that helped build and maintain all of our roads, canals, railways, airplanes, ships, numerous pieces of infrastructure and buildings we all use on a daily basis. There are unknown men that never reproduce, that farm the land and transport our food to supermarkets. Civilisation relies on a massive coordinated effort of male activity to support the current population size and therefore support evolutionary success. This supportive buttressing effect of coordinated male activity on evolutionary success, was also true for our prehistory before civilisation. Reproduction is not the only contributor to evolutionary success.

Whilst the exact numbers of men relative to women that reproduced in our prehistory is a matter of debate, it is generally accepted that there has always been a cohort of men that never reproduced. There has always been an environment where men needed to find another way to live, pass on their genes and contribute to the community, that did not necessarily involve reproduction. There has been a selective pressure on men to develop an alternative pathway to propagating their genes, when reproductive opportunities are limited.

Much has been said about the strong sexual appetite of men in popular culture (the sex drive of men has been exaggerated), which has been generalised to represent the libido of all men. However there is next to no recognition made about the substantial numbers of men that find fulfilment beyond chasing vagina and whom silently immerse themselves in other pursuits. There are men that spend most of their waking hours in a lab doing experiments, or designing a new device, or doing programming, or building a legal case, or running a company, or working in finance maximising their portfolio returns, or building something in their garage. For these men chasing vagina is often a distraction they have very little interest in. They are married to their interests, hobbies and careers. Some men are wired that way. On occasion such men through the achievements they derive from their single-minded focus on such pursuits, may rise in social status, be instead chased by women and sexually reproduce.

Regardless as to whether they end up reproducing or not, it is my view that the cohort of single men finding an alternative pathway in life beyond mating and reproduction, has been a significant factor that has led to the development of our culture as a species. I believe it has also been a significant factor in much of the exploration, invention, research and discovery that led to the emergence of civilisation. I am not the first person to suspect this either. Nikola Tesla said, “I do not think you can name many great inventions that have been made by married men”37.When Wilbur Wright was developing the airplane he said, “I don’t have time for both a wife and an airplane”38.

I am certainly not suggesting married men or men that have partners, cannot invent and I do not believe Tesla was absolutely correct in the assertion that not many inventions were made by married men. However there is some underlying truth to the remarks of these famous inventors. It is a fact that single men are freer to focus on and undertake certain activities than other men, particularly those pursuits that require large amounts of time and require geographical mobility. Men focused on their intellectual, economic, political, artistic and athletic pursuits and that prioritise them over pursuing relationships with women, will generally spend more time on those pursuits and achieve more. These greater achievements can positively affect the survival and reproduction of their community and indirectly increase their own individual evolutionary success (through benefitting related kin and genetically similar individuals) and that of others.

It is also worth pointing out that when men find alternatives to reproduction, intrasexual male competition drops and so does the level of violence in a community when mating opportunities are scarce. This carries benefits to evolutionary success through ensuring a safer environment to raise offspring and more male cooperation. The greater male cooperation leads to greater provision and protection for the community.

There are numerous examples of men that despite being heterosexual, are immersed in other pursuits and for which relationships are a low or non-existent priority. There is likely a neurological and genetic basis to this alternative pathway in life for men, given how lopsided mating prospects may have been in the past and the evolutionary benefits that can be derived from men pursuing activities beyond reproduction. Barbarosaaa had a few things to say in this video39 on the notion of MGTOW being “inherently” unsustainable and that reproduction is all that counts. Yes a society must reproduce to replace itself, but reproduction means little without the prosperity to support the progeny. Furthermore, once society is past a certain threshold, prosperity for a population matters more to evolutionary success than reproduction (As Barbarosaaa’s video discusses).

Single men can contribute to their evolutionary success in ways that can compensate for not reproducing, by contributing to the betterment of their community. The contribution of these men may be incremental across multiple generations in some cases. For some men their legacy on the survival and reproductive prospects of society may be felt in the second, third and fourth generations of their relatives and unrelated but genetically similar individuals. This may lead to a large increase in evolutionary success over the longer term. The impact certain influential men can have on our culture and the downstream effects that can have on evolutionary success, can be profound. Think of all the philosophers, scientists, inventors, soldiers, legal scholars and leaders etc that left no offspring, but improved their cultures and society and enhanced the future survival and reproductive prospects of dozens of generations.

The Value Of Human Life Is Greater Than The Sum Of Its Parts

When we consider males that do not reproduce, we are not considering their evolutionary success in totality if we just look at their lack of reproduction. With that said, it is a reality that men do dominate the extremes of the bell curve when it comes to evolutionary success and biological value. Men and women have equal evolutionary success and biological value overall, but men are over-represented in the highest and lowest values of the distribution. That does not mean that men who have little evolutionary success are less valuable as human beings, or that men with the highest level of evolutionary success are more valuable than everyone else.

The mentally disabled and the elderly are not regarded as less valuable human beings because they have less potential evolutionary success than the general population. We correctly recognise that the value of human life transcends biological value. Why? Civilisation requires that we respect the value of human life, regardless of the inherent characteristics of that life. This is an essential part of our culture, because it allows us to cooperate and be civil and fair with each other. Reducing the value of human life down to biological value, is a very destructive way of regressing civilisation to violent and barbaric tribalism. There are numerous historical examples of science being used to argue certain groups are subhuman or inferior to justify extermination, sterilisation and the use of eugenics.

Civilised societies that regard the value human life as sacrosanct, tend to be safer and more prosperous. Consequently, they generally do better in passing on their genes than primitive tribal shitholes. Of course all of this basic logic and fact is completely lost on those that want to wilfully ignore the value of men and promote gynocentric double standards based on a narrative that having a uterus makes you a more valuable human being. The value of human life whether it is male or female, is greater than its biological value. The inherent value of all human life must be regarded as equal and not be ranked based on the sex or race etc of the individual. Anything less than that leads to tribalism, social dysfunction, dehumanisation, exploitation and violence. Given enough time any form of implied or overt sexual superiority, leads to mounting social and economic consequences that eventually destroys civilisation.

In part two of this article I will be debunking further sophist arguments that men are biologically less valuable than women and are biologically disposable.



  22. and-women/


Gynocentrism and the golden uterus (part two)

The following is part 2 of my article on debunking the bedrock of the female supremacist belief system that drives gynocentrism; the golden uterus. Please read part 1 before continuing. – Peter Ryan

Commons building workers

The Naturalistic Fallacy

Often reproductive reductionists will appeal to nature to justify their bigoted beliefs that we should treat men as a lower class of human being, or even regard men as subhuman on the basis that having a uterus makes an individual more biological valuable to the species. The assertion that having a uterus makes an individual more biologically valuable is wrong, because it assumes that reproduction is the sole determining factor of biological value – and I have explained in part one of this article why this is wrong.

But I want to assume for the moment that reproductive reductionists and female supremacists are right. Should we value human life on its utility? Should we base society and government policy on the survival of the fittest and selectively abort males prior to birth and subjugate the males that are born, as some female supremacists put forward? We have numerous examples of genocides in the 20th century that were the inevitable end result of such ideas.

We have seen what happens when such a society dehumanises a group of people and the destruction it brings for such societies. We have observed the legacy and the guilt such atrocities have on their culture. History is littered with such examples, and there is a reason why societies that dehumanise groups of people remain either undeveloped tribal shitholes or deteriorate into such shitholes given enough time. It never ends well for the society that dehumanises a group within their population, let alone the half of the population responsible for keeping most of the infrastructure going, etc.

If we are concerned about making sure civilisation remains functional enough so that it can sustain itself, then we should consider the reality that dehumanising half the population which keeps the water running and the lights on at night, will invariably lead to its collapse.  When enough men are that marginalised they have nothing left to lose, history shows it leads to revolution and war. That is just me citing history, it is not a threat. The United States itself was founded in the wake of marginalised men fighting a tyrannical government. If national security matters to our governments, then they might want to consider what happens when large numbers of men are raised with no father for generations, have little or no employment prospects and are marginalised in society.

For the record, I do not want to see a violent revolution happen. I want to peacefully go about my business. However I am concerned about the growing likelihood of this eventuality occurring, and the steps we should be taking right now to reduce the risk of future national instability in Western countries from large numbers of marginalised men. The solution is not to marginalise men further. The solution is simply to respect men, invest in them, support them, and guide and provide them with an avenue to voluntarily contribute to society in a way that is personally fulfilling and constructive.

Treating men as subhuman, creating a male underclass and demonising and marginalising men and boys on the basis they are male, is a sure-fire way to bankrupt your country, collapse your economy, socially destabilise your society and destroy your country from within through civil unrest, crime, revolution and war. If you treat men and boys with no compassion, then do not be surprised when you create monsters and witness a surge in mass shootings, organised crime, roaming gangs of male thugs and eventually an organised militia and then an army. I do not want to see that future unfold, but that is where society is headed if we don’t start treating men as human beings and supporting them.

So on a purely rational level, appealing to nature to subjugate and marginalise men is not sustainable or functional for the long-term prosperity and the continued existence of civilisation. The Nuremburg trials that were organised after World War 2 are a testament to that reality in the aftermath of the atrocities committed by the Nazis against the Jews.

In the words of Justice Jackson1,

The privilege of opening the first trial in history for crimes against the peace of the world imposes a grave responsibility. The wrongs which we seek to condemn and punish have been so calculated, so malignant, and so devastating, that civilization cannot tolerate their being ignored, because it cannot survive their being repeated. That four great nations, flushed with victory and stung with injury stay the hand of vengeance and voluntarily submit their captive enemies to the judgment of the law is one of the most significant tributes that Power has ever paid to Reason.”

A statement that needs to be etched in stone. When we dehumanise men or any group of people, we undermine the basis of civilisation itself- human dignity. We do not just undermine the dignity of the group that is dehumanised, but our own dignity by participating in the abuse or letting it happen. Once dignity is gone, civilised behaviour quickly goes as well and with it civilisation.

Some people infer from history and from the present day, that dehumanising men and treating them as disposable is natural, normal and okay, as they believe it is required for civilisation. Slave owners used to use similar arguments to justify slavery. Disposability implies that something can be discarded without any consequence and that it can easily be replaced. Civilisations and tribal communities have certainly required a contribution of protection, provision and innovation from men to ensure their continuation. However just as with reproduction and evolutionary success, male contribution to the community is not automatically interchangeable with male disposability. Men can contribute to communities without being disposed of and the less that are lost, the more men are available to contribute in the future.

Any community or civilisation that loses its men or fails to invest in its men, or fails to adequately support them, loses some or all of its manpower and some or all of the contribution men bring to sustaining civilisation and their communities. The loss of male life and the marginalisation of men is something to be minimised and avoided, because it costs communities and it costs civilisation. Any community that exploits and marginalises men and neglects them, squanders and wastes the value men can provide to society. By avoidably undermining the well-being and health of men, communities and civilisations undermine themselves.

Any community that exploits and marginalises men and neglects them, squanders and wastes the value men can provide to society.

It is indeed the case that men have sacrificed their lives in war for their countries countless times, but that does not mean it was ideal for that society that they lost their men. The loss of male life in war was just unavoidable, just as women dying performing their reproductive role in childbirth was unavoidable for centuries. The country that not only won battles but did so with the least amount of male casualties, had the larger army to win the war and the men available to rebuild their societies and occupy and rebuild the societies of the territory they captured.

As with women in childbirth, men have died in performing their role for society. Society has days to recognise the cost of the sacrifice of millions of men in war. Anzac Day, Memorial Day and Remembrance Day come to mind. Disposable utilities do not have days of remembrance. We say, “Lest we forget” on Anzac Day for a reason. Deep down we recognise the loss that society, countless families and the men themselves incurred, from losing men in war. We have days of remembrance in part to remind ourselves of the cost of war and the cost of losing men. It is a solemn warning not to forget the cost of war.

Countries that raised their men and boys properly and invested in them and supported them, had more available men that were equipped to power their economy and participate in a larger and fitter military in times of war. Strong support for men and boys creates strong men and strong men create strong empires. The empires that not only harness the potential of their men, but look after their men and lose as little of their men as possible, prevail and win. These are not an either/or set of priorities for a given civilisation, one priority is dependent on the other.

The simple truth is that civilisations that look after men so they can in turn look after society, prosper and they eventually surpass civilisations that exploit their men and treat them as disposable. Yes societies require men to contribute to their continued existence and prosperity, but with the least amount of loss to male life and well-being. Societies that follow that simple rule thrive over societies that do not.

I am not suggesting that we have never had elements of society and our culture over history and in the present day, that have marginalised men, exploited men and treated men as disposable. We certainly have. The difference between the past and the present though, is that in the past we recognised to a certain extent the need to minimise needless male sacrifice as much as possible, despite the far greater incidence of male sacrifice. The sacrifice of men was not ideal for past society, it was just often unavoidable. Unavoidable male sacrifice is not the same as regarding men as disposable. One perspective recognises the value in men and the other does not. Over the last 250 years and particularly over the last 50 years, this perspective has been lost.

In the present prosperous, safe, well nourished and risk free society we live in, we take men for granted. We have normalised men’s marginalisation and exploitation and confused unavoidable male sacrifice in the past as a justification to treat men today as disposable. Society can get away with this temporarily until the safety bubble of prosperity bursts, from its own decadent recklessness and disregard for the men keeping society running.

Current Western society does indeed marginalise men and has increasingly treated men as disposable, as the costs of male sacrifice for society have faded into distant memory since World War 2. However the West does so to its own detriment and eventually given enough time neglecting the men it relies on to sustain itself, will result in the collapse2 of the West as other societies take its place.

Male disposability proliferating and becoming normalised, is a characteristic of the final stages of a decadent and complacent civilisation on the decline. It is a pathology arising from societal decadence. Some collective pathological behaviour will always be present in a society, regardless as to what stage it is at. However it is in the final stages of civilisation, that pathological behaviours previously minimised and confined to the margins of society, start to spread and become normalised. This is the same pattern that has occurred with male disposability.

In the last 1000 years, male disposability and gynocentrism has slowly grown century after century from the fringes of our culture, to a substantive and enduring level. Much of the proliferation of male disposability within our culture, has occurred in the last 250 years and especially in the last 50 years. We have always had some degree of male disposability in the past, just as we have always had murder and rape. That does not mean we considered it to be normal or acceptable to the point it was pervasive within every aspect of the entire culture, like we see today.

Like I said earlier, regarding men as disposable and society accepting the unavoidable level of male sacrifice required to protect and sustain society, is not the same thing. One perspective recognises the value of male life and the other perspective does not. The difference in the current cultural climate is that now we are rationalising and justifying male disposability, and gynocentric double standards in an effort for our society to convince itself it is “normal”, when it is anything but normal.

There are plenty of behaviours that have natural and biological underpinnings that are not optimal for society and are morally repugnant. Rape, murder and infanticide are seen in the wild and in other primate species and are driven in part by hormones, genes and biology. A man that rapes a woman or a young underage girl who is fertile, enhances his reproductive fitness. That does not make it okay to rape them. Plenty of violent, pathological and deviant behaviours have a biological basis to them and improve reproductive fitness. None of these acts are morally right and normalising them on the basis they are natural will not allow a civilisation to prosper and sustain itself over long periods of time. In fact normalising such behaviour is a recipe to turn civilisation into an uncivilised barbaric primitive tribal shithole.

If female supremacists want to argue treating men as disposable and as subhuman is acceptable and right because it is natural, then they should have no problem accepting that rape is acceptable and morally right because it is natural. Both of course are not acceptable or right. If female supremacists are going to rationalise double standards against men on biological grounds, we can argue the same when it comes to race and the biological differences between races. Again both forms of bigotry of course are wrong. However if female supremacists want to remain logically consistent, then they should at least have the honesty to acknowledge they are no different from the KKK and numerous other groups that claim group supremacy and appeal to nature to justify their beliefs. Claims of male supremacy or any other form of group supremacy on the basis of biology, are not morally justifiable either.

Acknowledging biological group differences does not automatically require making value judgements about the value of human life and justifying double standards based on the group an individual belongs to. Advanced society requires an advanced culture that acknowledges biological differences between individuals and groups, but rises above appealing to nature to justify bigoted and irrational beliefs and double standards that are demonstrably dysfunctional and that undermine the long term prosperity, stability and sustainability of civilisation. Societies that invest in men and support men will have the manpower to flourish, and societies that exploit men and marginalise men will not. That is just a fact. Whilst male sacrifice has been unavoidable at times, it came at a great cost to society. Those societies that minimised such sacrifice had enough healthy men available to live and fight another day and they prospered.

I do not think I need to describe the value men provide to civilisation in detail. Men discover, invent, design, build, maintain, repair and improve the bulk of basically every facet of our infrastructure, technology and buildings. Men are responsible for the majority of the leadership, innovation, research and expansion of the intellectual frontiers of civilisation and our political, legal and economic systems. Our military, police and emergency services all heavily rely on men. Men are the bulk of our Nobel laureates, Fields Medallists and inventors. None of this has changed despite 50-60 years of feminist social engineering and affirmative action. Whether or not feminists want to accept it, there are biological underpinnings to these realities and the value men provide to their families, their communities and their civilisation.

If men stopped working for a week, billions would be dead from thirst, starvation and violence before men went back to work, as a result of the lack of basic working utilities and mass unrestrained civil unrest. Men are not easy to replace either. It takes 18 years of parental and societal investment to raise an adult male from scratch and they must be raised properly so they have the required physical health, mental health, skills, knowledge and motivation, in order to productively contribute to society.

This is why our current society is screwed. Even if we started today reforming the education system, marriage, family courts and divorce, the legal system, health system and workplace etc, to attend to the social, medical, psychological, learning and employment needs of men and boys and ensure fathers play a role in raising children, it is going to take at least a generation to see any positive impact on society. This idea we can just disregard men and boys with no consequences to society and treat them as disposable, is an idea that will be unlearned through suffering and death on a scale society has not seen for centuries. Death and suffering on a scale that matches our own collective stupidity and reckless indifference toward male well-being.

Our best hope to stave off this social and economic catastrophe is to take as much redemptive action as quickly as possible, to reduce the long-term consequences of this multidecade indifference toward men and boys, and use the now unavoidable consequences coming our way as a lesson for future generations on what not to do. We need to value men, boys and masculinity again in our culture and we need to do it now.

Society requires men, because men like women have an intrinsic value that society depends on to survive and thrive. An intrinsic value that arises from the unique male biological potential they possess. If society harnesses this male potential and does not squander it by exploiting and marginalising men, society persists and advances. Just as women have the potential to bear children, men have the potential to provide, innovate and protect. If we are going to argue men are human doings because they only have value from what they produce, then why not argue women are human doings that only have value if they produce children? Of course I am not endorsing this, but I want to make a point here.

If we are going to argue men are human doings because they only have value from what they produce, then why not argue women are human doings that only have value if they produce children?

Using the bigoted logic of a reproductive reductionist, women’s reproductive utility has no value if women remain barren (as growing numbers of them are). That question and that logic provokes, or at least should provoke scepticism regarding the saying, “men are human doings and women are human beings”. If reproductive utility is the basis of the value of human life, then women themselves only have value based on the quantity of children they produce and those that remain barren are of no value at all. This is not my belief, this is just the logical conclusion that one arrives at by employing the reasoning of female supremacists and reproductive reductionists.

Human males and human females must be treated as human beings if they are to contribute anything to society. Like women, men are not machines. Men have personalities, emotions, hopes and dreams. Men and boys have to be raised properly, invested in, supported, nurtured and loved, to express their potential and do so in a constructive way. Dr. Warren Farrell’s book3 on the boy crisis has some good direction that. If the humanity of men is given no consideration, then their psychological and physical condition will reflect that neglect and their contribution to society will be significantly reduced or eliminated entirely. That is the flaw in treating men like they are human doings.

In some cases with abuse and neglect, male biological potential will not be reduced or eliminated, but instead be directed toward highly destructive and violent ends. If you abuse men and boys and neglect their suffering, then do not be surprised if some of them start shooting people and engaging in violent crime. That is not a justification for their actions, they are still responsible for their actions. However society is also partially responsible for such tragedies through our collective indifference toward the well-being of men and boys.

At the very least if we neglect male well-being, we get failure to launch (which is really nowhere to land), men checking out of society and an epidemic of male suicide. We all know what eventually happens if you fail to look after the general maintenance of your car. If we do not look after the basic needs of men and their general well-being and instead exploit them, then like a car that is not properly looked after, men will break down psychologically and physically. The male suicide epidemic, the falling employment and educational attainment of men, the plummeting fertility rate, the dissolution of the family and the slow and gradual social and economic implosion of Western society, is all partly the result of or entirely because we treat men as disposable and have neglected their humanity.

Exploiting men has a use by date for society, which it will either need to abandon or unlearn through unprecedented death and suffering of its own making. Failing that, natural selection itself will remove gynocentrism and male disposability from humanity, as populations that harness male potential but remember to invest and support their men, surpass populations that do not and replace them. I am not supporting social darwinism, I am just stating reality. Treating men as disposable has consequences.

Civilised society requires us to base the value human life on something beyond its simple biological utility. I am not being hyperbolic when I equate female supremacists with Nazis, because they both make the same fundamental mistake of equating the value of human life with its utility and biological characteristics. The mentally and physically disabled were exterminated with the Jews, because they were deemed by the Nazis to be biologically defective. Claiming men are biologically less valuable than women and using that to justify bigotry, leads to the gynocentric double standards we see today, and eventually given enough time it will escalate to the same outcomes as what occurred in Nazi Germany.

Gynocentrism is indefensible and just based on a different flavour of the same general bigoted logic of every other form of group supremacy in history. Like I said earlier in this article, we have numerous examples in the 20th century alone of what eventually happens to such societies and how it culminates in their decline as other countries prosper and often ends in their collapse. When you put half your population down to benefit the other half of the population, they both sink together.

Humans Are Not Mice or Microbes

As I mentioned in part one of this article, every species has a strategy to maximise its own evolutionary success by strategically investing in activities related to not just reproduction, but survival, growth and parental care (etc.) to differing degrees over their lifespan. Life history theory explains this in detail4. The species whose life history strategies prioritise reproduction, have fast life history speeds. They exhibit little parental investment, reach sexual maturity quickly and have short lifespans and put minimal investment in their own development and growth. They tend toward reproducing once (semelparity) and produce large numbers of offspring. They have relatively high mortality rates among their young and for the population in general, compared to other species with slower life history speeds. Bacteria, and many insects and small mammals like mice and rats, prioritise reproduction.

Complex lifeforms like elephants and humans have life history strategies that show a more balanced investment in survival in addition to reproduction and have slower life history speeds. They have high parental investment, mature slowly, have long lifespans and show substantial investment in their own development and growth. They tend to reproduce multiple times (iteroparity) and produce fewer numbers of offspring. They have lower mortality rates among their young and for the population in general, relative to species with fast life history speeds.

Human beings have high levels of parental investment, long intensive developmental periods and slow rates of maturation. Humans have long life spans, are iteroparous and produce relatively few offspring. We are not a species that focuses on maximising reproduction. Humans perform very poorly relative to other species when comparing rates of reproduction. Humans have a life history strategy that invests considerably in activities other than reproduction, such as survival, parental investment and development and growth. Human communities and human individuals are driven to optimise their own life history strategy, not to just simply maximise their rate of reproduction. Simply focusing on reproduction alone or overemphasising reproduction in a species like humans, leads to evolutionary failure and not evolutionary success. We are not simple microbes, insects or mice that can just rely on breeding our way to the future.

Human beings are social animals that have developed a large brain and a sophisticated culture, precisely because we are so heavily invested in activities beyond reproduction. Many of these activities are focused on maximising our own survival in often unforgiving and harsh environments that demand a more sophisticated life history strategy than simply maximising reproduction. Just pumping out babies does not cut it for humans. That is why we have civilisation and have landed on the Moon. None of that happens if the priority is reproduction and maximising the quantity of offspring. Such a life history strategy does not allow for the developmental period or the somatic effort to be long enough and great enough for a large brain to develop and make such feats possible. If our lineage evolved on the basis of maximising reproduction, we would resemble small mammals with large litters of offspring. There is a reason why mice, insects and microbes are not building rockets to go to Mars. When a species is on the track to maximise reproduction, there is little time or energy for anything else other than reproduction, aside from doing the bare minimum to subsist.

I have experience in the molecular life sciences and a general understanding of evolutionary biology. Yes I am aware of Bateman’s principle, the Trivers-Willard hypothesis etc. None of these evolutionary concepts state women are biologically more valuable than men, or that reproduction alone is the sole determining factor of evolutionary success. That is a twisted inference of evolutionary theory to justify an agenda. It is not science, it is dogma masquerading as science.


What I have described in this article could be mostly arrived at by employing common sense (which is worryingly becoming not so common), that is how simple and basic this is. I find it telling that our culture is so gynocentric that many people are blind to such obvious realities. I find it concerning that even some scientists who should know better, will actually beat a drum claiming female superiority5 because it fashionable to do so in this man-hating culture and I can cite more than one example of this. This is no better than scientists who claimed male superiority in the past and female supremacists make the same error in basing the value of human life on its utility. They cherry pick data and omit facts that do not support their narrative and make unsubstantiated and oversimplified inferences from the data, as this article discusses6.

Make no mistake, there are people with a vested interest in framing human evolution along gynocentric lines to justify their own bigotry. It is simply a matter of time before feminism switches from ignoring sex differences, to acknowledging sex differences and then twisting the science to justify their own female supremacist agenda. The manosphere needs to identify this, be prepared for the switch in strategy from feminists and be ready to address it head on when it surfaces.

It is simply a matter of time before feminism switches from ignoring sex differences, to acknowledging sex differences.

What I have described in this two part article is just the beginning of debunking the underserved worship of the golden uterus. This is just the opening salvo, there is much more to come. In closing I have provided a link7 from evolutionary biologists Dr. Bret Weinstein and Dr. Heather Heying, on why it is neither “better” to be a man or a woman from an evolutionary perspective and why neither sex is more “valuable”. I will have more to say regarding this excellent video discussing Fishers principle8 and other important evolutionary factors at a later date. For now I encourage people to watch it and am glad to see that at least some of academia has not yet been polluted with female supremacist man-hatred.

Men and women are simply two reproductive components in one reproductive system which the genome fabricates to perpetuate itself. The propagation of a lineage has nothing to do with sexual superiority and everything to do with optimising the interdependent relationship between the sexes that best propagates the genome, given the prevailing environmental conditions. Arguing female superiority in the context of genome propagation is like arguing in the superiority of your reproductive system over your circulatory system. It is a meaningless false dichotomy. It is time for society to see the forest through the trees when it comes to men and women. We are all part of a system bigger than ourselves. Astronauts call this awareness the overview effect9. It is time for humanity to grow up and move beyond these reductionist perspectives of sexual, racial and group superiority and narrow concepts of value and instead look at the big picture.

I note Dr. Robert Sapolsky from Stanford University shares a similar perspective to my own on the dangers of employing reductionist “categorical thinking”, when examining human behavioural biology and I would encourage people to watch his first lecture10 discussing that very danger (in a brilliant highly recommended lecture series on human behaviour). As he discusses, plenty of monstrous activities have occurred on the basis of bad, bigotry driven science. Female supremacists in the sciences twisting the data to push their narrative, are not an exception.

Men and women might be different, but that does not mean society shouldn’t treat men and women with equal dignity (that does not mean equality of outcome). The equal value of human life of all people regardless of race or sex, must be considered sacrosanct for civilisation to remain civil and not descend into tribalism.


  1. Wikiquote: Robert H. Jackson
  2. The Fempocalypse!!
  3. The Boy Crisis: Why Our Boys Are Struggling and What We Can Do About It
  4. Life History Theory
  5. The Natural Superiority of Women
  6. Review of Melvin Konner, Women After All: Sex, Evolution, and the End of Male Supremacy
  7. Sex: An Evolutionary Perspective | Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying
  8. Fisher’s principle
  9. The Overview Effect
  10. Introduction to Human Behavioral Biology

Gynocentrism and the golden uterus (part one)

By Peter Ryan


The Pedestalisation Of Female Fertility:

The value of masculinity to society and to the species is rarely acknowledged in our modern gynocentric culture. Masculinity is frequently portrayed as toxic and destructive and in need of reform or removal. At the same time, we are told that women are pure and “create life”. Associating the creation of life as something that is exclusive to women and worshipping motherhood, is a gynocentric delusion. There is no recognition in this delusion, of the fact that female uteri remain barren and useless without male sperm. There is no recognition either of the importance of fatherhood in raising children into healthy, productive and well-adjusted adults, despite the plethora of research demonstrating this reality. Women do not create life, men and women create life. The fact that has to even be said, demonstrates how warped human thought can become from gynocentrism.

This culture has an embedded belief that women are superior and men are inferior. Everything wrong in the world is masculine and everything good in the world is feminine. Gynocentrism is based on a belief system in female superiority and so it becomes essential to debunk this belief system if gynocentrism is to be overcome. This article will be the first in one of a number of articles, that will focus on debunking the core foundational premise of female superiority. The foundation of this belief system in female superiority, is that the value of human life is primarily or exclusively based on its reproductive utility. Women have a uterus, women invest more in reproduction, women are the rate limiting factor of reproduction, so therefore women are biologically more valuable than men.

This is the core foundation of the belief structure in female superiority. Does this sound familiar? It should. Even in the manosphere this line of reasoning is promoted by some as an unquestioned truth and the moment you make any step to challenge this belief, you are labelled a denier of biology. In reality, the real deniers of biology are those that deliberately ignore areas of biology that do not fit their gynocentric narrative that the golden uterus is all that counts. These are the reproductive reductionists.

I knew even when I was writing my article “The Normalisation of Gynocentrism”1, and before it was even published, that there would be one specific area of that article that would trigger the reproductive reductionists and that was when I wrote about reductionism. They came out of the woodwork like clockwork as I predicted they would. I know their own arguments and the underlying biology better than they do, from my own experience in molecular genetics and general understanding of evolutionary biology and also most importantly because I have actually listened to what they have had to say for the last ten years. Their arguments have essentially become a form of unquestioned dogma and it is not just a problem I observed in the wider gynocentric culture, but also within the manosphere itself.

Their entire argument rests on an assumption that successful reproduction and evolutionary success are interchangeable. It is important to define terms to avoid confusion. Evolutionary success is the number of copies of the genome of a lineage left behind after a specific period of time has elapsed. If we take a set time period of two centuries for example, an unbroken cyclical chain of investment in survival, development, reproduction and parental investment must take place for copies of the genome of a lineage to be preserved after that passage of time.

Evolutionary success is far more complicated than just asserting that it all comes down to reproduction. Reproduction is merely one step in the cyclical and unbroken chain of events that must successfully take place to perpetuate the genome over time. Reproduction is certainly essential, but so are a multitude of other activities which must occur to ensure preservation of the genome of a lineage. Reproduction itself is often dependent on those activities successfully occurring as well. For example, an organism must survive to mate and reproduce, as it cannot find a mate and then reproduce when it is dead. This sounds obvious and yet some people will persist in maintaining reproduction is all that matters.

Before I debunk reproductive reductionism further, I want to discuss the groups of people I have noticed subscribe to reproductive reductionism. Reproductive reductionists come in three general flavours from my observation, some of which can overlap:

  1. Female supremacists who believe women are superior and that gynocentric double standards are justified on the basis they reflect the natural order (as they see it). Biology essentially becomes a way of rationalising their own bigotry and persuading others to accept gynocentrism as something normal and good for society. Female supremacists operate on a naturalistic fallacy that what is natural is proper, right and just, and what is natural ought to be good for society.
  1. Fatalists who subscribe to the view gynocentrism is an immutable aspect of biology based on women being the rate limiting factor of reproduction. They dogmatically refute any argument to the contrary, or that anything can be done to reduce gynocentrism. Fatalists like to live in a world that is certain and where they can excuse themselves and others from taking responsibility for their actions. They generally like to ridicule those that dare to challenge the status quo as being delusional and not realists.
  1. Ideologues who support a worldview of absolute biological determinism and that anyone who disagrees with them is deluded or irrational. These individuals often hold themselves out as authority figures on evolutionary psychology and biology, often with little or no formal education in the subject. They cultivate an image of intellectual superiority over others who do not support their worldview. They exhibit a naïve realism bias, that objective reality fits their worldview and so people that disagree with their worldview must be deluded, irrational or biased. There is generally a high level of narcissism, combativeness and a lack of humility exhibited by such individuals when challenged.

All three groups are generally impervious to reason, facts and evidence that runs contrary to their assertion that how many uteri you have in a community is primarily what counts to the continued existence of that community. Disagreement with this article does not automatically assign you to one of these groups. Wilfully ignoring facts, evidence and reason that does not support your worldview does.

All three groups make the error in reducing evolutionary success to reproductive success. There are individuals who do not want men to realise their own value, because if they did the powerbase that women rely on to control men would be challenged. As I mentioned in my article “The Gynocentric Mob And Female Superiority”2, the gynocentric social power of women is based on cultivating an image of female superiority. Women only have power in society to the degree that men value what they have to say and what they do. The moment men question female superiority and in particular the moral superiority of women, suddenly women can be held accountable for their own behaviour.

The overvaluing of the female reproductive role and the pedestalisation of the “golden uterus”, is central to female superiority because the female reproductive function is not only essential to the continuation of society, but distinctly female. Challenging the importance of the “golden uterus” in our gynocentric culture is tantamount to questioning the existence of God in fundamentalist communities. You get the same reaction questioning the “golden uterus”, as questioning the basis of a religion. Even some people in the manosphere refuse to question the overvaluing of the female reproductive function, often through omission and ignoring the subject. They will discuss its importance, but never critique its overvaluing in the culture.

Questioning the basis of the gynocentric religion that women are divine beings or more biologically valuable by virtue of having a uterus, is exactly what I am going to do in this series of articles. Functioning as an incubator for nine months does not make someone a mother any more than depositing sperm makes someone a father. Having a uterus does not make you a more valuable human being and like men, women’s value as human beings biologically and otherwise, is not solely dependent on their reproductive functions either.

Maintaining the social fixation on sex and reproduction is key to maintaining female social power that is beyond reproach. In other words, glorifying the female role in reproduction is central to maintaining a belief in female superiority in society and by extension maintaining gynocentrism. Despite what some people in the manosphere think, feminism does not argue that men and women are the same. Feminism argues that women are superior. If men are better at something, then feminists argue this must be due to socialisation and the oppressive patriarchy. If women are better at something, then feminists argue it must be an innate female advantage. If men excel in STEM relative to women, then it is because women are being discriminated against. If girls are excelling in school relative to boys, then it is because girls are smarter than boys. If you want a clear example that feminists do not regard men and women as identical, look at their response to transgenderism and allowing transgender women into female spaces. Feminism is about female supremacy, not gender equality.

What Reproductive Reductionists Miss

So why are reproductive reductionists wrong? I could literally write a book on why they are wrong and I will be going into further and further detail in future articles. However at some point people need to think for themselves and critically evaluate facts by themselves instead of relying on other people’s argumentation. Beliefs like female superiority flourish in societies where people have lost the ability to think and critically evaluate information by themselves. People in such societies essentially become sponges that absorb whatever sets of ideas they find most emotionally appealing and useful pawns to manipulate to further an agenda.

There are three main flaws in the thinking of reproductive reductionists: 1. An ignorance of basic life history theory and that evolutionary success is reliant on a number of activities other than reproduction. 2. A lack of recognition and understanding of biological systems and systems in general. 3. Falling victim to the naturalistic fallacy.

The Optimisation Problem Of Life

Evolutionary success requires a whole sequence of activities to occur in optimum proportion and reproduction is just one of them. Life history theory3 describes the strategic investment that organisms make in their own survival, development, growth, reproduction and in the parental care of offspring over their lifespan to optimise evolutionary success. Maximising evolutionary success in a given environment is an optimisation problem that requires the strategic investment of resources by an organism in numerous activities over their lifespan and reproduction is merely one of them. These often involve trade-offs between investing in activities with limited resources available. For example, a species can invest in maximising the quantity of offspring produced over the quality of offspring they produce, but both cannot be maximised at the same time.

Of course the common retort is that survival leads to nowhere without reproduction. Yes reproduction is essential, but it is not the only essential activity required to propagate the genome. These same reductionists seem completely unaware that reproduction does not happen without survival. An organism or a population has to survive long enough to reproduce and even that alone is not enough. An organism must reproduce an optimal number of times and then raise the offspring to sexual maturity, whom also have to then survive, mate and then raise their offspring. If this does not occur to a sufficient degree then any reproduction that does occur is insufficient to perpetuate the lineage and it dies out.

Simply pumping out babies is not sufficient to ensure the lineage is preserved. Offspring that do not survive to sexual maturity or do not reproduce, are evolutionary dead ends. Organisms that do not invest in their own survival do not reproduce at all, or do not live long enough to reproduce a number of offspring sufficient to guarantee continuation of their lineage (as some of their offspring will die or fail to produce offspring themselves). Parents who do not provide sufficient parental care to their offspring fail to become grandparents because their children either die before adulthood or are in an underdeveloped condition where they are either infertile, cannot carry a child to term, or are unable to attract a mate. Consequently their lineage terminates despite producing children and there is evolutionary failure.

The role that men play in contributing to the perpetuation of their lineage is not just simply based on their contribution to reproduction either. Men make an enormous contribution to the survival of their families and their wider community and that does impact the evolutionary success of their lineage and the community they reside in. The reality is that just as women contribute a disproportionate amount of investment in reproduction, men contribute a disproportionate amount of investment in the survival of their partner, progeny and their community. This investment in survival does contribute to the evolutionary success of the lineage, by allowing more offspring to survive, by enhancing the physical and mental health and development of offspring, by better equipping offspring materially and intellectually for adulthood and by allowing more reproduction to occur etc.

This contribution to survival has been partly what men have been sexually selected for. Men have been shaped by female mate choice to carry the part of the load of perpetuating the species that women cannot, whilst women are temporarily disabled or partly limited by pregnancy and preoccupied with caring for infants and toddlers. Males in our species even directly invest in the raising of their offspring as fathers because of the cost of childhood and juvenile development in our species, unlike males from some of our primate relatives.

The selective advantage of a larger brain and the extension of our developmental period to allow for that larger brain, had a ratchet effect on our evolution. It put long term selective pressures in place that drove mate choice and sexual selection to select for traits and re-task existing traits in men and in women, that enabled a complementary division of labour to emerge. This complementary division of labour and the paternal investment of fatherhood in offspring, played substantial roles in providing the necessary support for the longer and far more costly developmental period of offspring.

The underlying evolutionary processes and the sex differences behind what I have described in the last two paragraphs is discussed in evolutionary psychologist Dr. David Geary’s brilliant book, “Male, Female: The Evolution of Human Sex Differences, Second Edition”4. I am not suggesting that the traditional division of labour as we know it today is biological, I am saying it has biological underpinnings. These biological underpinnings are reflected in the sex differences in interests that feminists refuse to acknowledge5, because it does not suit their underlying agenda of female supremacy.

These sex differences in interests, traits and biological roles, do not make either sex superior to the other. Each sex is an interdependent component in a system that the genome encodes to perpetuate itself. That is the evolutionary context through which these differences emerged and that is the context through which we should be interpreting these differences. It has nothing to do with superiority or supremacy and everything to do with a dynamic adaptive system optimising the propagation of the genome that encoded it over time and across environments, by developing complementary components with complementary strengths and roles, that functionally serve a purpose greater than either component on their own.

Before modern technology and birth control, some gendered division of labour in one form or another was more or less an inevitability of historic and prehistoric populations. Oh and if female supremacists want to argue technology makes men obsolete, they might want to reflect on precisely which sex overwhelmingly develops, maintains and runs the technology first and then reflect on the reality that technology can replace all female functions and jobs, including gestation, and that the dignity of men and women is worth more than just their utility, but I digress. Men have had their space and role in the community and women had theirs. Even indigenous tribes of today have some segregation between the sexes and sites, customs and roles for men and sites, customs and roles for women. They might not have the same gendered traditions and social norms as in the West, but they have them nonetheless.

The fact technology and birth control which men have overwhelmingly been responsible for, has given each sex the personal freedom to expand beyond their past roles, does not negate the reality that biological sex differences remain. It does not negate the reality that there are going to be sex differences in interests and in the roles men and women undertake in society, when we consider males and females as a whole and look at the averages, regardless as to how much feminist social engineering is undertaken. It is not sexism, or entirely cultural, there are biological underpinnings to the differences in the roles males and females adopt in society. The mistake reproductive reductionists make, is ignoring the value of roles outside of the female reproductive function when it comes to their contribution to evolutionary success, or deliberately ignoring or downplaying innate male advantages that contribute to evolutionary success, usually by claiming they are the result of sexism rather than the result of a true male strength.

What I have just described is a very basic overview of biology that reproductive reductionists wilfully ignore or downplay, because it does not conform to their narrative in female superiority, or their narrow and fatalistic worldview. The real deniers of biology are the reproductive reductionists that cherry pick facts that suit their narrative and ignore the multitude of biological facts that don’t.


Biology is comprised of systems.  Your cells are compromised of numerous molecular and subcellular systems. Your body is compromised of numerous systems- the nervous system, the reproductive system, the circulatory system etc. Numerous species live in ecosystems. Reproductive reductionists are incapable of acknowledging the complexity and interdependent nature of human biology. They are incapable of recognising gene culture coevolution and that biology and culture feedback on each other in a continuous loop. They will recognise that biology restricts and shapes culture (which I agree it does), but will ignore the facts and the evidence6 that culture itself introduces novel environments, alters selection pressures on genes and shapes biology. They will recognise that culture is a function of biology, but fail to acknowledge the influence of the environment and that biology expresses itself differently across different environments and timescales.

The human reproductive system requires other body systems to function properly. If the circulatory system fails, or the nervous system fails and the body dies, the reproductive system will fail and die with it. This is an example illustrating the interdependent nature of biological systems that reductionists fail to appreciate. The same interdependence can be observed with ecosystems. Just like the reproductive system in the human body is dependent on the proper functioning of other bodily systems, so is the successful reproduction of a population dependent on numerous other activities aside from reproduction, that are related to the survival, nourishment and growth of that population. Systems thinking is the kryptonite of reductionist thinking, because it forces people to think outside of the categories and the walls they throw up around their own thinking.

A common example that is used by reproductive reductionists is the argument that a tribe decimated by some calamity with a handful of men remaining and the majority remaining being women, will fare better than a tribe with the sex ratios reversed. The argument being that one man can fertilise the uteri of dozens of women and that as there are more women, there are more uteri and thus more offspring can be produced to replace the population in the immediate aftermath. The implied assumption to this scenario, is that all of the women in a tribe (or most of them) will be making full use of their uterus and maximising their reproductive output in the immediate aftermath.

There is no consideration given though for the food, water, resources, protection from predators and shelter that the community and these offspring will require to survive and develop and who will provide those necessities and protect the community, whilst substantial numbers of or all the women in the community are pregnant and/or caring for young helpless infants and toddlers and consequently less able to contribute to these activities.

There is no consideration given to the environmental conditions the population faces and the stresses they impose and the impact a loss of men would have on the community surviving in those conditions. There is no consideration given to the loss of genetic diversity in losing most of the men in a tribe and the impact that increased inbreeding and the subsequent accumulation of deleterious mutations will have on the fitness and fertility of future offspring. There is no consideration given as to whether the environment has the carrying capacity or the community has the adults to provide the shelter, protection and resources, to support such an intensive reproductive effort in the immediate aftermath and all of the offspring and the women raising and giving birth to them.

There is no consideration given to the possibility that a population that produces fewer but healthier, better developed, better equipped and more fertile offspring, with higher parental and alloparental investment and a lower mortality rate, might actually be a more efficient and effective investment of resources in certain environments and have greater evolutionary success, than a population that produces large numbers of offspring with few men around to provide and protect for the community.

Yes there is a minimum number of uteri required to sustain a community, but there is also a minimum level of investment in survival required to sustain a community and a minimum number of males required to achieve that investment through provision and protection and also produce sufficient numbers of offspring with an adequate level of genetic diversity. The minimum thresholds of investment in reproduction, survival and genetic diversity required to sustain a community, will vary across environmental conditions and habitat carrying capacities and the minimum number of males and females required to achieve those thresholds will also vary. In some environmental conditions, more males may be required than females to meet those minimum thresholds. A harsh geoclimatic environment for example may have completely different requirements to a lush jungle with an abundant food supply.

Little thought is given as to how the relative value of the contribution of males and females to sustaining a community may shift, once a community is above the minimum numbers of males and females required to sustain itself and how the relative value of those contributions may vary as a result of population size, environmental conditions and carrying capacity. A population with uteri above the minimum number required to sustain itself, may actually suffer more from losing men than women in certain contexts (provided the number of women lost does not drop below the minimum threshold required to sustain the community).

Little consideration is given to this duality in sustaining a community by reproductive reductionists. I can go on further with a list of omissions reproductive reductionists make when they use this scenario of a decimated tribe, however it should be relatively obvious by now that things are not as simple as they make them out to be. The point that I am trying to make is that human communities are systems and like any system it has components that are interdependent. Reproduction itself is not just dependent on how many uteri you have. The value in producing offspring is only realised if those offspring survive and reproduce viable and fertile offspring themselves. A tribe can produce as many infants as it wants, but if they all die from starvation, predation or a harsh winter before reaching sexual maturity, the tribe is gone.

The male contribution to providing the food, water, resources, habitation and protection to sustain a community, whilst a number of women are temporarily disabled or limited from pregnancy and preoccupied with caring for young infants and children, has a value to the community. This is particularly the case in harsh, hazardous and resource scarce geoclimatic environments, with high levels of predation, brutal winters and summers, rugged terrain and a heavy reliance on physical labour to hunt food, find water, get resources, defend against predators and build shelter. Such environments require high levels of parental investment, which means someone must devote most of their time to directly caring for the young. They also require high levels of investment in survival and high degrees of physical exertion, risk taking, exposure to hazards and a heavy reliance on spatial ability, tool marking and hunting. Simply breeding in such environments is a recipe for death and evolutionary failure.

The ecology of human communities is extraordinarily complex and cannot simply just be reduced down to how many uteri you have. The somewhat amusing thing about this scenario that a tribe with the greatest number of uteri is automatically better off, is that you can put the comments of someone in the MGTOW or MRA community promoting this, right next to the comments of a female supremacist and you would not be able to tell the difference.  All radical feminists have to do is point to the same reductive arguments some MRA’s and MGTOWs are putting forward to justify the righteousness and inevitably of their own gynocentric double standards to marginalise men. How long do you think you will be going your own way, before female supremacists use your own reasoning to justify your own subjugation? Just something for certain individuals (but certainly not all) in the manosphere to think about.

Let me finish off part one of this article by pointing to the reality that pedestalising women and pandering to female narcissism reduces your fertility rate. Women are naturally hypergamous and marginalising men to elevate women reduces your fertility rate. This is something both Stardusk and Paul Elam and Peter Wright have both discussed in videos linked here7 and here8, for the “reproduction enthusiasts”. The reality is that even if we just focus on reproductive success alone, treating women as superior and giving them undeserved respect for simply having a uterus and marginalising men, undermines the reproductive success of a community.

The remaining failings of reproductive reductionists will be discussed in part 2 of this article.


  1. The Normalisation Of Gynocentrism
  2. The gynocentric mob and female superiority
  3. Life History Theory
  4. Male, Female: The Evolution of Human Sex Differences
  5. Direct evidence that feminists HATE facts
  6. CARTA: Culture-Gene Interactions: Peter Richerson-Culture-led Gene-culture Coevolution
  7. Chasing the Dragon
  8. The So Called Demographic Winter The Hypergamy Factor

The gynocentric mob and female superiority

By Peter Ryan

shutterstock paid mob march group protest lynching

Gynocentric Herd Mentality

What gives gynocentrism its social power is the power of the mob. The female mob and the army of white knights and simps at the ready to enforce the dictates of the female mob, is what holds society hostage to gynocentrism. Feminists, gynocentric female voters and their loyal male foot soldiers and white knights in politics, the legislature and policy etcetera, make sure that their gynocentric agenda rolls out and is enforced in society.  Are all women and all men herd animals that subscribe to groupthink and defer to women in every context, regardless of the circumstances? No, absolutely not. Substantial numbers of both sexes do not belong in that category and those numbers are growing every day as the grotesque face of gynocentrism becomes unmistakable in the culture.

But despite this, the reality is that a substantial fraction of the male and female population do exhibit gynocentric herd mentality. Gynocentric herd mentality as the name suggests, is the tendency in women and in men to abandon individual thought, critical thinking and moral principles and passionately form a mob around gynocentric motives, conform to gynocentric groupthink and enforce gynocentrism in society. Reason is generally not involved in driving such behaviour, which is often highly irrational, immoral, primitive and tribal in nature and driven by emotion.

Gynocentric herd mentality is not a conspiracy, it is an observable phenomenon. The female ingroup bias1 of the population and the women are wonderful effect2 are features of it and have been the subject of research by social scientists. The power of the gynocentric mob was evident in the female voting patterns during the 2018 US mid-terms3, in the aftermath of the manufactured Kavanaugh controversy. We have also seen numerous high-profile examples of gynocentric herd mentality. Here are some of them: The women’s march over the last 3 years because someone with a vagina did not become US President, the rapid transformation of the metoo# movement into a man bashing crusade and witch-hunt, the manufactured scandal and backlash by the feminist mob over the Brett Kavanaugh nomination, slogans being promoted like the “future is female” and “believe the woman” and the infamous 2012 feminist protest at Dr. Warren Farrell’s lecture on the boy crisis at the University of Toronto (one of many such disruptive protests by the feminist mob that have occurred at universities across the West). Gynocentric herd mentality is even more pronounced within politics, the media, academia and corporations etcetera than the general population and it is little wonder then why society has become so lopsided.

The Social Power Of Women

Human beings are social animals and there is a strong tendency in both sexes to obtain and maintain the social approval of peers. In our prehistory, social approval was an important factor in determining the survival and reproductive prospects of individuals, their offspring and families. Social ostracism reduced these prospects. This pattern has continued throughout history and right up until the present day. Women have a large amount of social influence in prescribing the social value of individuals and female approval and disapproval plays a large role in determining what is and is not socially permitted within a community. Maintaining female approval and avoiding disapproval from women, has been a key factor in men escaping social ostracism and therefore maintaining their position in society and by extension their survival prospects and reproductive prospects. A man that attracts the wrath of the sisterhood and gets ostracised, experiences social death and social death in primitive times often meant physical death. If he is a powerful man, he may not experience social death, but instead a loss in social rank and reputation damage which is often severe and long term. In today’s world social ostracism instigated by women, can drive men to suicide. There are men that have been falsely accused of rape, condemned by the sisterhood in their communities and lost their livelihood and standing in the community and taken their own lives. This is female power- Social power.

Much has been said about the power that men hold in society, but relatively little has been said about the power that women hold in society. Whilst male power in society is primarily physical, economical and institutional in nature, the nature of female power in society is primarily social, emotional and sexual. David Shackleton at the Canadian Association For Equality, has discussed4 these differences in power between the sexes in detail. Men express power through action and women express power through persuasion. Modern society readily identifies pathological expressions of male power in society and has measures in place to hold it to account. However modern society has forgotten the pathological expression of female power in society- manipulation. Society has relatively little measures in place to hold female power accountable, or women in general accountable for anything. The lack of accountability for women and girls is that low, women can rape teenage boys in some jurisdictions and receive child support for it5.

Women are considered in our society to be close to infallible. They can do no wrong. They are pure and innocent creatures and when they behave in a way that contradicts that image, people go rushing to find excuses for their behaviour. The reverse is seen for men, when men do wrong we hold them to account. Even when men are being abused, we hold men accountable for their behaviour. Any factors that may explain and even justify men’s behaviour is dismissed. When women do wrong, we look for reasons to excuse their behaviour so we don’t have to hold them accountable. When men do no wrong, we look for reasons to find them guilty. We have hypoagency for women and hyperagency for men.

There is an important factor at play that helps explain this lopsided dynamic. The social power of women is based upon maintaining a positive image of women. The capacity to persuade and manipulate other people, requires that people respect, trust and value what women have to say. Once women lose the respect, trust and concern of society, they cease to have most of their power. Conversely the social power of women is maximised and elevated above accountability, by cultivating and maintaining a societal attitude that women are innocent, pure, infallible beings relative to men and that women are superior to men. This is the women are wonderful effect. Without cultivating the societal belief that women are superior to men and particularly morally superior, women cannot stir up the gynocentric mob to do their bidding with zero accountability.

Given this reality, feminists and gynocentric women in the media, are predictably quite sensitive to any portrayal of women that puts them in a negative light relative to men. They are quick to silence or omit any example of women behaving badly, because it threatens to destabilise the societal belief that women are superior. Masking and hiding the darker side of women behind a carefully crafted mask of feminine vulnerability, innocence and victimhood, is key to maintaining the façade that women are morally superior to men and therefore that we should defer to women in every instance. Men also prop up this façade to win the social approval of women. This façade is the foundation of modern gynocentric female social power.

In our gynocentric culture men compete with other men like trained seals, to simp and white knight and win the social approval of the “divine” female collective in order to climb the social ladder. One of the central strategies that men employ to do that in this dysfunctional culture, is to appeal to the sense in gynocentric women that women are superior. Men even write books about female superiority. Here are two examples of this linked here6 and here7. People may also want to read this reviewdebunking this nonsense. Not only do men help feed the societal belief in female superiority, they also excuse women from their bad behaviour so they can remain in the good graces of women and avoid female disapproval.

It would be very interesting to put such men in a hypothetical situation in which women voiced strong disappointment and disapproval toward their bigoted beliefs in female superiority and then shamed and ostracised these men for it. The cognitive dissonance maybe sufficient to break such men free of their gynocentric stupor and stop them from throwing other men under the bus to earn female approval. Essentially both men and women reinforce this belief in female superiority in the culture and the result is that questioning and criticising what women say and do becomes a social taboo. Women rise above social accountability and even legal accountablility, because sufficient numbers of men and women are stupid enough to believe in female superiority, including academics who should know better (There are plenty of idiots with doctorates, despite what people think.). This is doubly so for the men and women in politics, the media and in our learning institutions, which have become echo chambers where ideologues can promote their bigoted beliefs and worldview with little scrutiny. Due to the existing societal belief in female superiority, when gynocentric herd mentality rears its ugly head in society, there are no checks and balances to stand in its way.

Who Is Really In Charge Of Society?

Gynocentric herd mentality wields a considerable degree of power in our institutions and in politics. We have this misguided belief in society that if more men are in positions of authority, that somehow means men are in charge and will act in men’s interests at the expense of women. In reality it is the complete opposite. I have said before that modern society more closely resembles a matriarchy by proxy, than an oppressive patriarchy and that in modern society women are privileged. Women are the power behind the throne and men just have the appearance of being charge. Of course such claims taken literally are monolithic and the reality is somewhere between the two extremes. Whilst I would not argue that society is presently an absolute matriarchy, society is certainly heading in that direction before it eventually collapses socially and economically from rampant gynocentrism.

Men in politics are to at least some degree the puppets of female voters and feminist lobby groups and organisations. Politicians of course are aware of the power of the female vote. They dance to the tune of female voters and feminists and throw men under the bus with indifference quite often. Even Donald Trump bows to the gynocentric female mob to at least some degree. This was apparent in his recent state of the union address9, where he celebrated female employment statistics and yet was silent on the multitude of issues facing men and boys in family court, education, health and from biased workplace policies and affirmative action. Whenever he discussed an issue impacting men, like the increase in manufacturing jobs, he was careful to describe it in gender neutral terms. Whilst Donald Trump and his cabinet have done some positive things for men in the United States, it has been relatively piecemeal. Throwing bread crumbs at men, is hardly going to be sufficient to overturn the entrenched gynocentrism in our institutions, businesses, legislature, education systems and governments in any substantive and meaningful way.

Just as with politics, a similar pattern is present in corporations. The feminist mob infects the HR departments and corporate service branches of businesses and then applies pressure throughout the workplace to implement biased workplace policies and affirmative action. Where feminists cannot do this from within the organisation, they mud-sling businesses from the outside from positions they hold in the media, in politics and in law. Feminists gang up in groups and target businesses and individual executives and managers, to get their way from within businesses and from outside businesses. We saw the power of the gynocentric mob with what happened to James Damore10. Don’t conform to the mob, lose your job. The media and academia also face the same pressure from the gynocentric mob from inside and outside and there have been many examples of this.

Why don’t these men that have all of this authority say no to the gynocentric mob? Aside from the fact that chivalry is still prevalent to some degree in our culture, especially among older men in authority, these men realise that retaining the social approval of women, is critical to them maintaining their positions and getting things done. If men in positions of authority are out of step with the gynocentric mob, then they run the real risk of attracting female disapproval and losing their positions and reputation. The unassailable power of female social approval, rests in the divine value that society places on what women think and have to say and that in turn rests on an image that women are superior and the moral arbiters of what is right and just. By going along with this dynamic, men in authority reinforce the validity of the positions of the gynocentric mob. When men in authority or corporations apologise for things they should not apologise for to escape the wrath of the mob, they are validating the position of the mob and strengthening its social power to bring nonconformists into line.

It is the male aversion to female disapproval, chivalry and the male competition to win female approval, that ensures that any man in authority defers to female interests above all else and often at the expense of men and the future of society. The Myth Of Male Power11 was aptly named. Our concept of male power and male oppression of women is a myth12. A myth developed by feminists and gynocentric women to help mask female power in modern society and ensure any social manipulation by women as a group flies under the radar without scrutiny. This myth ensures that when feminist women gang up on men in positions of authority and attempt to sack them or reprimand them for daring to transgress the dictates of the feminist mob, that feminist influence is overlooked.

The Gynocentric Mob And Freedom Of Speech

We can see the power of the female collective on full display in the domain of freedom of speech. The control that women have as a group with respect to the Overton window is extreme. Offend a woman or a offend a feminist and you risk being banned on social media, attacked and doxed, losing your job and even being charged and imprisoned. In Argentina a radio host has been forced to have feminists on his show to prevent imprisonment, after he was accused of misogyny. Don’t believe it? Here is the story13. That is the power of the feminist mob when they gang up on someone. Of course if you write articles in mainstream media publications titled, “Why Can’t We Hate Men?”14, or write books about men being obsolete15 and unnecessary16, or create and spread hashtags like “killallmen” or “Ibatheinmaletears”, that is to be celebrated and promoted in the mainstream media, in social media and in academia. That is how lopsided society has become.

If you dare criticise women or feminists, you risk imprisonment in some jurisdictions. But if you are an academic or in the mainstream media, you can write books about men being obsolete and men being inferior with no consequence. In fact you will be lionised by your peers as being progressive and even be invited to conferences and interviews to talk about your book. You will also be allowed to run televised debates supporting your arguments and with the outcome skewed in your favour.

Just like the mainstream media, the alternative media will bow and scrape to female approval and steer clear of triggering the wrath of the gynocentric mob. Here is a recent example of this shown in a YouTube video17 from a rising YouTube star called Isaac Butterfield. Isaac who has been highly critical of feminism, distances himself from being called a men’s rights activist in the video and then proceeds to mud-sling the men’s movement and erroneously claim that aside from family court, men pretty much have the same rights as women. I left a comment on his video as follows:

“The holier than thou mentality of these YouTubers that suddenly found men’s issues and antifeminism because it is becoming increasingly popular and now think they know what they are talking about and then turn around and lecture the group of people that have been working on these issues for decades, is getting tiresome.  The fact it is a dirty word to say you are a men’s rights activist, just demonstrates why a men’s rights movement is needed. Someone can identify as a feminist in this society, despite all of the far more numerous and deeply rooted examples of bigotry from that ideology and it will be celebrated in our institutions, schools, universities, businesses, media, legislature and politics. But don’t you men dare call yourselves men’s rights activists!

Family court is just one example of a long list of issues impacting men you clearly know nothing about. Men do not have a right to genital integrity, they have virtually no reproductive rights to speak of relative to women, they can be conscripted and drafted into war, they face legally sanctioned discrimination in employment and education thanks to affirmative action and they face relatively little effective legal protection against abuse by women even when they are children. Those are just a few examples (and there are many more) where men have far less rights. Next time research the topic you are discussing.

The fact that we cannot have an honest discussion about the issues impacting men and the fact that videos like this get produced, just goes to show you the extent that men are marginalised in society. Men are that marginalised in the culture they will self-censor and belittle other men that dare to attempt to identify with men’s rights activism. The ad hominem’s are all too predictable. The “playing it safe” strategy of armchair criticism of the culture and staying within the Overton window of socially permitted discourse, is precisely what allowed misandric feminist ideology to gain traction in the first place. It is not heroic, it is not smart and it certainly does not make you morally superior to a movement you claim to not identify as.”

I generally like Isaac’s work, but the reality is that until we can have an honest discussion about men’s issues in society and stop descending into ad hominem’s and strawmanning groups that are trying to discuss and address them, we are going to go nowhere. It does not make someone edgy or trendy to go along like a sheep attacking a group of people that dare to identify with the rights of half of the population, just because it is socially acceptable to do so. If you have solid grounds that a movement in question runs contrary to what they claim to stand for and it is a systemic deviation observable with both prominent leaders in that movement and from the movement as a whole (like feminism), then fair enough. But don’t go making the equivalence fallacy that the men’s rights movement is just the same as feminism. They are not even close to being alike.

People can do their own direct research to see the difference between feminism and the men’s movement like Cassie Jaye did18, without the mud-slinging from people like Isaac Butterfield. The gynocentric herd mentality of society, the avoidance of having an honest discussion of the issues impacting men and the avoidance of the elephant in the room- gynocentrism, has to end for the sake of society. If we want to change the dysfunctional status quo of society and avoid disaster, then we must risk offending people when we tell the truth and that includes feminists and women.

Gynocentrism And The Avoidance Of Difficult Decisions

The stranglehold that the gynocentric mob has over the Overton window is considerable and it is dangerous. One of the major factors that drives the degradation of civilisation is an avoidance in making difficult decisions. When men with influence decide to place the social approval of women above reason, evidence, morality, law and their own principles and responsibilities, the systems that society relies on to function will eventually decline and then fail. We have a society in which men with authority place the approval of women above their own responsibilities and the long-term interests of society. There is a reluctance from these men to confront reality and make the decisions that need to be made to save society from its own fempocalypse19.

Bettina Arndt recently has produced a video20 calling out Jordan Peterson and other men with influence, in shying away from confronting the accountability gap between men and women. Peterson is big on responsibility, except when it comes to holding women responsible for their actions. The selective application of principles based on sex, is one indicator of gynocentrism. I certainly don’t think that Jordan is alone in that regard. There are plenty of men like Jordan with far more influence, that look the other way when it comes to the shadow side of women and put their heads in the sand and their fingers in their ears.

Women like all human beings are neither good or bad, but a combination of the two and men are no different. This is the reality of human nature. Yet in our gynocentric culture, we promote a polarised view of men and women. Women are angels and men are devils. Men are responsible and women above reproach. Men are to serve and women are to be served. Men are human doings and women are human beings. These are some of the gynocentric elements of the attitudes that this culture promotes about men and women.

It is not just influential men that have a reluctance in acknowledging the shadow side of women. Society in general is reluctant to confront this reality. For many people their worldview and their identity rests on an assumption that women are perfect and divine. There are women that cannot apologise for anything, no matter how wrong they are. There are men that cannot say no to a woman, no matter how unreasonable their demands might be. For many people it is painful to consider the possibility that women may not be so “wonderful” or “all things nice”. For many men it is only when they go through the suffering in family court, get violently assaulted by a woman, or face discrimination in the workplace or in education from feminist policy, that they take off the gynocentric rose tinted glasses and begin to question the cultural narrative they have been told about men and women.

Jordan Peterson is no different. I certainly do not wish this on Jordan or anyone for that matter, but I wonder whether Jordan and men like him would think differently if they lost their career and their freedom from a false allegation and experienced what men like Mark Pearson experienced21. Do we have to get to a point where influential men in their hundreds are thrown in jail based on a woman’s word alone and feminist mob justice reigns supreme, before these men will confront their own gynocentric bias? Or will society need to collapse and then descend into another dark age because society simply can’t cope with the female half of the population being held equally accountable for their actions? These are questions that we should be confronting, because if we don’t, then we can expect modern civilisation to collapse into a primitive tribal society resembling the third world. Of course that is if we are lucky enough to avoid a nuclear winter occurring from the process of social and economic implosion. An implosion that runaway gynocentrism and other factors will help eventually bring about, given enough time without any correction.

No modern and developed society can last when men and women have equal rights, but only one sex is accountable to the other. No such society can last when prioritising the well-being of one sex above the other without any corresponding reciprocity, is called equality. No such society can last when attempts to correct these imbalances are met with censorship, hostility and violence. No such society can last that refuses to acknowledge the shadow side of women. No such society can last where gynocentric herd mentality runs roughshod over the rule of law and freedom of speech. Such a society has a finite lifespan. The general reluctance in the population to accept these realities, will eventually lead to a crisis and then society will implode and then fracture into hundred’s of pieces. All of this is predictable and all of it is avoidable, if society is prepared to confront gynocentrism.

There are decisions that need to be made right now, to get society off the dangerous trajectory it is on. These decisions are not going to be popular and they are not going to be easy. This “playing it safe strategy” and “tread carefully” approach, is not going to save anyone in the long run. Let us take a simple example of what I am talking about. It is a fact that women in general are hypergamous and that women prefer men that earn more money than they do. It is a reality that women choose to work less than men and choose to work in lower paying professions to pursue their interests over earning money. It is also a reality that in many cases men are the only net taxpayers and that male economic activity remains the primary driving force of GDP and also of female consumer spending. Despite these realities, feminists have pushed for an education system and hiring policies in the workplace, that prioritise women and girls at the expense of men and boys.

The same women that ask for female hiring quotas, affirmative action and a feminised education system that prioritises women and girls learning needs over men and boys, fully expect men to have proper well paying stable employment and to earn more money than them, which these women intend to spend while they work less than their male partner. We can see throughout the West the impact all of these contradictions are having on the fertility rate, economic activity, government spending versus government debt, on the marriage and divorce rate and how it drives the increase in fatherless households, with all of the associated consequences of fatherlessness. We can see it in articles like, “Where have all the good men gone?”.

Clearly something will have to give for society to replace itself and to maintain social and economic stability and yet no one in politics will confront these realities. It is political suicide to confront reality for fear of offending women, thanks to gynocentric herd mentality. It is political suicide to dare to suggest we should reform the education system, remove affirmative action policies and reform divorce and family courts. Feminism sees to it that any politician that puts forward such reforms, will be framed as a misogynist in the mainstream media and many female voters will buy that narrative hook, line and sinker.

This is what happens when a society puts women’s feelings above reason and responsibility. Political decision making on important and critical reforms that are essential to keeping civilisation afloat, becomes paralysed. The end result of failing to take appropriate steps over a long enough period of time is societal collapse. Society has to choose between short term pain in the present and risking hurt feelings, or experiencing far greater suffering in the future. We can only kick the can down the road for so long. Part of the reluctance that society has in confronting gynocentrism, is the fear of making women angry. The female ingroup bias is instrumental in driving this fear. The looming wrath of the gynocentric mob and feminist cliques in the workplace, in politics, in academia, in social groups and in wider society, is a coercive force in our society that must never be mentioned, for to even speak of it is forbidden. But it is there. Every man and woman is acutely aware of what I am talking about.

Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman Scorned

In our gynocentric society the looming threat of female anger and outrage is a powerful and guiding influence not just for men in positions of authority, but in relationships and in social settings within the community. Sayings like, “Happy wife, happy life” and “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”, are examples of the prevailing expectation of men to not displease women and to tread carefully. The reason these sayings exist, is because women are not held accountable for their aggression and that goes especially toward men22.

This fact was explicitly illustrated recently to millions of people in my country on an Australian TV show called Married At First Sight. We had a woman berating, belittling and abusing23 a man on multiple occasions on a major national television network at dinner time in front of children. This is despite numerous government funded ads24 on television in Australia, showing men berating women in exactly the same way as on the show and it being called domestic violence. Only when the man called her a “cunt” after copping a week of abuse, was there a reaction25 and that reaction was focused on chastising the man for his comments.

Women are not held accountable for their aggression in relationships or in wider society. So when angry feminist mobs form, which often happens on university campuses when someone comes to talk that does not fit the feminist Overton window of approved ideas and speech, the aggressive behaviour of the mob is predictably out of control. How many violent and disruptive feminist protests have we seen on university campuses across the West over the last 5 years alone? Too many for me to recollect. Feminists and gynocentric women are fully aware there are little or no consequences for their aggression. That is why someone like Madonna can talk about blowing up the White House26 in front of thousands of people at the women’s march in 2017, without experiencing any serious or significant consequences for her comments and actions.

The fury of the gynocentric female mob and their white knight enforcers, is most evident when a man is accused of sexual assault by a woman. If a woman points a finger at a man, a substantial number of women will side with the woman, believe everything they say and condemn the man without a shred of evidence being required. If a woman points a finger at a man, a substantial number of men will side with the woman, believe everything they say and be at the ready to beat the shit out of the man without a shred of evidence being required. Ordinary people stampede like mindless wildebeest over men and even children, when they hear the call of gynocentrism. The metoo# movement has grown to the size it has because of gynocentric herd mentality.

Think about how much male violence has its roots in female manipulation. How many fights between men have involved a woman spreading lies about a man and getting other men to attack him for her protection and for her honour, over the centuries and in the present day? How many fights between men have started from women cheating on their partner? Think of the Lady Macbeth’s of history and the amount of men that have died from their manipulation. It would be interesting to find out the male death toll from female manipulation.

The Darker Side Of Women

Much is said about men misusing their physical power to abuse and control women, but little is said about women misusing their social power to abuse and control men. The documented female ingroup bias in our society is also barely acknowledged, if at all. Esther Vilar has written about female manipulation of men in her book, “The Manipulated Man”27. Karen Straughan has discussed the tyranny of female hypoagency28 and Alison Tieman has discussed the use of threat narratives and victimhood by women, to bully other women29 and men30. Such behaviour is not new, it has been around for centuries. But feminists have worked very hard to ensure that any discussion of female power and the pathological expressions of that power, are not discussed or addressed in the modern age. Feigning female vulnerability has been a core tactic of feminists and gynocentric women, to hide female power in plain sight and keep it cloaked. As Dr. Warren Farrell has stated, “Men’s greatest weakness is their facade of strength, and women’s greatest strength is their facade of weakness.”

Esther Vilar herself, was the subject of numerous attacks by feminists and it is little wonder given the fact that the core strategies of feminism have relied on a number of the very things she discussed in her book. Exposing female manipulation to public scrutiny, is like exposing a vampire to sunlight. Manipulation only works when it remains invisible to the manipulated and feminists do their best to keep female manipulation of men at the relational and societal level invisible and out of the field of public perception.

One of the reasons why feminism has been so effective, is because it’s influence can escape scrutiny. Feminism did not march an army down the streets, seize control of government buildings and violently overthrow the government. Feminism has successfully implemented a bloodless coup of multiple countries through the infiltration of our institutions, the subversion and social manipulation of them from within and by instigating internal and external pressure through stirring up mobs of angry women and white knights. It is through manipulation rather than physical force, that feminism has succeeded in taking over our societies.

Whilst I have addressed a number of the failing’s men have which have contributed to the gynocentric mob mentality in society, it is of course the case that a number of failings in women have contributed to it as well. In our prehistory our environment was harsh and unforgiving. Whilst men could potentially survive on their own as individuals to some degree without the tribe, this was much less the case for women. With considerably less physical strength and overall fitness, individual women especially with young offspring, would have had far less survival prospects going it alone than men. Being part of a tribe and forming female coalitions to care for each other and nurture young, has considerable advantages for women and has been a part of prehistoric, historical and modern societies. It is not really surprising then, that women have a tendency to form an ingroup bias given this reality.

However that does not mean that women are incapable of thinking as individuals or disagreeing with group consensus. It is certainly possible and indeed what is required to dissolve the gynocentric mob. Individuality in women requires women to think for themselves and regard themselves as agents in society with the capacity to influence the world around them and value themselves as individuals ahead of valuing themselves as females. The feminist control of the mainstream media and academia, has been a key factor in ensuring sufficient numbers of women are indoctrinated with the feminist worldview and succumb to gynocentric herd mentality. Janice Fiamengo has talked about this and how universities have been turned into “institutions of higher indoctrination”31.

Feminism has done everything it can to make sure women perceive themselves as helpless, disempowered and victimised and to make women feel as fearful, angry, bitter and resentful as possible toward men. Alison Tieman has discussed how feminism uses threat narratives32 to develop and cultivate this mentality in women and in the population in general. All of this encourages women to seek refuge in numbers for safety, provision and well-being and to put female group identity above individuality.

Rising Above The Gynocentric Mob

Supporting women that encourage other women to see themselves as empowered individuals ahead of being female (A shout out to the Honey Badgers!), supporting women that fight against the feminist threat narratives of male oppression, rape culture and rampant male violence etc and supporting women that promote a message that men are women’s partners and not the enemy, is how we break the back of gynocentric tribalism. Once women awaken to what feminism has done to them and join men as partners, it is game over for feminism. I am looking forward to the day when women eat feminists alive for what they have done. It is coming. Hell hath no fury indeed! Women have been used as pawns to further an agenda for power hungry women and when the penny drops for women, the shitstorm that will envelope feminists will be of epic proportions.

Encouraging men and boys to stand up for their principles and to act authentically and speak honestly over female social approval and disapproval and not to self-censor, will also be equally important. Abandoning the tradition of chivalry and teaching men to stand their ground with women and hold women accountable for how they treat them, will be essential. Men going their own way33 is all about that. Men that value themselves and are prepared to draw a line in the sand and stand up for themselves and for other men when confronted with gynocentrism, is precisely what this society so desperately needs right now.

Having an honest conversation with boys about how to identify female abuse, which is often more psychological and social in nature and teaching boys how to protect themselves from it in childhood and adulthood, will also be important, given that our society pretends female abuse and bad women do not exist. Telling boys the honest truth that not all women and girls are sugar and spice and that like all human beings there are good and bad women, is the way forward.

Removing the feminist influence in our institutions, particularly in the universities and introducing new measures and strengthening existing measures in our political system, media, academia and legislature to safeguard against gynocentric herd mentality, will be essential as well. Freedom of speech and the rule of law is under siege by the gynocentric mob. Freedom of speech, due process, the presumption of innocence and legal impartiality, are under threat and they need to be strengthened now more than ever. The more territory society loses with respect to freedom of speech and the rule of law, the closer society gets to a totalitarian state, revolt and then eventual collapse.

The most important change that will have to occur though, is our attitude toward women and girls. Women and girls are not higher divine beings that are infallible. They are human beings and like all human beings they have a dark side and are capable of and commit all of the same vices men do. There are some immoral acts men commit more frequently, but there are also immoral acts that women commit more frequently. We often fail as a society to recognise female abuse, ostracism, rumour mongering and manipulation, because they are psychological and social in nature and not physical. Female bullying and psychological abuse, can often go on for years without being noticed and can drive men and women to suicide. With have seen with a number of high-profile rape cases and the number of young men suing their colleges from false allegations, that women can and do lie about sexual assault. Even in the physical realm, women are far more violent than society believes they are. The research on domestic violence bears that out. See this link34 for more information.

Society needs to abandon this attitude women are a superior class of human being. To suggest that women are capable of the greatest evils and horrendous violence is not hyperbole. Female Hanz Fritzl’s do exist and they abuse girls as well as boys, such as this example35. There were sadistic female SS guards that did horrible and cruel things to prisoners and got sexually aroused by it, such as this example36. Quite a sick bitch that example. There are many more examples of extreme cruelty and depravity by women I can cite, but you might need a bucket to throw up in. Like with domestic violence, the expression of evil in women is more common than people think it is and that includes female pedophilia37.

Acknowledging these realities does not mean women are inferior to men or more evil than men. That is just as wrong as suggesting women are superior and more virtuous. We are talking about the dark side of human nature, not female nature or male nature. We are kidding ourselves as a society, if we think that we can ignore the darker side of human nature when it expresses itself in women. This blind spot does not just impact men and boys, it impacts women and girls as well, who often get physically and sexually abused by such women.

Feminists and the gynocentric men and women in our society, would rather let women continue to murder, assault, rape and sexually torture and abuse children and adults, by shielding women from social and legal accountability, than acknowledge that women are capable of being just as evil as men. They would rather wilfully ignore the fact women can commit acts of evil as heinous and abhorrent as any man and do so far more frequently than society believes is the case.

No one wins from ignoring evil in women. In the end civilisation is based on checks and balances. If the female half of society are not held accountable, then the worst parts of human nature will increasingly express themselves in women and provide fertile ground for evil to flourish in women. Expect the worst in women to be expressed with increasing frequency and severity in the coming years, thanks to feminism and gynocentrism. In the words of Lord Acton, “Power corrupts; Absolute power corrupts absolutely”. If society continues to turn a blind eye to the darker side of women and persists in maintaining a belief that women are divine infallible beings, then it will pay the ultimate price- its own destruction. The imbalance will ensure nothing less. All society has to do to prevent that, is abandon the childish belief women are angels and recognise women as human beings, with all the flaws of human beings.

I am almost certain somebody that reads this will say, “but not all women”…..That is right, not all women are devils. Not all men are devils either. But just as not all men are angels, not all women are angels. Let me reframe the “not all women” line. Not all women should be respected, just as not all men should be respected, not all women should be trusted, just as not all men should be trusted, not all women are saints and not all men are serial rapists and murderers just waiting outside a woman’s apartment to assault them.

Both sexes are capable of terrible evil and amazing good. The belief in female superiority is the core factor behind the gynocentric herd mentality in society. If enough people were prepared to question and criticise women when they behaved improperly and not just blindly believe and respect all women simply because they are women, then half the gynocentric bullshit that is slowly destroying society from within would cease. The belief in female superiority and the associated attitudes about men and women have got to go, if society is to have a future.

We can either descend into a new dark age and let the gynocentric mob take over, or we can fight for the foundations of civilised society and travel to the stars above us. All that is required is for people to think for themselves instead of subscribing to groupthink, act as authentic individuals,  abandon the belief in female superiority, put their own principles and reasoning above social approval and particularly female approval and above all, stand their ground against gynocentrism.




Gynocentrism and the sin of being male


By Peter Ryan

The shaming of men and boys in our culture has been going on for a long, long time. So long in fact that there are now men and women in the population that never grew up in a time when masculinity was valued and men were viewed in a positive light. Being male in this culture is a sin. Being a white male doubly so. In my previous article, “Gynocentrism and Misandry”1, I elaborated further on how gynocentrism is associated with a belief in female superiority and that this belief system is based on the attitudes that society cultivates around masculinity and femininity.

Men and boys are devils and women and girls are angels. Men are violent, predatory, primitive and destructive. Women are peaceful, empathetic, civilised and life giving. These attitudes we have about men and women and the associations we make with masculinity and femininity, distort our perception of reality and our behaviour toward the sexes. At the macro level this impacts our culture, how we raise the next generation, how we run society and shape policy and laws and it also importantly impacts the future direction of society.

Our society sees the worst in men and the best in women and rarely the reverse. Only in circumstances where men are conforming to gynocentric norms of prioritising female well-being over male well-being, are they given a reprieve. But even that is temporary and is often labelled benevolent sexism2when it is convenient for feminist women to do so, to advance their agenda. Of course if men then attempt to treat women as true equals and abandon chivalry, then they often become the target of aggrieved entitled women3. Men can’t win, which is the entire point of the feminist agenda and why men need to recognise feminism for the hate movement4 that it is. This movement wishes to subjugate you and marginalise you because you are male. Kowtowing to feminists will just accelerate the process, it will not save you.

The gynocentric attitudes we hold about men and women in society, reinforce bigoted gynocentric double standards in our culture on a regular basis. These attitudes become not just a justification but also an incentive, for enshrining gynocentrism in our laws, policies, institutions and social norms. Challenging gynocentrism in our culture, can sometimes lead to people revealing their own bigoted attitudes about men and women. You may have heard the cry, “Because I am a woman” for example, if you have ever questioned these double standards.

These gynocentric attitudes about men and women go back centuries. We can see them reflected in old nursery rhymes from centuries ago that tell us, “boys are made of snips, snails and puppy dog tails and girls are made of sugar and spice and all things nice”5. The demonisation of masculinity and the deification of femininity in the culture, has been an ongoing and gradual process spanning centuries. Dr. Paul Nathanson and Katherine Young have examined the deification of women and the demonisation of men over history and in the modern era, in their book Sanctifying Misandry: Goddess Ideology and the Fall of Man6. Like a snowball going down a hill, this process has been gathering increasing momentum over time over the centuries and particularly the last five decades under feminism.

According to feminist ideology to be born male is to sin. In the eyes of feminists, men are collectively to blame for the actions of all men. Not just men that live in the present, but all men that have lived thoroughout history. We as men are guilty for the actions of men that lived hundreds and sometimes thousands of years ago. This is feminist tribalism and the perspective of the female mob and self-loathing men behind their hateful ideology. Men are also to my knowledge the only group that can be collectively blamed for the actions of one individual in Western society (here is just one example 7of this). In any other case society regards it as bigotry. That speaks volumes about the contempt society has for men.

Feminism have rewritten history and framed men as the oppressors of women. The feminist capture of the humanities departments at the universities has been instrumental in their campaign to vilify men and propagate this false and hateful narrative. The narrative feminists have spun is a powerful one. History is not something we can easily examine as we cannot directly observe it. The general public has to rely heavily on academics to learn about their history and when feminists control the humanities departments of universities, the truth is especially difficult to uncover.

The narrative of women being victimised at the hands of men, also plays on our base emotional drives and impulses to protect what we perceive as the more vulnerable sex (thanks in part to female neoteny and the parental brain). It becomes very easy for feminists to use this narrative to play on people’s emotions and bypass critical examination of their agenda by society. The feminist account of history is difficult to challenge unless you have a thorough knowledge of the primary sources of the historical record, since so much history syllabus has been corrupted by feminist ideology. Even with all the facts at their disposal, people still need to contend with appealing to reason when the feminist narrative puts people in an emotional frame of mind.

History informs so much of what we do in everyday society. Our political and legal systems and culture rely to a significant degree on history to inform decision making. We look at what worked and what did not and use that as a guide to shape policy and law. We debate issues and ideas based on our account of our own history. Cultural tradition is rooted in our understanding of our own shared history. Indeed an effective way to socially engineer society, is to corrupt it’s understanding of it’s own history. Feminism has virtual control of academic scholarship in the humanities and has been actively corrupting our understanding of history for decades, with little to no substantive resistance. We are told that men have oppressed women for thousands of years. Past society is described as a violent, tyrannical patriarchy where men were privileged and women were oppressed and treated as chattel. That is the feminist account of history, which they have subtly and gradually been embedding into scholarship within academia over the decades.

This does have profound implications for society, because like I said, our account of our own history influences how we run civilisation. History also shapes our attitudes about ourselves and about others. We can see this influence play out in diplomatic relations between countries, in the perpetual conflict in the Middle East and between governments, indigenous people and the general population. History does not just influence our decision making, it shapes our attitudes towards groups of people and also about ourselves. Even today Germany is still trying to overcome the legacy of the Nazi party and the death camps. So when feminism invaded the humanities and began rewriting history decades ago, it was quite predictable that this would eventually have profound implications on our attitudes toward men and women and it has.

We now have an education system in which boys and girls are taught as early as primary school, the feminist narrative of male patriarchal oppression and male violence. Here are two accounts of what boys have exposed to, linked here8and here9. Please read and listen to what they are telling us is going on and how it has impacted them and the boys that were around them. This process of indoctrination continues from primary school, through to high school and postgraduate study, all the way up to academic scholarship itself. The mainstream media, politics, our legal system and government policy, are also informed on this worldview of “thousands of years” of patriarchal tyranny. Feminists are not content with just telling people what to do, they want to burrow inside your brain like a parasite and they want access to young children to brainwash.

The feminist strategy of subverting our education system and embedding their ideology into scholarship and the syllabus, is essentially a systematic form of brainwashing of the general population. Feminism wants to shape people’s perception, because once they have control of the perception of society, they can then implement their agenda with the support of the population. If feminists can train society to perceive men as the violent oppressors of women for thousands of years, then it gives feminism the support to push forward an agenda in government, business and elsewhere, that prioritises female well-being above male well-being, with no reciprocity or regard for fairness. The feminist narrative of thousands of years of tyrannical patriarchy and male privilege and oppression of women, is the foundational justification and incentive used to pass laws, policy and initiatives. that treat women and girls as a higher class of human being and men as an underclass.

This is precisely the same pattern you see with any ideology that advocates bigotry. Bigotry requires a belief in ones own moral superiority over the group they perceive has wronged them. This sense of moral superiority and self-righteousness, requires bigots to find a justification and support for their own attitudes about the group they hate and why their actions are righteous. Millions of people have been exterminated based on this way of thinking. As Karen Straughan described in two videos (linked here10 and here11, some of her finest work in my opinion) debunking the feminist worldview and narrative of an oppressive patriarchy, you kind of have to hate men to twist facts and omit so much of history to paint men as the oppressors of women.

When we examine the gynocentric attitudes about men and women in society today, we are seeing the product of not just centuries of gynocentrism, but also the feminist revision of history. I discussed in “Gynocentrism and Misandry”, that the misandry we are witnessing in this society has gotten to this level because of the indifference of the general population. This is certainly correct, as the indifference of the population to male well-being ensures there is no resistance to feminist bigotry and misandry. However the driving force behind the escalation of misandry in our culture over the last fifty years, has been the feminist revision of history and the feminist cultivation of hatred toward men in the general population. Feminism has been creating a fire in the hearts and minds of the population, that men need to get what they deserve. The feminist version of equality, seeks retribution for supposed wrongs based on the skewed feminist account of history.

In the minds of feminists, men must pay for thousands of years of what they frame as male oppression. They use this rationalisation to stir hatred and bitterness in the population toward men and garner support from the public in pushing forward an agenda of female supremacy in the name of justice. It is not uncommon for instance to see simpletons in the general population argue the feminist initiatives to implement female hiring quotas are fair, because men have been in charge for hundreds of years and have supposedly “ruined” everything. Feminists never heard of two wrongs not making something right. It is an eye for an eye for feminists. Of course it is not really an eye for eye, because the feminist fiction that history is thousands of years of male oppression is a disgusting lie.

The slogan “the future is female”12, is often justified by some people on the basis that men have had their turn and now it is time for women to be “privileged” and have their time in the sun. The reliance on the historical narrative of male privilege and male oppression of women, is key to this simplistic childlike thinking. With it feminists can not just gain acceptance from the population in advocating for biased policies, programs, initiatives and laws that place women and girls above men and boys, they can actually engender support and encouragement from a sizable amount of gullible and stupid people within the population. Remember half the population has an IQ below 100. All you need to do to seize control of society, is to persuade the stupid, gullible, impressionable and ignorant to form a mob, accept your narrative and silence any dissent. Every totalitarian ideology based on hate, victimhood and tribalism, has employed this strategy and feminism is no exception.

These far left feminist mobs we now see every second week or so on TV did not come from thin air. The hatred of men and particularly white men, has been cultivated through a feminist revision of history that has been spread by feminist control of academia, the education system and the mainstream media. When you teach successive generations through schools and then universities, that men are the historical oppressors and women have been the oppressed, it impacts their attitudes toward men and women. Women walk around with a chip on their shoulder and men walk around with their shoulders slumped. It fosters resentment, anger and bitterness toward men and it fosters self-loathing and shame in men. As discussed, the feminist control of academia ensures that it becomes virtually impossible for any member of the general public that questions this narrative or even an academic, to get an accurate and unbiased account of their own history.

As time goes on and more and more generations have been indoctrinated with the feminist account of history and our society has gradually lost it’s memory of what it once was, soon all that will be recorded is the feminist account of history. There is no discussion by feminists on the millions of men that died in war to protect their female partners and family, or the millions of men that worked themselves to an early grave in the mines, in the bellies of ships and farmed the land from sunrise to sunset with their bare hands and backs etc so their families and women could eat. There is no consideration given to the reality that the majority of men were just as poor as the majority of women over history. There is no acknowledgement by feminists of the fact that many men did not own any land at all or any substantive amount of land and did not have the right to vote for the vast majority of human history. Many men worked at the mercy of the male and female aristocracy, with little influence over their own lives.

There is no accounting by feminists of the fact that it was only some men and women in society that had any substantive wealth, land or power. There is omission by feminists of the powerful and wealthy female upper classes, who enjoyed a life of relative privilege and had a quality of life far beyond the vast majority of men in the population and were free of any labour or drudgery. Feminists are silent on the reality that feminism itself mainly originated from privileged upper class white women. There is no thought given by feminists of the numerous social and legal responsibilities men had toward women, or the privileges and exemptions from certain societal obligations that women were exclusively given. Women were not conscripted in the millions and sent off to be cannon fodder, to cite just one example.

The feminist account of history is one of omission and distortion. The feminist subversion of history and the humanities, has been the feminist equivalent of book burning and has been going on unchallenged for decades. This had led to a cultivation of hatred toward men in modern society. It cannot be understated the impact that has on fueling gynocentrism. When feminists cultivate hatred toward men and they portray women as victims of male oppression throughout history and cultivate sympathy toward women, they provide a justification and an incentive for gynocentrism to flourish. The recent focus on toxic masculinity and feminist ideology in the Gillette Ad13 and the APA guidelines on men and boys14, comes from this very narrative of historical patriarchal oppression. We have seen an explosion in gynocentrism over the last fifty years, as a direct result of this widespread and unchallenged lie that men historically oppressed women.

As Dr. Warren Farrell has pointed out, the primary focus of civilisation up until very recently was one of survival. Men have not been the oppressors. The harsh and unforgiving environment has been the oppressive force on society. The environmental pressures faced by society, required both sexes to make sacrifices and for men that often meant their lives. Ironically it was these very sacrifices that allowed society to advance to a point where there was enough prosperity for feminism to rewrite the very history that enabled it to come into existence!

Men sacrificed and have died in the millions so feminists could write about how violent and oppressive they were. It is the ultimate insult and a disgrace to shame men for the sacrifices they have made for women and society throughout history. Men have not been more privileged, they have been held more responsible. They were given authority to sacrifice for others and men did. Dr. Warren Farrell has written in the Myth Of Male Power15, about the underlying reality that any civilisation that has survived has done so by training it’s men to be disposable for society and to sacrifice themselves for others and particularly for women and children. The Titanic is just one example of how old this tradition of male sacrifice is. How oppressive of men to save the lives of women and children at the expense of their own!

Whether it was protecting their society and women and children from a hostile invading force, or working themselves to death or injuring themselves doing hazardous and physically arduous labour, the history of men was one of sacrifice. I would invite people who think otherwise to watch this video by Tom Golden, that shows just one example16 of this sacrifice. I would invite everyone to watch that video and listen to just how fucking hard men had to sacrifice for society, before they start talking about men historically being the “privileged” sex. If it were up to me, I would invite feminists to work and re-enact what men did on that canal that Tom discussed for just one day. We could quash that fucking narrative of male patriarchal oppression of women and male privilege in one day!

As Tom Golden has discussed17, this cultivation of hatred toward men is based upon the same mechanism behind the cultivation of hatred toward black people in the early 20th century. If we are serious about addressing the pervasive misandry on display in our culture, then in addition to addressing the indifference we have toward male well-being and our bigoted attitudes about men and women, we will also need to reclaim our history back from feminists. Clearly if the nature of men was to oppress women, feminism would never have come into existence at all and it certainly would not have achieved the level of power it enjoys today.

Even in the modern era feminists will argue that men are privileged and oppressing women. They will point to the tiny fraction of men that are CEO’s relative to female CEO’s and then infer this represents the population as a whole and is caused by patriarchal oppression of women and no other factor. Feminists completely ignore the majority of the homeless which are male, the male unemployed and the men working in hazardous and low paying professions. They will discuss the gender pay gap repeatedly and then ignore the numerous variables that explain it (like more women choosing to work part-time, more men working night shift and in remote locations, or more women choosing to work in childcare over engineering) and rush right to the conclusion that the gender pay gap is all due to discrimination against women.

Stefan Molyneux has done a brilliant job examining the feminist claim that men today are privileged in this video18. This claim of male privilege in present day society, has always rested on the feminist narrative of history to garner validity and robustness. Present day accounts of male privilege require feminists to employ sophistry to make it appear that male privilege and patriarchal oppression have always been with us. That they are as real, solid and enduring as the air we breathe. It is much more difficult for feminists to persuade the public their bullshit ideological concepts are real, if they cannot demonstrate that they have existed for thousands of years.

It is time to call bullshit on the feminist revision of history. It is a one-sided and distorted account of history, that polarises people and cultivates hatred toward men. To destroy a society, destroy it’s culture by corrupting it’s own record of it’s own history. That is a central component of the feminist strategy to transform society into a female supremacist matriarchy. Please comment on those points below and share your thoughts on what is wrong with the feminist narrative on history and give examples if you like. The more the merrier!



Gynocentrism and misandry

pointing shutterstock paid
By Peter Ryan

In my previous article “Perversions of gynocentrism”1, I discussed the void of respect for men and boys. We live in a culture that does not respect the male half of the human race. To call this truth out is to attract the ire of feminists and be labelled a whinger and a misogynist that is just angry his supposed “privilege” has been taken away. The contempt that our gynocentric society has for men and boys is a forbidden topic to discuss.

This hostile reaction to discussing men’s issues and their well-being and labelling any men that discusses them a whinger, is not just seen from feminists. It is also expressed from a substantial number of men and women in society. It is an ugly reality of human nature that people do not like to confront their own bigotry and when they are confronted, it generally elicits a hostile response. The reality is that the misandry that feminism vomits out into society, is just a symptom of a much more deeply rooted problem in our culture.

Men and boys cannot read a newspaper, watch television, go online, listen to the radio, go to work, or to college or school, or even socialise with their peers, without being regularly bombarded with hateful and bigoted messages that there is something inherently toxic about them or wrong with them because they happen to be male. There is a feminist campaign of psychological warfare directed at men and boys. Tom Golden has compared it2 to the communist brainwashing of political dissidents in China and made a compelling argument feminists are using the same techniques.

In my article “Diagnosing Gynocentrism”3, I discussed how gynocentrism is associated with a belief in female superiority. This belief holds that women and girls are naturally and inherently superior to men and boys based on being female. This belief emerges from two attitudes. There is an underlying attitude that masculinity is inherently flawed and that masculinity is toxic, violent, predatory, destructive and primitive. There is also a corresponding attitude that femininity is flawless, pure, peaceful, empathetic, life-giving and civilised. Gynocentric slogans like “women civilise men”4 and feminist terms like “toxic masculinity”5, are just two expressions of this same belief system. Female superiority is a belief system that leads to the dehumanisation of men and boys and the deification of women and girls.

Within one week of me publishing “Perversions of Gynocentrism”, the American Psychological Association released their guidelines on dealing with men and boys, which pathologises traditional masculinity. Ex-Navy Seal Jocko Willink, has written a brilliant article debunking this nonsense6 and I highly recommend people take time to read it. Numerous psychologists such as Dr. Gad Saad7Dr. Shawn Smith8 and Dr. David Ley9 in Psychology Today, have strongly criticised these guidelines and the demonisation of masculinity and the feminist ideological bias within them. A few days later, Gillette releases their new ad10 on how men need to reform themselves and evolve past their primitive, violent and predatory ways (because apparently all men in general are now represented by the actions of a handful of predatory, backwards and violent men). These examples of demonising men and masculinity are nothing new. This has been going on for decades.

Where I live, we have government funded man-bashing ads on TV on a regular basis11, holding men in general collectively responsible for domestic violence. If one woman is murdered by a man, the media are quick to collectively hold all men12 as sharing responsibility for their death. There is of course no discussion of female violence toward men. This is despite the abundance of research available13 that shows it is hardly a tiny fraction of domestic violence, but actually a substantial portion of it.

There is of course no collective blame directed at women in society for the actions of individual women that commit child abuse and physically attack their male partners. There should not be either, because all women and all men are not responsible for the actions of individual men and individual women. Of course this is understood when we look at female violence toward men and children, but not in the case of male violence toward women and children. That is just one gynocentric double standard that helps keep reinforcing the bigoted attitudes we have about men and women, which in turn drives the belief in female superiority.

Man bashing ads are like grains of sand on the beach. Books14and research papers15 have even been written on how pervasive the negative portrayal of men and masculinity is in this culture. The institutionalisation of misandry is also widespread in our society. Misandry is present in our political system, our universities, our family courts, our legal system, our schools, our universities, our corporations, our mainstream media and our government departments. It is in our policy, in our laws, in our news, in our entertainment, in school and university syllabus and academic scholarship and it is increasingly invading our personal spaces and social interactions.

None of this is new. What is new is the level of outrage the Gillette ad has generated. 2019 will mark the ten year anniversary of A Voice For Men. Ten years ago the Gillette ad would barely have created a ripple. There would have been some criticism, but hardly to the level we are presently seeing. This change in societal attitudes is a new phenomenon and an emerging trend. People have finally had enough. People are starting to notice the impact of what disrespecting the male half of the human race has in their own lives and they are recognising the true face of feminism. We have a long, long way to go, before we unlearn centuries of gynocentric programming. We are however starting to see society question the cultural narrative that something is inherently flawed about masculinity and also feminist ideology.

I did leave a comment on the Gillette ad. I responded as follows:

“Is this ad the best a man can get? Imagine if this ad generalised all black people or all women by the actions of a few individuals. Would such bigotry even get past production and be released? So why is it suddenly ok to generalise the male half of the human race by the actions of a few men? This is wrong. It is not “some” men doing the right thing, it is actually most men. Inspiring men to do better, requires respecting men to begin with. Seeing the worst in men and using shame and guilt to inspire them to do better, just creates the understandable level of hostility we see toward this ad. Men are not toxic, this message and messages like it are toxic. Inspiring men to do better, requires portraying a positive image of masculinity to your audience and not deriding them. Such simple logic.”

Predictably feminists attempted to gaslight me. That is their predictable (all so predictable) response when they get challenged on their own double standards. There is nothing wrong with what they are doing, it must be me and the million or so other people like me that expressed a problem with the ad. Not in one instance in the replies under my comment, did feminists answer my question about whether this ad would have even got past production if it had of portrayed black people or women in this way.

Gillette would have us believe “some” men but not most men, are doing the right thing by others. It is implied through omission that the majority of men need to reform themselves. The ad clearly exploits a perceptual bias called anchoring16, to set the perceptual frame in the viewers minds right from the beginning, that men in general are to be found guilty for the actions and behaviour of a handful of predatory and violent men. Then it proceeds to lecture men from a morally self-righteous position, on what men should be doing to redeem themselves. I will ask the question again, would feminists approve of this ad if an ad like this was made about women? I think we all know the answer to that and their silence to that simple question is deafening.

Feminists were predictably quite quick to obfuscate an examination of their own double standards and bigotry, by accusing people of having a problem with men acting like decent human beings, or even going as far as insinuating that I was somehow one of those toxic men portrayed in the ad. This is the predictable game feminist ideologues play- They set the bait to elicit anger from men, there is an angry reaction from men and then they frame themselves as victims of male aggression. It is all in your head, there is something wrong with you etcetera, etcetera. Gaslighting is a preferred tactic by feminists. But the central question that I asked still remains unanswered. Would these same feminist ideologues be perfectly fine with a comparable video being made about women? Indeed people have noted that double standard and have produced such videos17.

Men and women do not have a problem with the message of men acting like decent human beings. They do have a problem with an ad framing men in general as violent, primitive, predators and that only “some” men are doing the right thing. They do have a problem with an ad that takes such a pompous and morally self-righteous position to judge and shame it’s male customer base and then dare to lecture them on how they should behave. The ad like most feminist inspired ads, is dripping with condescension toward men18.

Paul Elam did an excellent response to the ad linked here19. I also left a comment on that video as follows:

“When I wrote about there been a void of respect for men, I was not saying that as a minor footnote. We live in a society that is so gynocentric it pathologises the very type of men and masculine traits it depends on to exist. They say fish rots from the head and it certainly does. This ad is nothing new, just more of the same. The misandry in ads has been going on for decades.

Feminist ideology is the religion of the corporate kleptocracy we live in. The steady progression of this toxic ideology through our public institutions and businesses, is the product of decades of general apathy from the public toward the well-being of men and boys. Society gave feminism the green light to demonise and dehumanise men and boys and marginalise them in the name of equality decades ago. Business executives and politicians go along with it because society mostly does not care and has shown zero concern for decades. Is anyone going to protest outside their HQ? Is anyone going to make a formal complaint or take legal action over this ad? Is this really going to lead to any serious and long-term boycott of their products? Is there going to be any real tangible consequences for this business and any well organised movement to pushback against this misandry?

There were many ads, articles, books and shows like this before and most people said nothing. Only now is the rotten stench of feminism starting to bother people.

You reap what you sow. This will continue to worsen until people confront and correct their own gynocentric programming. Exactly how bad the stench of feminism needs to get before that occurs, depends on how much people are willing to suffer for their own gynocentric stupidity. The moral laziness of society toward gynocentrism is really to blame, not a business that just reflects the fashionable bigotry of the day. Look in the mirror people.”

One year ago there was another video that attracted similar levels of controversy. Does anyone care to guess what it was? It was the Jordan Peterson interview with Kathy Newman on Channel 420. So you were saying? So you were saying? So you were saying? Remember? Strawman, gaslight, strawman, gaslight. Precisely the same feminist tactics of painting men as villains and portraying themselves as victims, was on full display a year ago from that interview and in its aftermath. Just like now, there were millions of people that heavily criticised that interview. The cycle of misandry repeats itself over and over again each year and it will continue to escalate.

So my question to people is what are you going to do now? This is not a new problem. I can pretty much guarantee with certainty that the bigotry and contempt that our feminist controlled society has towards men, is going to keep continuing and keep escalating. You can expect more ads like this. What we are presently facing is not something that just grew overnight. The demonisation and the marginalisation of men and masculinity, has been going on for decades. It was the apathy and the indifference of the general population to what feminists were doing then, that allowed the pervasive misandry in our society to be normalised by feminists and grow to the point we are observing today.

I want people to really think about how deeply entrenched the hatred of men would have to be in our society, for the American Psychological Association to come up with their feminist inspired guidelines toward treating men and boys. I went through multiple examples in “Perversions of Gynocentrism”, on describing the world we now live in and how they illustrate a void of respect we have for men and boys. It is not hyperbolic for me to say that if I replaced men with Jews in some of the hateful content coming from our feminist media, academics and politicians, it would not look at all out of place in Nazi Germany. Could you imagine the outrage if the Washington Post article, “Why Can’t We Hate Men?”21 was written about Jews? Antisemitism is reprehensible and so is misandry. The fact you can write such hateful drivel about men in a major mainstream media publication, goes to show you just how depraved our society has become.

To get to this level of feminist depravity and hatred towards men in society, the general population had to be apathetic and indifferent enough to the well-being of men to permit it. That is the disgusting truth that no one wants to acknowledge. Even a substantial number of antifeminists will stop short of examining the reasons why feminists have been so successful in implementing their agenda, with next to no resistance from the population. All of these mothers and fathers with sons did nothing for generations, while feminism gradually infected and then spread through our institutions, companies, politics, media, legal system and public and private organisations. Despite the massive outcry over this one ad that goes for less than 2 minutes, the concern and outrage from the public over a multitude of far more serious examples of systemic and institutional misandry in society, is relatively little.

Men and boys are far behind girls at every level of education from kindergarten to postgraduate education. They have been struggling academically for decades in a feminist controlled education system that prioritises women and girls learning needs and avoids and silences any attempt to address this imbalance. Young men have seen their rights to due process eliminated on college campuses and their lives ruined from false allegations, thanks to biased feminist university policies and kangaroo tribunals. Husbands and fathers face severe bias in the family court and divorce process and many of them lose everything- wife, kids, house and sometimes their lives. Countless fathers are killing themselves on a regular basis from being alienated from their children. Men are now facing a social climate thanks to metoo# and changes to the legal system, where a woman can virtually point the finger at a man and based on an unproven accusation from more than 20 years ago and with no trial, the man can have his life destroyed. The list goes on and on.

Many of these problems have been around for decades and they are systemic in nature and have impacted millions of men and boys. The silence from our society to these issues has been deafening, because mostly no one cares. Like I said, the Gillette ad that went for less than 2 minutes, got more attention in one week than any of those men’s issues I just mentioned have gotten from society in twenty years!  If these things were happening to women, we would be up in arms and there would be a revolution. The indifference to the suffering and marginalisation of men and boys, is a readily observable feature of society. This is the gender empathy gap22.

It is a stark and surreal claim to talk about men being privileged in a society that bends over backwards on every occasion to cater to feminist demands to prioritise female well-being (even to the point of spending money on stopping “manspreading” on public transport), while at the same time shaming and ostracising men and boys and showing such indifference to their suffering. So whilst I am glad to see the reaction to the Gillette ad, that reaction is just a blip on the radar screen. In contrast the reaction from society in general toward the systemic misandry within it, has been one of silence, indifference and in some cases encouragement. If people want to see real change, then that will have to change.

Feminism has been able to spread through the public and private sectors of our society with ease, because our leaders have correctly perceived that they will receive greater consequences from feminists for not going ahead with the feminist agenda, than from the general public if they do. Politicians will gladly parrot feminist talking points on domestic violence for example, because they know the attacks they will get from feminists in the media and elsewhere if they do not, will be orders of magnitude more detrimental to their political careers, than the consequences they will receive from the general public by doing so. I noticed Stardusk has raised this very same point in relation to his response to the Gillette ad23 and also emphasised the importance of saying “no” to these feminist ideologues. It is the same situation in any big organisation that feminists infest.

Our society has been slowly rotting away from the inside year after year and decade after decade, from the slow and gradual feminist subversion of our institutions, academia, media, legal system, political system and corporations etc. The feminist capture of the universities has been essential to feminisms spread throughout society, ensuring that our future politicians, policy and law makers, business professionals, mental health professionals and educators, are thoroughly indoctrinated in feminist ideology and go on to work at senior levels where they can spread feminist ideology within the private and public organisations they work for.

In many ways modern society today resembles a termite infested house. The feminist infestation has gone by unimpeded for decades and now suddenly the damage is starting to appear on the surface. What people need to realise is the Gillette ad is just the tip of the iceberg of this problem. We now have a situation where the public and private sectors of our society, blatantly express the female supremacist values of feminist ideology and the general population is disgusted by what it sees. But what the general population is disgusted by, is really just a reflection of its own gynocentric double standards. All that was required for this to occur, was for people to remain indifferent to male-being for long enough to let feminism implement their agenda and entrench themselves in our institutions and corporations etc.

In “Perversions Of Gynocentrism” and “The Normalisation Of Gynocentrism”24, I explained at a social and cultural level how the spread of feminism and gynocentrism has been achieved. Gynocentrism is at the heart of the pervasive misandry we are observing today and feminism is merely a political manifestation of gynocentrism.  We are not going to overcome feminism by simply limiting our focus to criticising feminist ideology. We have to ask serious questions about why society has been so easily overtaken by feminism. We have to confront our own apathy toward male well-being. We have to confront our pedestalisation and deification of women and girls. We have to confront our own gynocentric programming and how that programming taps into basic sexual and emotional drives and short-circuits them. If we are not prepared to confront our own gynocentrism, then feminism will continue to degrade our society until it inevitably collapses from a fempocalypse25.

Only if society cares enough about male well-being to react in a manner that leads to serious consequences for our politicians, businesses and academics etc to lead them to change their ways and resist feminism, will we see any change. Until then it will remain business as usual and feminism will keep on escalating the misandry in our society. Feminism has had several decades to infest every branch of society and has a great deal of political and financial momentum behind it. Feminism will not be defeated by a single protest or a single boycott or a single march or a single legal battle. It is going to take a sustained effort on multiple fronts to remove the decades of feminist rot in our society. It is going to take a society prepared to rise above its own gynocentrism and its one-sided concern for only female well-being, to generate a strong enough response to defeat feminism. Half measures will not be enough. If people truly have had enough of misandry like the Gillette ad, then we have to go the whole way and question our own double standards that prioritise female well-being and ignore male-being.

The gynocentric seeds of our own destruction bore the fruit of feminism. Feminism is just an extension and a reflection of our own bigotry. We have an underlying belief in female superiority embedded in our culture which we do not want to look at, because we do not like the reflection that stares back at us. We have bigoted attitudes toward men and toward women engrained in our culture. The women are wonderful effect26 and the female in-group bias27, are real measurable phenomena in our society and are the subject of scientific enquiry. We need to unlearn those attitudes. Men are not collectively responsible for the actions of mass murderers and serial rapists. Women and girls are not all sugar and spice and men and boys are not all primitive violent Neanderthals. The notion of women and children first and the complete disregard for male well-being, is indefensible in a modern developed society where women enjoy the same rights as men.

The underlying belief in female superiority that has gradually been embedded in our gynocentric culture and the attitudes it is based upon, need to be confronted and eradicated. Masculinity is not toxic, these gynocentric elements of our culture are toxic.



Perversions of gynocentrism


Man kissing a woman's hand at a romantic dinner

Article by Peter Ryan


Chivalry And Feminism Go Hand In Hand

Gynocentrism perverts everything it comes into contact with and the first casualty is the standard of behaviour between men and women. Sydney Watson recently did a great video1 on men helping women and the ridiculous feminist concept of benevolent sexism. In this article I will be discussing her video and exploring the connection between chivalry and the success of feminism. I will also be discussing benevolent sexism further and what is missing for men in our gynocentric society, as part of my series on exploring the nature of gynocentrism. Chivalry has been around in Western culture for far longer than feminism and is one of the major contributing factors to the rise of feminism in society and its successful and rapid spread through our institutions, corporations, politics, academia, media, law and policy etc.

The chivalrous deference that men in power have shown toward women and their eagerness to prioritise female well-being, often at the expense of everything else, has been absolutely critical to the rise, spread and success of feminism in Western culture. The willingness of men and boys as a group to not just tolerate, but actively support feminist measures that prioritise female well-being over their own well-being, without any reciprocity, is a product of the gynocentric tradition of chivalry that has been ingrained in our culture for centuries and passed down from generation to generation. Without men in power and men as a group deferring to the demands of feminists and women as a group and feminists deliberately exploiting the gynocentric tradition of chivalry, feminism would have never been able to gain traction.

Chivalry2 is what gynocentric traditionalists (not all traditionalists are gynocentric) do not want men and boys to unlearn. What they fail to understand, or perhaps do not want to understand, is that it is chivalry that allowed feminism to emerge, grow and quickly spread throughout society like a virus and gain a stranglehold in our institutions etc. Feminism was a power grab by a substantial fraction of the female population, to enshrine gynocentric double standards into law, policy, media, academia, businesses and our institutions and normalise those double standards in the culture.

Chivalry was what gave feminism the opportunity to successfully execute a bloodless coup of our societies. Chivalry was the accelerant that facilitated the rapid spread of the feminist firestorm through every branch of society, without any resistance from the men supposedly in power. We could eliminate feminism tomorrow, but as long as chivalry remains in our culture, it will simply re-emerge a few decades later under a different name. I would actually go further and argue that as long as chivalry remains in our culture, feminism will never be defeated.

As long as men defer to women and men in power and in men general are prepared to prioritise female well-being over male well-being, without any reciprocity for men and boys, feminism will keep succeeding on every front with their agenda until society collapses. Calls by gynocentric traditionalists for men to be more chivalrous, are nothing less than calls for more gasoline to be thrown into a burning building. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, is called insanity. It is gynocentric insanity to be promoting chivalry in the modern feminist society we live in.

Feminists are of course all too happy to keep exploiting chivalry to their advantage and like gynocentric traditionalists, they also encourage and promote chivalry when it suits them. HeForShe and White Ribbon for example, are nothing less than an attempt by feminists to blatantly exploit chivalry for their own benefit. We could go through example, after example, after example, of this same strategy being employed by feminists- Set a victim narrative or damsel in distress narrative where women and girls are in need of male assistance, instill guilt and shame in men and then engender a sense of duty in men to save the day, be the white knight and redeem themselves (of course even when men do what feminists say, they are never forgiven for their sin of being male), then ostracise any man or woman that questions your narrative and label them a misogynist. Wash, rinse, repeat. It is the same feminist strategy every time and on every occasion our male politicians fall for it and so does most of the rest of society. Exploiting chivalry from men and boys, has always been a core element of feminism’s success. It is the fuel that keeps the feminist fire burning.

The prime distinction between gynocentric traditionalists and feminists, is they exploit chivalry to fit an agenda that is different. Both exploit chivalry, just for different ends. Both are different sides of the same gynocentric coin and are in conflict over the male resources they want to exploit. It is a gynocentric tug of war between two gynocentric factions of society that want to exploit men for different goals. Neither group has an ounce of concern for male well-being, except to the extent it serves female interests.

So why is it exactly that feminism has been able to rely so heavily on chivalry to gain traction in society? Chivalry in its modern form is one-sided. There is no reciprocal set of responsibilities and duties expected from women and girls, in relation to how they treat men and boys. It is all one-way traffic, which makes chivalry the perfect fuel to drive a one-sided and bigoted agenda of female supremacy under the banner of feminism. Whilst chivalry has diminished somewhat in the culture over the last several decades, it still remains socially enforced to a substantial degree in modern society. Indeed a number of women in the media3 have been doing their very best to promote chivalry.

This is about women wanting to have their cake and eat it too. They want the rights and opportunities of men, but not the responsibilities, obligations and sacrifices expected of men and they want to keep the traditional privileges women have enjoyed for centuries. They want to be treated as equals when it suits them, but they want special treatment like they are aristocracy when equality does not suit them. This is female entitlement mentality. The same women arguing men should act like gentlemen from the 19th century, bristle at the very mention of women acting like ladies from the 19th century. That right there is the problem- Lack of reciprocity. The one-sided gynocentric face of chivalry in the modern era.

To Defeat Feminism Chivalry Has Got To Go

Chivalry in its modern form is gynocentric bigotry. It is a one-sided code of socially enforced behaviour for men and boys to treat women and girls as a group with a special level of care and respect, simply because they are a female, with no equivalent efforts expected to be made by women and girls toward men and boys in return. Men and boys are expected to act like gentlemen and women and girls can act in any manner they please toward men and boys. Like other forms of bigotry, chivalry has no place in a society that claims it is against discrimination and for equality.

If we are ever going to defeat feminism, then chivalry will need to go. Men in power have to start saying “no” to the demands of feminists and putting their principles ahead of the approval of feminists, female voters and female media commentators. Men in general are going to have to learn to set boundaries with women and stand their ground and not cater to the demand’s women make that conflict with their values. Men in general need to learn to say “no”4 to unreasonable demands by women and feminists. This might sound simple and yet for many men they cannot bring themselves to say that simple word when it really matters. What would we call a relationship when you cannot say no to a group or individual? Slavery and dictatorships come to mind.

Society is not a patriarchy, that is feminist projection (so much of feminist ideology in general is projection). Modern Western society more accurately resembles a matriarchy by proxy, with feminists ruling from behind the throne and the men in power acting as feminist servants. These men in positions of authority, regularly and eagerly implement the feminist female supremacist agenda on feminists behalf, without a whimper of resistance and throw men and boys under the bus for approval from feminists and female voters.

All that is required for this to stop, is for men (and particularly men in positions of authority) to stop kowtowing to women, find their balls and say the word “no” to the next unreasonable demand made by a screeching feminist harpy. Men place far too much value in concerning themselves about winning and maintaining the social approval of women and far too little value in striving to be the best version of their authentic themselves and winning the approval of others on authentic grounds that are true to themselves. That is the distinction between a man with integrity and a man on a leash that follows the social whims of women and feminists. That needs to change and if we want to begin that change, then we need to stop teaching young boys a one-sided chivalrous code of behaviour. We need to stop teaching boys that deferring to women and prioritising female well-being at the expense of male well-being, without any reciprocity, makes them a “man”.

Of course men are not the only group that need to change if we want an end to chivalry and to defeat feminism. There will also have to be a big shift in the attitude of women as a group toward men. We live in a culture that fosters female entitlement mentality5, as Miranda Devine termed it. Women to a significant degree are raised from childhood to expect chivalry and a one-sided set of obligations men have toward women. There is no reciprocal set of obligations given to girls on how to treat men and boys. Boys and girls learn from a young age that boys do not hit girls, but rarely if ever are girls told not to hit boys. This is despite boys and girls reporting similar levels of intimate partner violence when they date6. That is just one example of many that I can give of the lopsided gynocentric messages children get as they develop into adults.

Paul Elam has recently done a video7 examining the link between how we raise girls in modern society and how that then fuels the culture of female entitlement that leads to feminism. Children are not stupid. If girls are taught and see the adults around them expecting men to treat women specially simply because they are women and the reverse is not expected for women on how they treat men, then of course it will foster a sense of female entitlement and female superiority they will carry through to adulthood.

Both men and women are involved in perpetuating the cycle of gynocentrism from one generation to the next and teaching girls this sense of entitlement. The result of this cycle is an epidemic of female narcissism. Dr. Tara Palmatier spoke about this social trend of female narcissism8 in her talk at the first international men’s conference in Detroit in 2014. Peter Wright has recently discussed9 how gynocentrism in women is a form of situational narcissism in women’s relations with men and compares the characteristics of gynocentrism in women with narcissistic personality disorder.

Female entitlement mentality is indeed a pathology and it is narcissistic, but in this feminist culture we glorify it as a sign of female empowerment. That will also need to change if we want to see an end to chivalry and by extension, an end to feminism. Female entitlement mentality is not something to be proud of or something we should be normalising in the culture as a sign of female empowerment. All it does in the long term is foster resentment and bitterness between the sexes and drives them further apart, which in turn hastens the social breakdown and collapse of society. Neither sex benefits from female entitlement mentality in the long term.

Sex Differences And Limitations

In Sydney’s video she discusses the reality that males and females are different and each sex has their own unique set of limitations and vulnerabilities and that there is nothing necessarily wrong about men helping women in that context. I would absolutely agree. The sexes have co-evolved over millions of years of natural and sexual selection, to develop unique and complementary sets of traits to perpetuate the lineage. This has been a feature of not just human evolution, but also the evolution of our ancestors. It is certainly correct to state that men helping women based on real limitations, is not immoral and it is not gynocentrism. Where it becomes gynocentric bigotry, is when men help women based solely or partly on the fact they are female and not because of some real limitation and where no reciprocal efforts are expected or made by women in return.

There is a distinction between being kind, compassionate, respectful and generous toward your fellow human being and applying such principles selectively based on the sex of the individual. This is why I developed a diagnostic definition10 of gynocentrism to delineate between being authentically generous and compassionate and gynocentric bigotry. If you are a man that sees a woman that clearly needs help with her shopping bags and you want to assist them, so be it. Good on you! However, if you are the sort of man that sees a man clearly needing help moving a fridge onto a truck and won’t help them simply because he is not female, don’t ask me to respect that. Imagine for a moment if this double standard was reversed or based on racial grounds. What would we call it? Make no mistake chivalry in the modern era is bigotry, gynocentric bigotry to be exact.

Feigning Female Vulnerability

Dr. Warren Farrell in the Myth of Male Power11 wrote that, “Men’s greatest weakness is their facade of strength, and women’s greatest strength is their facade of weakness.” In our gynocentric culture it is often the case that female vulnerability and limitations are exaggerated and in some instances just made up, as a means to garner special treatment for women and girls. As mentioned, the feminist victim narrative is critical to their standard strategy of getting their agenda implemented. In sharp contrast, it is often the case in our gynocentric culture that male vulnerability and limitations are dismissed. So whilst I agree with Sydney that real limitations between men and women exist and that men helping women where these limitations is exist is not automatically a bad thing, we need to look at those limitations in an honest way and without the gynocentric glasses on. We should seriously look at male vulnerabilities and limitations as well and not just glaze over them.

We also need to take an honest look at how we react to those limitations of women and men and make sure we react in fair and balanced manner. For example, if we are going to lower physical entry standards for the military, then we should be basing that decision on solid evidence that it will make our military more lethal by allowing higher quality recruits to be retained. Furthermore, we should be applying those standards across every recruit and not just female recruits. If the reasoning for lowering entry standards is to increase the number of women serving in the military to appease feminists and win female votes at the expense of national security and such standards will be selectively applied to female recruits only, then we are not reacting honestly or fairly to the physical limitations of women.

Benevolent Sexism Doublethink

I discussed benevolent sexism in my earlier article on diagnosing gynocentrism and how we need to look at the intent that is driving the behaviour before we make claims men helping women is sexist against women or conversely that it is gynocentric. Indeed that was precisely the same point Sydney raised in her video discussing benevolent sexism. Using feminist logic, it can be successfully argued that numerous feminist initiatives where men are helping women, like White Ribbon, HeForShe and others, actually hurt women and are examples of benevolent sexism. It could even be argued that feminism itself is benevolent sexism. Such claims are clearly false obviously.

To claim men helping women is sexism against women, implies that the intent driving that behaviour is malicious and that such acts are done with the intent to harm women rather than help them. If that was indeed the case, then we would expect the attitude that such men express toward women would be negative and that their stated reasons behind their actions would betray a similar negative view of women and a clear intent to do them harm. Yet we do not see this, we see the opposite. Instead we often see such men talking about women (undeservingly I might add), as if they are some superior or special class of human being. We often see such men arguing women are kinder, gentler, morally superior or should rule the world etc. The goals or reasoning behind the actions of such men is often explicitly and emphatically stated to be to benefit women and not to harm them. Only someone that has a deep-seated mistrust and hatred of men, would assign negative motives in such a context and in light of these facts.

Benevolent sexism contradicts itself and is gynocentric doublethink. If it is sexism, then by definition it is not benevolent. Such terms exist because feminism cannot tolerate men being viewed in a positive light by society, if men are to accept their own exploitation. If men are doing things to benefit women, then that clearly runs against the feminist narrative of male oppression of women and against the feminist propaganda to instill perpetual guilt in men and boys. It is hard to demonise men and boys in the eyes of society, when they are trying to help the people they are accused by feminists of oppressing!

What Is Missing For Men

Sydney points out in her video that men are in a no-win scenario, where any action they take will lead to shaming and ostracism by feminists. I addressed this in my article on normalising gynocentrism12, where I discussed learned helplessness in men. Feminism seeks to dehumanise men and encourage men to give up on themselves, so that gynocentric bigotry can be normalised in the culture and men will accept it. This is precisely why pleasing feminists and women in general, should not be the core priority of any man. You cannot win by kowtowing to feminists or women, you just make things worse for yourself and also worse for society by pandering to female entitlement. Living life in your own way, in an authentic manner, according to your own principles and forming your own identity and setting your own direction in life, is the only path left for men to take and that is a good thing. What I have just described is men going their own way (MGTOW)13. MGTOW is a good thing, because perhaps now men will finally start taking care of themselves, standing up for themselves in their relations with women and demanding fair treatment from society and from women and not just rolling over and allowing their own exploitation.

Sydney is correct that men need a purpose or something to do and I would argue this is also true for women. People need a direction in life to give it meaning. For much of human history men have been assigned their purpose by society, just as women have been. Only recently has society become technologically advanced enough and by extension prosperous and safe enough, for the sexes to have the opportunity to assign their own purpose based on individual interests (As Dr. Warren Farrell has pointed out, men were not the oppressor, the harsh environmental pressures on human survival for most of human history and prehistory was the oppressor). Everyone needs a direction in life and that is important for men in particular, because men get their primary sense of fulfillment from taking action, undertaking challenges and accomplishing things. Men need an outlet to actively express their natural masculine talents.

However men must be given the right as women have been given, to assign their own purpose and not be lectured to on what a “real man” is by women or by other men. Yes men have an innate tendency to protect and provide, but that does not translate to men having an innate tendency to be a disposable workhorse for women and society (I am not implying that is what Sydney meant, but often in this gynocentric culture those innate drives in men can be deliberately twisted to mean that).

It is not that men need to be needed either, it is deeper than that. This is about respect. Men need to be respected for what they do for themselves, for others and for society as a whole. That includes men being respected for what they do for women and reciprocal compassion, help, respect and generosity being shown toward men by the supposedly fairer female sex. The feminist message that men have been receiving for the last 50 years and in particular the last 20 years, is that there is nothing men do that is respectable and nothing that women should do for men in return for what men do for women. Masculinity is framed as toxic and as a disorder.

We live in a world where panels of women can have televised debates about whether or not the male half of the human race is obsolete and get support from the mostly female audience for the absurd claim men are obsolete. You can listen to Karen Straughan’s critique on that disgusting bigotry here14. Women can even write books, articles and be interviewed about such bigoted opinions and have such ideas promoted and celebrated by the mainstream media. Women can write hateful articles titled, “Why Can’t We Hate Men?”15 and get it published in mainstream newspapers. Boys are now being told by society that the future is female16 and are being indoctrinated to feel inferior because they are male. The list is endless. Imagine for a moment if this was happening to women and girls. Men and boys are not suffering from a purpose void. This is a void of respect. This society has no respect for men and boys. Masculinity is continuously attacked and men and boys are constantly demonised and disrespected, despite all the amazing things they do for women and society on a daily basis.

Men and boys are internalising the message that they are not worthy of respect and nothing they do or contribute is worthy of respect. The large drops we are seeing in boy’s academic achievement and motivation in education, the claim young men are failing to launch (which is really nowhere to land) and the male suicide epidemic etc, are all symptoms of the widespread reality men and boys are being starved of respect. Men going their own way is simply that and nothing more (despite what some disingenuous people claim, it has nothing to do with hating women). MGTOW are men taking a stand to value and respect themselves, in the face of a society that encourages them to hate themselves.

MGTOW is about going your own way in life, by having the self-respect to live life according to your own principles and identity and with no regard to what this hate filled society has to say about it. Men have the right to set their own direction and find their own purpose in life, pursue their own happiness and decide for themselves how to live their own lives. Men are going their own way in increasing numbers and it is about time! If gynocentric traditonalists, feminists or men or women want to complain about MGTOW choosing to avoid marriage and to a lesser extent relationships, then they might want to look at what they can do to make marriage and relationships less toxic and healthier for men.

Marriage is no longer marriage, it is a slave contract for men. That is what feminism has done to marriage. If you think I am being hyperbolic I am not. Just ask the tens of thousands of men in US prisons that cannot make alimony and child support payments to their ex-wives, because the alimony or child support that is set by the courts exceeds their actual income. Just ask the tens of thousands of fathers that kill themselves after being alienated from their children and losing everything from divorce. Here are just two disgusting examples linked here17 and here18, illustrating how perverted marriage has become. There are so many other stories that can be shared and I would encourage men to leave their story in the comments section below this article if they like. The institution of marriage is rotten to the core. The bias men experience in divorce and family court and during the course of marriage itself is systemic and deeply tipped against men.

We all know roughly half of marriages will end in divorce and that most divorces are initiated by women and it is little wonder why when the scales are tipped so heavily in women’s favour. Whilst the nature of the misandry of marriage varies from country to country and from state to state, the common theme is one of male servitude to women and female entitlement. The sayings, “Happy Wife Happy Life” and “The Ball And Chain” did not emerge from nowhere. Marriage in the modern era is a gynocentric perversion of the original marital contract between the sexes, which feminists happily tore up and rewrote to unilaterally benefit women at the expense of men (no fault divorce, family courts, VAWA etc).

Relationships have gone down a similar path of gynocentric perversion of catering to female entitlement, which has been accelerated with the metoo movement. MGTOW is not the problem, the degradation of marriage and relationships is the problem. MGTOW is about choosing your own path in life and not kowtowing to what society or women demand men do with their own lives. Perhaps if marriage was reformed, relationships became more balanced and respect was shown again to men, fathers and masculinity, more MGTOW would freely choose to get married and have relationships on their own accord without social coercion and shaming.

Something tells me though that the gynocentric traditionalists and feminists will continue to double down and shame men for going their own way and daring to passively resist their own exploitation. Newsflash- These men stopped caring about what society thinks of what they should do with their own lives long ago and indeed for many of them the shaming was what drove them to discover MGTOW, or was the last straw that drove them to adopt a MGTOW pathway. MGTOW are the men that are prepared to say no to feminists and women, set boundaries with women, reject chivalry and stand up for themselves. They are the sort of men that can help bring about the end of feminism and that scares the shit out of the feminist mainstream media, because these men are not getting back in line and bowing their heads.

Society needs to get over its reluctance to honestly examine the actual reasons why MGTOW are avoiding marriage and relationships. Society needs to start making serious efforts to correct the numerous systemic imbalances and double standards that feminism has enshrined into our legal system and culture and address the pervasive culture of female entitlement. Until that happens, shaming MGTOW will just help increase the social phenomenon and contribute to its growth. MGTOW is now the only pathway for men to follow. Once men become aware there is no way to please women and society by pandering to female entitlement, they go red pill and then MGTOW in rapid succession.

Like I said, society has a void for respect for men and boys. Men walking away from a gynocentric society that hates them and disrespects them at every turn, is that predictable even a six-year-old could have told us this would be the result 20 years ago. This has nothing to do with men wanting women back in the kitchen or under the thumb of men and everything to do with respecting men and restoring fairness and reciprocity to the social contract between the sexes.

This gynocentric society will reap what it has sown until the imbalance between the sexes is corrected and society is prepared to confront the elephant in the room- its own gynocentrism.




















Diagnosing Gynocentrism

By Peter Ryan

Doctor 1 commons

When we discuss men’s issues in the manosphere, the term “gynocentrism” is often attributed as the primary causal factor driving the marginalisation of men and boys in society. Understanding the nature of the force men are fighting, is a critically important step in developing effective strategies and possible solutions to the numerous issues men and boys are facing in society. Peter Wright at Gynocentrism.com1, defines and describes gynocentrism and discusses its cultural origins and biological underpinnings on his website.

Gynocentrism manifests itself in relationships and the culture in many ways. However, this is not always obvious. One of the powerful characteristics of gynocentrism is how subtle it is and how easily gynocentric bigotry can be disguised and hidden from our perception. Society is complex and often there are a multitude of variables involved in any activity, practice or set of behaviours etc. Gynocentrism can blend in with these other variables and the complexity of society can help push it into the background of our perception.

The biological drivers of gynocentrism2, also play a role in masking it from our perception. Gynocentrism is the product of superresponses to sexual and emotional superstimuli and these responses undoubtedly filter our perception, as well as produce the behaviours that give rise to gynocentrism. Intense cultural conditioning also plays a major role from cradle to grave, in training the brain to filter information through a gynocentric lens (the blue pill perspective). The gynocentric mobius strip is a readily observable social phenomenon.

As a result of these factors, there are examples in society where gynocentrism is obvious to many people (like radical feminism) and there are many examples where gynocentrism is not so obvious. There are also examples where an activity can be mistaken to be non-gynocentric and vice versa. It can often take years to train perception in adults to a point where gynocentrism can be readily identified (taking the red pill) and overcome the years of cultural conditioning and the acquired biological short circuits (the superresponses and positive feedback loops) that drive gynocentrism.

Gynocentrism is a slippery beast and defining it has been the subject of discussion in the manosphere (please see Paul Elam and Alison Tieman’s talk on this subject linked here3). If we are to slay the gynocentric dragon, then we must first develop a refined definition of gynocentrism and diagnostic criteria for identifying it in society and relationships. It is important to define problems as precisely as possible, so we can develop effective targeted solutions. This article will be the first in a series of articles exploring the nature of gynocentrism.

In this article I will present a refined definition of gynocentrism and provide a simple set of diagnostic criteria for identifying it in society and relationships. I will provide practical examples of the operation of this definition and criteria, then discuss whether certain aspects of the culture are gynocentric and then describe a model of measuring the intensity of gynocentrism in the culture.  It is my hope that this article and the following series of articles, will assist people in the manosphere in explaining what gynocentrism is to people unfamiliar with the concept and in relation to men’s issues. Solving a social problem requires spreading an awareness of the problem and this in turn requires properly identifying what it is.

What Is Gynocentrism?

I define gynocentrism as the following: The set of elements of society and relationships that are directed by the intent to prioritise female well-being over male well-being, based solely or partly on the sex of the intended beneficiary(ies) being female and for which there are no equivalent efforts made to provide corresponding commensurate benefits to males.

I define well-being as the quality of the overall condition of the life of an individual or group, that is based on taking their mental and physical health and life satisfaction into consideration.

The diagnostic criteria that must be met for an element of society or relationships to be considered gynocentric are the following:

  1. The element must be driven by the intent to prioritise female well-being over male well-being.
  2. This intent must be solely or partly based on the sex of the intended beneficiary(ies) being female.
  3. There must be no equivalent efforts made to provide commensurate benefits to males for instances where female well-being is prioritised over male well-being.

Evaluating an element of society or relationships against these three criteria, requires some investigation to confirm the intent driving it and whether that intent is based on the sex of the group or individual that is meant to benefit from it. Quite often this information is overtly virtue signalled (like policies advocating female hiring quotas or domestic violence campaigns). On other occasions it is not and gynocentrism has to be identified through careful observation of the element in question and through a process of elimination.

The core belief that gynocentrism is associated with is female superiority. It is also associated with female entitlement mentality4. Gynocentrism is a form of bigotry based on sex and is not a morally justifiable aspect of society or relationships. For those people that have doubts, please substitute “male” with black people and “female” with white people in the definition of gynocentrism, or simply reverse the sexes. Those individuals that appeal to nature to justify gynocentrism, should look up what a naturalistic fallacy is. We can appeal to nature to justify rape and that does not morally justify it or mean that we should accept it. Gynocentrism is not defensible and should not be normalised in the culture.

I called myself “theantigynocentrist” for this very reason and because I wanted to make it abundantly clear exactly what I am fighting against. Feminism is the political manifestation of gynocentrism and is just the tip of the iceberg of the problem I am standing up against. There are those that would prefer men just stop at feminism and not question anything beyond that. Heaven forbid men get the idea in their heads that they deserve to be treated fairly (The scene from Oliver Twist asking for more comes to mind. How dare men ask to be treated fairly! The horror.). Some so-called “antifeminists” are worried the gravy train of exploiting men might stop if men look beyond feminism and go to the root of the problem.

Armed with this refined definition of gynocentrism and the diagnostic criteria described earlier, it becomes possible to identify gynocentrism in society and relationships in a tangible way. What gynocentrism is and is not, can be illustrated with the following examples:

Example 1.

A man and a woman are both involved in a car accident. The woman is critically injured and at risk of death without immediate medical treatment and the man is walking around conscious with a few scratches and is in a stable condition. The woman is treated first.

This is not an example of gynocentrism. The paramedics prioritise the woman’s well-being over the man’s well-being, as the woman is objectively in greater need of immediate medical assistance and the man is not.

Example 2.

A man and a woman are both involved in a car accident. The man is critically injured and at risk of death without immediate medical treatment and the woman is walking around conscious with a few scratches and is in a stable condition. The woman is treated first, as the paramedics mutter women and children first.

This is gynocentrism. The paramedics prioritise the woman’s well-being over the man’s well-being, even though the man is objectively in greater need of immediate medical assistance.

Example 3.

A family celebrates Mother’s Day and then celebrates Father’s Day later in the same year.

This is not gynocentrism. There is a corresponding day for male parents.

Example 4.

An organisation celebrates International Women’s Day and does not celebrate International Men’s Day.

This is gynocentrism. There is no corresponding day of celebration for men at this organisation.

Example 5.

A company decides to implement a female hiring quota for their board that requires 50% of positions to be given to female candidates. The number of applicants is 90% male.

This is gynocentric. Female candidates are prioritised over male candidates and this is because they are female.

Example 6.

A company decides to implement a female hiring quota for their board that requires 50% of positions to be given to female candidates and 50% of positions to be given to male candidates. The number of applicants is 90% male.

This is gynocentric. Whilst men are given a corresponding benefit, this benefit is not commensurate with the benefit given to women. 90% of the applicants are male and yet only half of the positions are available to those men.

Example 7.

A company decides to implement a multifaceted policy to boost gender diversity on their board. The company develops a mentoring network for senior female managers to mentor younger women and offers them secondment opportunities in higher positions. An equivalent mentoring network is set up for men and the same secondment opportunities are offered. The company makes changes to provide equal amounts of maternity and paternity leave to male and female employees. Flexible work hours, subsidised childcare located at the workplace and the option to work remotely from home three days of the week, is provided to both male and female employees.

Whilst there might be other problems with the feasibility of this policy, it is not gynocentric. The intent driving this policy does not prioritise female well-being over male-wellbeing. The benefits given to women and men are balanced and the aim to prioritise gender diversity is not skewed in favour of either sex. However, the initiatives in this policy may increase female representation at senior managerial levels and have a flow on effect at board level.

Example 8.

A man and a woman with equal salary go out for dinner on a date. During the date the woman repeatedly makes it known they expect chivalry from the man. Despite desiring to pay half the bill, the man pays the entire bill to gain female approval and bows to the pressure to conform.

This is gynocentric. The woman’s well-being is prioritised over the man’s well-being because she is female.

Example 9.

A man and a woman with equal salary go out for dinner on a date. During the date the woman and the man chat and have a great relaxing time. The man has a generous character and enjoys giving gifts to people. Out of his own personal desire and generosity, he pays the entire bill. He feels very happy about this and suffers no detriment to his health and does not put his finances in jeopardy. The benefit to his well-being in his individual case, is commensurate with the benefit to the woman’s well-being.

This is not gynocentric. In this case the man is acting in an authentic manner that makes him happy and improves his well-being and his well-being is not given a secondary priority. Not all men will react the same way to the same situation. What may decrease one man’s well-being, may actually increase another man’s well-being. Men must be their authentic selves (provided they do not harm others, including themselves, unless in self-defence).

Example 10.

A man and a woman with equal salary go out for dinner on a date. During the date the woman and the man chat and have a great relaxing time. The man has a generous character and enjoys giving gifts to people. Out of his own personal desire and generosity he pays the entire bill. They go out on further dates to expensive restaurants and the man continues to pay the whole bill on each occasion. He also buys his date expensive jewellery every month. The man starts to fall into debt and starts to default on payments. He becomes stressed and depressed.

This is gynocentric. In this case the man may be getting some short-term satisfaction out of being so generous, but in general his life satisfaction and mental health are declining because of the growing debt he is accumulating. The net result is that his well-being (or the quality of the overall condition of his life) is in decline.

There is nuance to life and these examples demonstrate that there is nuance to gynocentrism. What may appear healthy on the surface may actually be unhealthy and what may appear an unhealthy behaviour to some people, may be actually healthy for that particular person. These examples illustrate why it becomes important to define concepts along lines that reflect what they are intended to describe. The central recurring principle driving the discussion facing men’s issues is fairness.

Is it fair that men receive far lower funding for their health than women and yet have significantly shorter lifespans and generally have a higher disease burden? Is it fair that we have engineered our entire education systems to cater to the needs of girls over the needs of boys? Is it fair that women receive considerably shorter and more lenient sentences for committing exactly the same crimes as men, even after controlling for other variables? In many respects, men are simply demanding to be treated fairly and not to be treated in a discriminatory fashion simply for being male. Men are demanding an end to gynocentrism.

Is Chivalry Gynocentric?

As has been discussed on many occasions in the manosphere, gynocentrism has been around longer than modern feminism. Romantic chivalry5 is often cited as an example of historical gynocentrism and indeed it is. But why? It is not the actions alone that pedestalise women, that make chivalry gynocentric. It is the fact that chivalry is also a series of socially enforced expectations that men are expected to live up to, whether they want to or not. Chivalry is a code of behaviour that is still part of our culture and enforced to some degree, even today.

What individual men personally desire to do is not taken into consideration and therefore their well-being is treated as secondary to female well-being. If some men desire on their own accord without social pressure, to do things like pay a bill for a dinner and if this makes them happy to a degree that their well-being benefits to the same degree as their female counterpart (provided it is not pathological like in example 10), then that is not gynocentric. What might make some men unhappy, may make other men happy and vice versa. This is a critically important distinction to make.

Chivalry is gynocentric because it puts men’s wishes and their well-being secondary to women’s. It is not the respectful and generous actions directed toward women on their own that define chivalry. It is theoretically possible for a small fraction of men to be generous toward women in relationships because they are women, with no reciprocal generosity shown by the women and yet objectively increase their own well-being to the same degree as their female counterpart. It is not likely, but it is possible (perhaps an example could be men into female domination, whatever floats their boat). One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Who am I or anyone for that matter, to tell a man what is in his best interests unless I have clear objective factual evidence to the contrary? With that said, men should certainly decide for themselves, but not lie to themselves like in example 10.

To clarify this point further, if a man decides to be generous exclusively toward women and this selective behaviour extends beyond the relationship, then that is gynocentric even if his well-being objectively benefits to the same degree as the woman. He is placing the well-being of women above the well-being of men in his social sphere, because they are women and he is making no equivalent effort to provide commensurate generosity toward men. Even if he derives happiness from being exclusively generous toward women simply because they are female, the overall effect of his behaviour in society, is that women’s well-being in his social sphere is elevated above men. He is contributing to gynocentrism, reinforcing gynocentric double standards and causing social harm.

Is Benevolent Sexism Gynocentric?

Feminists are often quick to rebut instances where supposed sexism benefits women and instead claim they actually hurt women. It is correct to point out that elements of society and relationships can bring both benefits and costs to women’s well-being. Indeed, this was an important point in the discussion Paul Elam and Alison Tieman had about the nature of gynocentrism. To determine whether something is gynocentric, we must consider the impact on well-being in a holistic sense. That is why I defined well-being in an overall context. We also have to consider the intent behind the element of society or relationships in question, rather than just considering the outcome. That is why intent forms part of the refined definition of gynocentrism.

One could make a valid argument that female hiring quota’s actually reduce female well-being6 inevitably over the long term, or that protecting women at the cost of their freedom hurts women. However, the intent of such policies and practices is clearly to prioritise female well-being over male well-being. Intent matters. To borrow a line from feminists and flip it-Gynocentrism hurts women too.

Similarly, one could make the argument that taking only women off a sinking ship against their will because they are women (there actually were some women7 that would not leave their husbands on the Titanic, even as officers tried to force them to do so), is an example of benevolent sexism. Whilst women may indeed experience great emotional distress from such practices, there is no question that the intent is to prioritise female well-being in an overall sense over male well-being and in this case save as many women as possible.

Are Traditional Relationships Gynocentric?

Like romantic chivalry, traditional relationships can be gynocentric. But are they always? If a man and a woman have a traditional division of labour and traditional roles and both the man and the woman’s well-being are given equal priority and are both enhanced by the relationship to the same degree, then that is not gynocentric. If however the woman’s well-being is prioritised over the man’s well-being, then that is a gynocentric relationship. Traditional relationships can certainly be gynocentric, but not just simply because they are traditional. It is because they can be lopsided to elevate the well-being of women above the well-being of men. Please see this classic MGTOW video8 on the subject of gynocentrism and traditional relationships and commensurate benefits by Barbarossa.

Can traditional relationships be balanced to benefit both male and female well-being? Yes. Provided men have the self-respect to demand it and women have the integrity and level of respect for men to accept nothing less. It is worth noting that a relationship does not have to be traditional to be gynocentric. Relationships where the female is the breadwinner, or where both partners work full-time, can be just as gynocentric and often even more so.

Is Male Disposability Always The Result Of Gynocentrism?

In different contexts in our society, male life and well-being is treated as disposable and in many instances gyoncentrism plays a role in diminishing the societal concern for male suffering. However, it is not the only factor that contributes to male disposability in society. Greed and the psychopathy of numerous tyrants and regimes can attest to that. Sometimes historical accounts of invading armies killing all of the men in a community and raping all of the women, is given as an example of gynocentrism.

Remember that intent matters. Are the actions of the invading armies driven by the intent to prioritise female well-being over male well-being, solely or partly on the basis of a group being female rather than male? In some instances that may indeed be the case and in other instances that may not be the case. An invading army may kill all of the men in a community because they want to remove the military threat of a counterattack, rather than simply because they are not female or because they want to prioritise female well-being. Female well-being may not be the priority they have in mind that is inspiring their actions, when they spare the women and then rape them. Human evil comes in many forms.

Gynocentrism is just one expression of evil, but it is not the only form of evil. Yes, real sexism against women and girls does exist. Female infanticide does happen in some societies on a significant scale and genocides of both men and women do occur. Some companies do carelessly produce products that leach endocrine disruptors that impair the health, development and onset of puberty, of not just boys, but girls as well.

The Gynocentrism Index

So far we have looked at gynocentrism at the micro level. The same definition of gynocentrism is also applicable at the macro level of society and entire nations. However, it is also useful at the macro level to develop metrics that quantify such concepts so we can measure and analyse them. We often hear about the so-called “gender inequality index”9. In this article I would like to propose a basic model for a gynocentrism index, that could be measured for each country or a given population just like the gender inequality index.

In our society gynocentrism manifests itself along five major dimensions between the sexes. These include the following:

The empathy gapMore concern is shown for females than for males10. Female interests, needs, wants, perspectives, happiness, safety, health, wealth and welfare etc is prioritised over the males. Entire government departments are set up to address these matters and billions of dollars spent on them. Even in education where women and girls are thriving relative to men and boys that are struggling, virtually all of the initiatives and policies in education are focused on supporting female learning and academic achievement.

The accountability gapFemales are held to a lower standard of accountability than males11. The sentencing gap between males and females12 that commit the same crimes and after controlling for other variables, is six times greater13 than the sentencing gap between black people and white people (yes you read that correctly). This lack of female accountability, is particularly pronounced when it comes to their behaviour toward males. Whilst there is a great social taboo toward males committing acts of physical and sexual violence against females, female physical and sexual violence against male victims is either dismissed or excused. A woman cutting off a man’s penis14 is even laughed about on national TV.

The reward for merit gap– Females receive more reward than men for the same merit or the same reward for less merit. A number of businesses and government organisations are implementing, or have implemented female hiring quotas and introduced lower entry standards exclusively for female applicants. Some businesses actually now pay women more superannuation15, simply because they are women (yes you read that correctly-more super for women because they are female). Contrary to popular opinion, there is also evidence of discrimination in hiring favouring women in a number of instances16, even in STEM fields17.

The women are wonderful effect– Mainstream media, entertainment, ads, academia, schooling and politics, are constantly saturated with messages promoting female superiority and overt misandry18. Books and news articles like, “The End of Men: And The Rise of Women”19 are abundant and are a daily feature in society. Boys in school are having particularly bad experiences with this phenomenon and I would encourage people to read this article20 and watch this video21 of the accounts of two boys experiencing this in school. This has been going on a long time. The women are wonderful effect is systemic in our society, culture and relationships and has profound impacts on how we perceive men and women and boys and girls and how we treat them.

Greater female in-group biasResearch has demonstrated22 that women have an in-group bias that is 4.5 times stronger than men. Women show a bias favouring other women over men and men also show a deference to women. Men are “othered” in our gynocentric society. The female in-group bias is why millions of women will go on a “Women’s march” on the street for 2 years in a row, simply because someone with a vagina did not become US President. It is also one of the key reasons why feminism has become such a powerful force in society. You may have heard the phrase, “Because I am a woman” given as some justification for gynocentric double standards and outright bigotry. You may have heard the phrase or come across the mentality, “Believe the woman” from the female metoo# mob and their white knights, that want to dispense with due process and the rule of law. That is gynocentrism and female in-group bias talking.

In gynocentric societies women are treated with more empathy, have less accountability, receive more reward for their efforts (if they put any effort in at all), are treated and spoken about with reverence as men’s superiors or betters and women display a substantially stronger in-group bias than men do. These gaps are most likely correlated with each other. If women are treated with more empathy in a given society, then they will also be treated with less accountability, receive greater reward for their efforts and the women are wonderful effect and female in-group bias will be stronger.

These five dimensions can be measured. For example, we could measure the empathy gap by comparing the disparity in funding for men’s health versus women’s health after accounting for the death rate and disease burden. The accountability gap can be measured by looking at the sentencing gap between men and women, after controlling for relevant variables. The reward for effort gap could be measured by counting the number of affirmative action hiring programs that target female applicants to meet female hiring quotas. The women are wonderful effect could be measured by examining the number of instances in mainstream media and entertainment material that women are portrayed as or implied to be superior to men. The relative size of the female in-group bias, could be measured through existing psychological tools. These examples are by no means an exhaustive list. Numerous other sources of data could be added to this list and used in the analysis to calculate a gynocentrism index.

Once a proper and agreed upon scientific methodology, formula and model is developed to calculate a gynocentrism index from the data and a comprehensive amount of data is collected, then studies could be conducted. I have little doubt such studies would produce fascinating results if they were done. This is the sort of conceptual framework and analysis that is inevitably is going to be required to solve the huge problems facing men and boys. It would interesting to plot such a gynocentrism index against national IQ, national sex ratios (particularly the operational sex ratios), age and cultural demographics, population density, education levels, rates of fatherlessness, crime rate, GDP per capita, over time and even the gender inequality index.

As long as gynocentrism remains unanalysed and masked from society, then society will continue to rush towards the gynocentric abyss and an inevitable fempocalypse23. The first step in the process of solving a problem, is identifying that there is a problem and the second step is understanding precisely what that problem is. Gynocentrism is in many ways like a virus. The immune system of society has to be trained to identify the pathogen that is destroying it. Developing an effective vaccine requires identifying the antigens of the virus that trigger an immune response.

Developing a refined definition of gynocentrism, diagnostic criteria to screen for it and analytical methods of measuring and examining gynocentrism, are the first few steps in that process. The scientific method should form the basis of any research into this social phenomenon, if we are to develop an accurate model of the problem and design an effective solution from that model. Feminist ideology has given us numerous examples of what happens when facts, evidence and science are ignored. We should consider those examples as a warning of what not to do.

If any serious investigation and academic research is going to be made into gynocentrism, the scientific method will need to be restored in the social sciences at the universities (particularly in the psychological sciences) and the feminist ideological bloc that has taken them over will need to be removed. Substantial political, media and financial pressure will need to be applied on our universities to achieve this. So much of government policy, law, journalism, education, employment and industrial relations policies etc, is based on faulty feminist research coming from the social sciences of the universities. If the decay of academic research is not resolved, then society will need to collapse before it can return to a sustainable paradigm.

Men and boys are not an inferior group of people and are equally deserving of respect, empathy and love. Societies that do not accept that, do not deserve them.24



Gynocentrism Theory Lectures (Peter Ryan)

The following essays by Peter Ryan were written and published between 2018 – 2024. Collectively they demonstrate how false scientific hypotheses are used to promote gynocentrism:



1. The Normalisation of Gynocentrism
2. The Answer to Feminism is Not Gynocentric Traditionalism
3. Diagnosing Gynocentrism
4. Perversions of Gynocentrism
5. Gynocentrism and Misandry
6. Gynocentrism And The Sin of Being Male
7. The Gynocentric Mob and Female Superiority
8. Gynocentrism And The Golden Uterus (Part One)
9. Gynocentrism And The Golden Uterus (Part Two)
10. Gynocentrism And The Value Of Men (Part One)
11. Gynocentrism And The Value Of Men (Part Two)
12. How To Destroy A Society
13. Gynocentrism And The Demographic Implosion Of Western Civilisation
14. The Nature Of Male Value And Our Gynocentric Culture (Part One)
15. The Nature Of Male Value And Our Gynocentric Culture (Part Two)
16. Gynocentrism, Sex Differences and the Manipulation of Men (Part One)
17. Gynocentrism, Sex Differences and the Manipulation of Men (Part Two)
18. Gynocentrism, Sex Differences and the Manipulation of Men (Part Three)
19. Gynocentrism And The Dehumanisation Of Men (Part One)
20. Gynocentrism And The Dehumanisation Of Men (Part Two)
21. When The World Went Mad
22. Lester Ward’s Gynocentrism And The Undeserved Deification of Women
23. The Fallacy Of The Golden Uterus & The True Origins Of Gynocentrism (Part One)
24. The Fallacy Of The Golden Uterus & The True Origins Of Gynocentrism (Part Two)
25. Briffault’s Law: A Classic Example Of Reductionist Categorical Thinking
26. Rebutting Colttaine’s Nonsense: Thinking Beyond Notions of Female Omnipotence
27. Bio-gynocentrism: Turning Science Into Goddess Worship
28. Is Gynocentrism Adaptive?

The Normalisation Of Gynocentrism

By Peter Ryan


Civilisation is based on the capacity of human beings to control and manage their instinctual and emotional responses and behave in an intelligent manner. The degree to which that capacity is eroded by lack of self-awareness, lack of cultural wisdom, lack of discipline, fatherlessness and superresponses to superstimuli, is the degree to which civilisation will decline, regress and then implode.

This ancient understanding that natural impulses can be destructive when taken to extremes, was known thousands of years ago. As discussed in Paul Elam and Peter Wright’s article, “Slaying the dragon”,1 this understanding was a major foundational element of many religions and is addressed in cultural mythology, such as the seven deadly sins of Christianity and the story of Odysseus resisting the Sirens call. This ancient wisdom was recognised as key not just to the well-being of individuals, but also to the survival of civilisations over history.

It is important to note that fathers have played a major role in teaching children to postpone gratification and regulate their instinctual and emotional impulses, as we have seen from Dr. Warren Farrell’s research2into the boy crisis. Unsurprisingly and predictably, fatherlessness has been one of the main factors driving the decline of Western civilisation.

There is a distinction between pathological behaviour and instinct. Just because a behaviour is driven by instinct, does not then make the behaviour healthy or biologically optimal to Darwinian fitness. Overeating is driven by instinct and can kill you before you reproduce (and even prevent you from finding a mate in the first place). There is also a distinction between gynocentrism and human instincts. Gynocentrism is not itself an instinct but rather a product of human instinct, emotional impulses and cultural conditioning. Gynocentrism is a set of complex and pathological behaviours that arise from a superresponse to superstimuli associated with sex, neoteny, the parental brain and pair bonding. See the article, “Chasing the dragon”3 for more information.

Many animals and especially human beings, have a capacity to regulate and control their behavioural responses to instinctual and emotional impulses that come from the lower areas of the brain. We have a well developed prefrontal cortex and other areas of the cerebral cortex, that have been shown in neuroscientific research4 to keep our behavioural responses to instincts in check. Whilst we may have no control over feeling our primal urges, we do have control over whether we decide to act on them and base decisions on them. We may experience anger, fear and sexual attraction, but we can control whether or not we act on our instincts and impulses. It is a scientific fact we have the capacity to control our behaviour and override our instinctual impulses. It is also the reason why we have a legal system: we recognise people have self-control over their decisions and actions.

People go on hunger strikes and die from it, despite having a hunger instinct and survival instinct. There are numerous other examples of people overriding their survival instinct. Extreme sports, stunts from escape artists and countless acts of bravery in war being such examples. There are numerous examples of people overriding their sexual instincts too. There are heterosexual men that remain celibate their entire lives in the clergy on purpose. There are even in this hypersexualised culture, sizeable communities of people that still practice sexual abstinence before marriage. We have enormous control over our behaviour. People do not see attractive people and then jump their bones and immediately have sex with them in public (we call that rape by the way, which is a crime)!

We have self-control and it is considerable in its power. It is worth considering that in the context of gynocentrism and the underlying superresponse to superstimuli. Whilst the superresponse leading to gynocentrism may indeed be strong, so is our ability to regulate our own behaviour. In fact our ability to control our own behaviour, can be that extreme it can actually kill us. It is also the case that through self-discipline, training and neuroplasticity, we can actually strengthen our neurological capacity to regulate our behaviour even further. Fathers play a key role in developing that neurological capacity in children, through teaching them to postpone gratification. We certainly have the capability to overcome gynocentrism.

The literal interpretation of free will might be an illusion, but self-control does exist and we have parts of the brain dedicated to exercising self-control. The fact that neurological process of self-control may in part lie beyond our conscious awareness, does not negate the fact we can and do regulate our behaviour and suppress our instincts and emotional impulses very often. It is what makes Homo sapiens, “sapien” or wise. Our ability to postpone gratification of our instincts and impulses and control when, where and even if we choose to satisfy them, is one of the major traits responsible for allowing our species to do what no other animal on this planet has done- create civilisation.

The assumption (which is precisely what it is), that gynocentrism is some insurmountable and hardwired instinct and behaviour we are slaves to, is complete and utter nonsense. That is not to say gynocentrism is not difficult to overcome or that it is not a powerful force within society. But it is not an omnipotent force either. It does not matter how many times it is said, there will still be some people that will call you a denier of biology if you dare to make the claim gynocentrism is not an immutable part of human behaviour. All of human behaviour is biological in part. Not just gynocentrism. Stating that gynocentrism is biological, certainly does not then automatically mean that it is immutable and insurmountable.

Gynocentrism is a pathological set of behaviours driven by instincts and emotional impulses, just like overeating and obesity is driven by the hunger instinct. It does not automatically follow that the instincts and emotional processes that are involved in gynocentrism, will invariably and always produce gynocentrism. Just like it does not always follow that the hunger instinct will lead to overeating and obesity, or that the sexual instinct will lead to rape.

Gynocentrism is merely one of many manifestations of the sexual instinct, desire to pair bond, our emotional response to neoteny and our parental brain. The same general emotional response to neoteny drives millions of people daily to dog videos on YouTube. The same parental brain is active when raising children. The reason why gynocentrism is so common in society, is because unlike obesity and other addictive and pathological behaviours like smoking, we do not shame people for it or discourage it or teach people about the harms it will cause. People understand the risks of overeating, obesity and smoking and people are discouraged from doing it by wider society (with the exception of the fat acceptance people). People go to jail if they indiscriminately act on their sexual instincts.

We normalise gynocentrism and actually encourage it. Imagine if we normalised and encouraged smoking again? Gynocentrism is common because we normalise it in the culture. The culture at large reinforces and conditions us from a very early age, to train our instincts and emotional responses to produce gynocentric behaviour. Contrary to the opinion of some armchair evolutionary biologists, gynocentrism does not enhance the capacity of the species to perpetuate itself. Exhibiting indiscriminate deference to addressing the needs and wants of women and girls above everything else (the definition of gynocentrism), actually causes the complete opposite. It leads to extinction.

It is not really hard to imagine how lopsided and imbalanced priorities could lead to dysfunctional and suboptimal outcomes in a complex system like society. The only reason why gynocentrism has not yet caused mass calamity, is because gynocentrism like obesity was kept at bay for most of human history from getting too big of a problem. Thanks to the imperative and focus we had to maintain on our survival as a community and as individuals and the limited means of communication over most of history, conditions simply did not permit gynocentrism to grow to a point where it threatened the survival of society. Only fairly recently over the last few centuries and particularly over the last 50 years, has that changed and these changes have allowed gynocentrism to mushroom.

Once survival became less of an issue and safety, prosperity, nutrition and human health improved by many orders of magnitude and society became mechanised and women gained control over their fertility, the constraints on gynocentrism growing beyond a certain threshold were removed and societal focus began to shift more and more from survival to a gynocentric lens.

Combined with these changes were communication technologies that allowed superstimuli to have an unprecedented mass effect on the population. The printing press, television, computers, smartphones, the internet and so forth, have allowed superstimuli to have much greater effects on conditioning human behaviour and the psychological development of children than ever before. Marketing in particular has made multibillion dollar industries out of exploiting superstimuli.

As a result of these changes, gynocentrism has rapidly grown over the last few centuries and particularly the last 50 years. We now have runaway gynocentrism. Eventually like a runaway train approaching a cliff, runaway gynocentrism will destroy civilisation if society does not find the brakes in time. We have in my estimation about 20 years before we reach that cliff and society runs off the rails into the abyss. It is now a race against the clock to wake as many people up from their hypnotic daze as we can.

We can see right now the fertility rates plummeting in every developed nation, thanks to constantly pandering to the needs and wants of women and girls. Social scientists are calling it the “demographic winter”.5 Pandering to the princess culture and female entitlement mentality (as Australian columnist Miranda Devine calls it),6 does not produce offspring.

Societies that succumb to runaway gynocentrism die out. Of course there are also long term consequences building from decades of neglect of boys needs in the education system and the epidemic of fatherlessness, that will threaten the social cohesion and economic prosperity of a number of developed nations in the coming decades. Not only will gynocentric societies shrink and then die out, they will descend into poverty, crime and civil unrest before they disappear.

Gynocentrism is widespread because we consider it to be normal and the culture reinforces it as a good thing. Imagine how much more common obesity or gambling addiction would be if the culture normalised and encouraged overeating and gambling? Imagine how much more common overeating and obesity and gambling and gambling addiction would be if you were encouraged to overeat and gamble from birth? Why do we consider gynocentrism to be normal? There are ten reasons or causes for this:

The Influence Of Women

Part of the reason gynocentrism is normal, is because it is encouraged by women. A casino does not want to discourage you from gambling your life savings. Women generally speaking, do not want to discourage men from getting married despite being fully aware of the biased divorce and family court process. There is no incentive for women to discourage men from gynocentrism and every incentive to do the complete opposite – and they do.

The difference between gynocentrism and the casino example, is that women constitute half of society and also raise you from birth and casino’s do not. The food industry as powerful as they are, are not half of the population and are not your mother. When you consider the role of women in men’s lives as mothers, sisters, wives and girlfriends and the fact women generally are part of the most important and intimate relationships men have in their lives, it is not difficult to see how gynocentrism can be spread and become normalised in society if women promote it.

When women constitute the voting majority and control the majority of consumer spending, it is not hard to see how gynocentrism can become mainstream in the economy and in politics. That is especially true when women exercise an in-group bias, which research studies7 report is the case. On top of those realities is the fact men can and do white knight for female attention and approval. The enforcement of women’s desires on the rest of society, through female control over legions of male simps, politicians and corporations, cannot be overlooked in normalising gynocentrism in the culture.

The Change In Family Structure

The change in family structure over the last fifty years, has also played a major role in the normalisation of gynocentrism. We learn the gynocentric social mode of behaviour to a significant degree from our childhood upbringing in the household. When boys and girls are raised to adopt and expect male chivalry, then it is likely that behaviour will be exhibited by them when they get older. When boys and girls are raised with the message it is never okay to hit a woman, but never told the message it is never okay to hit a man, they internalise that double standard.

Over the last fifty years there has been dramatic changes in family structure. Many children are now being raised in fatherless homes from birth, or have been alienated from their fathers through divorce and family court. The lack of an adult male influence in the home combined with a lack of men in the education system, exacerbates gynocentric double standards being internalised in children and future generations. We also know the important role fathers play in teaching boys and girls to regulate their emotional and instinctual impulses, through teaching them to postpone gratification. We are now starting to see the impact of fathers being removed from the family, in the declining social behaviour of wider society.

We now have groups of young people and political movements fuelled entirely on emotional impulse and the abandonment of reason and evidence (SJW’s, university campus feminists, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, the women’s marches etc being examples). We are living in a post factual world, where what feels good is more important than what is true. This is what happens in a fatherless society and it will eventually lead to societal collapse as it gets worse.

The Prosperity Of Modern Civilisation

A subtle reason for why we consider gynocentrism to be normal, is because the prosperity of modern civilisation cushions society from the consequences of it in the short term. Our current debt based monetary system and welfare state, combined with major advances in technology, allows society to pass on the costs of ignoring major social problems onto future generations. It takes years, decades and in some cases centuries, before the severe and long-lasting consequences

of gynocentrism hit individuals and society. So society does not learn very easily to do draw a link between gynocentric behaviour and the consequences of such behaviour.

You do not immediately feel the consequences of divorce and family court when you marry a female psychopath. Economies do not feel the burden straight away of large numbers of unemployed men arising from decades of inaction on addressing the boy crisis in education. Societies do not feel the consequences of fatherlessness straight away either or the long-term consequences of social witch-hunts like metoo#. Universities do not immediately feel the financial consequences of lawsuits against them from men falsely accused of rape, resulting from university policies enacted from the Dear Colleague letter.

Virtue Signalling

Gynocentrism is also normalised because on the surface it appears to be good behaviour, feels good and is therefore encouraged by the culture. However when considered with more thoughtful and detailed examination, it can be seen that this is not the case. White knighting appears to be a noble act on the surface, but not when we look into the details of what is going on. Human beings are prone to surface thinking, simple heuristic thinking and emotional bias. Marketing is so successful because it takes full advantage of these biases and cognitive shortcuts human perception employs to make sense of the world (see the elaboration likelihood model8 for more info and check out the central versus peripheral route to persuasion). What may look and feel good and righteous on the surface, is not always the case.

The Proliferation Of Gynocentric Superstimuli And Mass Communication

Of course it is also predictable that gynocentrism will be normalised when our environment is swamped with superstimuli, that trains our brains through conditioning over many years to operate in a gynocentric mode. This consistent exposure has long term effects on the brain through neuroplasticity.

When gynocentric superstimuli is all you are exposed to every waking hour from birth until death and there is so much social pressure on you to conform to gynocentric social norms, it is predictable gynocentrism will be normalised in the society in question. We have a plethora of laws against broadcasting violent ads, shows and movies and against promoting gambling and yet nothing like that for gynocentrism. When you combine gynocentric superstimuli with modern communication in the form of the internet, television, computers and smartphones, you have the perfect delivery system to condition society and normalise gynocentric behaviour.

The Gynocentric Mainstream Media

Following on from the previous section, the mainstream media plays a key role in normalising gynocentrism. The gynocentric vomit coming out daily from major news outlets is constant. We have articles titled, “Why Can’t We Hate Men?”9 from the Washington Post and “The End Of Men”10 from the Atlantic. Imagine for a moment if we substituted men with Jews in such articles. Such material would not look out of place in Nazi propaganda. Men are being dehumanised by the media and the media are spreading outrageous bigotry that would never be tolerated if the sexes were reversed.

The media has shown time and time again, they are pushing a gynocentric and female supremacist narrative onto society. They have ceased being news outlets and now essentially spread feminist and gynocentric man hating propaganda. The media does shape the attitudes and beliefs of society and also shapes politics and propaganda does work as we have seen from numerous examples throughout history.

We are fortunate now to have alternative media finally rising up against this hatred of men, to challenge it directly. AVFM is one example of this. However the mainstream media has had a multidecade headstart on the alternative media to shape society and still has considerable influence, despite their falling subscriptions and viewers.


There is a reductionist bent in society to not look at the bigger picture. We often fail to see the connection between things and how things are interrelated in society. There is a tendency to assign responsibility or consequence to one thing, person or cause. This feeds not just into normalising gynocentrism, but into letting other problems in society grow too. Society is a system and systems theory would help enormously in understanding and correctly dealing with societal problems, particularly social problems.

Taking a holistic and systems approach to understanding the world, can be far more effective than perceiving the world solely through a reductionist lens. Take school shootings for example. We could prevent such tragedies from occurring if we bothered take a wholistic systems based perspective on the problem. Instead of blaming it all on toxic masculinity, how about we look at fatherlessness and mental health. As society becomes more and more connected, taking a wholistic systems based approach to addressing social problems is going to be more and more relevant.

When we examine the behaviour of men and women in society, it is often solely discussed and framed along gynocentric lines by the media and by the culture. We look at men’s behaviour toward women in isolation from women. We do not even consider women are agents in society and we fail to see how the behaviour of men and women toward the opposite sex, feedback on each other. The feminist narrative on domestic violence is one such example of this.

Domestic violence is often reciprocal in nature11 and yet we do not hear on the reciprocal nature of domestic violence. When we hear about men’s violence toward women only, its causes are framed along the lines of power and control by the feminist Duluth model. No other cause or factor is apparently at play in contributing to men’s violence. The role of alcohol, substance abuse, poverty, mental illness and abuse during childhood, is all overlooked and ignored.

When society fosters a reductionist perspective on looking at the world and does not consider a wholistic or systems perspective, it encourages gynocentrism to grow and spread. Gynocentrism is by its nature reductionist. Having a one-dimensional perspective of relating everything solely to how they impact women and girls, is much easier to spread and normalise in a society that is highly politically polarised and has a general reductionist mindset to looking at the world that is encouraged by ideologues in the media and academia.

Even in biology and the sciences, we can see how reductionism holds back progress in understanding the natural world. Systems biology12 is a rapidly developing interdisciplinary field at the forefront of life science research, that aims to go beyond a reductionist perspective, correct this limitation in scientific knowledge and develop a more accurate wholistic systems understanding of biology.

Biology is complex and is composed of multiple systems at multiple levels, from cell signalling pathways all the way up to entire ecosystems. When we examine what is required for evolutionary success and for genes to be successfully passed on from one generation to the next, it is not as simple as saying it is all about reproductive success. Reproduction is essential, but so is survival. An organism must survive to reproduce and its offspring must survive to successfully mate, otherwise it would be as if the offspring were never produced in the first place.

Reproducing once may not be sufficient either and an organism may need to survive long enough to mate multiple times, to ensure they produce enough offspring that survive to sexual maturity and pass on the genes. An organism must develop a strategy in investing energy, resources and time in survival versus reproduction, that is optimised to their environment and biology, to guarantee evolutionary success.

Evolutionary success is far more complex than simply just reproducing. If that were not the case and reproduction was really all that mattered, then the only life that would have evolved on Earth would have been asexual microbial life. There are selective advantages for species that reproduce more slowly, but have a more complex biology that can better adapt to, tolerate, manipulate and extract resources from the local environment. These selective advantages are partly what gave rise to the proliferation of multicellular life.13

Think for a moment about the thousands of lineages that have continued their existence today, because of the civilisation and technological advances men have created and been responsible for. Think of the billions of people alive today because of the intrinsic value men have provided to society. There are entire lineages that would have been extinguished long ago and billions of people that would not have been born, without the intrinsic value men have provided in creating the advanced civilisation we enjoy and modern technology.

Simply reproducing, especially for a slowly reproducing species like Humans, is simply not enough to ensure evolutionary success. That is why men have been sexually and naturally selected, to develop traits to enable them to provide, protect, discover, explore, invent, build, maintain, repair and fight for society. It is not as simple as saying one man can reproduce with ten women, therefore men are disposable. Biology is far more complex than that.

Notice no one seems to consider how one man can change the world and lead to an extra couple of hundred million people existing and passing on their genes. Think of the impact a handful of men in society have had on civilisation over the last two centuries and by extension the evolutionary success of the species. Think of how many less people there would be without electricity, machinery, antibiotics, modern medicine and modern agriculture that men were mostly responsible for. How many family genetic lineages have continued existing because of these technological advances by men and have avoided termination as a result?

Successfully passing on the genes is not solely about sexual intercourse. Biology is more complex than that. Many other things have to occur before and after sexual intercourse, to ensure genes are passed on successfully. The value men bring to the survival of the community and to society is unique. Despite what feminists claim, women really cannot do everything a man can do or just as well (Women are not inferior. Men and women just have different strengths.).

Men remain the majority of our leading scientists, thinkers, inventors, political and business thinkers etc, despite all of the feminist social engineering to artificially lift women up. Human adult males are also not immediately replaceable either, especially talented and gifted men. It takes roughly 18 years before they reach physical maturity (25 years if we are talking about the brain) and a great deal of parental investment compared to other animals.

Our failure to recognise that treating men as disposable is to treat civilisation as disposable, will eventually lead to the implosion of civilisation. Even if we consider men as machines, we all recognise what happens when you do not look after your car and do not change the oil. Either we unlearn the cultural belief men are disposable, or we can watch society start falling apart. Adopting a wholistic systems perspective and going beyond a simple reductionist mode of thinking, would help us unlearn the erroneous cultural belief men are disposable.

Gynocentric Authority, Institutions And Herd Mentality

Much of the influence in what shapes social behaviour comes from the top of society and from authorities like the government and institutions like university. Gynocentrism has been normalised in part because we have practiced it for centuries and our key institutions, leaders, celebrities and elite practice it, endorse it and impose it on the rest of us. We even enshrine gynocentrism into law.

There have been a number of psychological studies since WW2 showing how easily people blindly follow authority and rules (the infamous Zimbardo Stanford prison experiment14 being one such example) and how powerful institutional environments and rules are in shaping group and individual behaviour (that partly explains a lot about how Nazism came to power and how millions of people were exterminated without anyone speaking out against it).

The power of the herd mentality of human beings to follow authority and a minority of individuals, cannot be understated. Many people simply do not think for themselves and this reality allows a minority of people like feminists, to easily control large groups of people once they hold positions of authority in institutions and government.

Slavery was considered normal for centuries by our leaders, authorities and institutions and was widespread, as was barbaric punishment and torture. Only in the last two hundred years or so and after wars and huge political movements and massive legal reform, have slavery and inhumane punishment been mostly abolished and outlawed. People had the same arguments about slavery being natural and inevitable in the past, as people do today about gynocentrism.

Just like back then, the arguments today about gynocentrism being inevitable do not have substance when you examine them more closely. This is the naturalistic fallacy in action. The fact gynocentrism has natural or biological underpinnings, does not then mean it is morally acceptable, desirable, inevitable or a healthy expression of human behaviour.

The education system out of all of the institutions, plays a key role in normalising gynocentrism. Many boys and girls in school can now go through most of their education from kindergarten to postgraduate education, with few male teachers. The influence of feminist ideology is now present at the primary or elementary level and has been present at the university level for years.

The education system has now essentially become a system of feminist indoctrination and gynocentrism. This sort of environment does have impacts on the behaviour of children and the adults they will become. Like the changes in family structure, the feminisaton of the education system has played a major role in spreading and promoting gynocentrism in society.

Former KGB agent and defector Uri Bezmenov, warned in an interview more than 30 years ago,15 about the feminist and marxist takeover of our institutions and the ideological subversion of Western democracy. He made some very eerie predictions that help explain today’s society. Controlling the education system is key. He discusses the four stages of the takeover of society by the far left in the interview (demoralisation, destabilisation, crisis and normalisation).

He explains the first stage which is called demoralisation. This involves indoctrinating multiple generations of students in far left ideology in the education system. From there these people infect the government, academia, corporations and our institutions and then spread far left ideology within these organisations. He explains how the brainwashing occurring in the education system, corrupts people’s perception to the point where they cannot make logical sense of information. After years of indoctrination, their thinking is bounded within an ideological framework and they cannot see beyond that framework.

Sound familiar? It should. Uri was explaining what modern Western society would become 30 years ago. Think of all the revelations that have come out on the working environments of employees in the tech sector and in academia and the disruptive and violent protests on university campuses.

Gynocentric Superorganisms

Related to the previous reason behind why gynocentrism is normalised, is the influence of superorganisms on society and how they have succumbed to gynocentrism. MRA blogger Angry Harry, did an excellent series looking at the impact of superorganisms on human behaviour and how powerful they are in shaping it (See Angry Harry’s MRA corner on AVFM and check out the 4 part series titled, “Those Who Rules Over Us”).16

Superorganisms in the social context can be thought of as entities comprised of thousands, sometimes millions and even billions of individuals, that appear to mimic the properties of a living organism and wield enormous influence on society. Religions, governments, corporations, institutions and cities are examples of superorganisms. People in this context can be considered cells of these superorganisms. If we look at human civilisation as a superorganism, the slogan “feminism is cancer” is quite fitting.

Gynocentrism can be thought of in the context of superorganisms, as the underlying germ of a disease of the superorganism. It infects healthy human cells of the superorganism and then spreads throughout the superorganism. Eventually the superorganism succumbs to gynocentrism and then infects other superorganisms. Feminism could be considered a vector of the gynocentric germ that helps it spread, like how a mosquito is a vector of Malaria.

Superorganisms as Angry Harry explained, have enormous influence over our society and the individual behaviour of people. Corporations, governments, religion and institutions shape the way of life for billions of people. Gynocentrism has infested many of these superorganisms and turned them into gynocentric zombies. These infected entities can and have inflicted terrible damage on society.

Think of the impact feminist infested universities have had on society. Think of the impact the gynocentric legal system has had on the nuclear family, fathers and the lives of men. Think of the impact the feminised education system has had on the boy crisis in education. Think of the impact the gynocentric bias of the tech sector has had on the information that the public is exposed to and their censorship and filtering of alternative non-gynocentric viewpoints.

Learned Helplessness And The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Of Gynocentrism

Men and boys in today’s society to a substantial degree, are exhibiting signs of learned helplessness. Many men and boys have essentially been conditioned to accept that gynocentrism is normal and inescapable. Once men and boys internalise that dangerous false belief, they accept their own marginalisation and disposability every day and in doing so enable gynocentrism to have almost complete dominance over society. Learned helplessness has been linked to depression17 and is no doubt a major factor driving the epidemic of male suicide. Learned helplessness fuels a self-fulfilling prophecy.

If men and boys believe there is no other way to live, then gynocentrism becomes inevitable and this fate then reinforces the belief that gave rise to it. Beliefs can be very destructive things when they go unquestioned, despite leading to highly destructive outcomes.

Men going their own way (MGTOW) is a pathway out of gynocentrism for men. It involves unlearning pathological gynocentric beliefs and daring to believe there is another way to live. Whilst it may not be easy to go against the social current of society, it is possible and once the rewards of going your own way become clear, it becomes easier and easier and easier to go your own way. We are social creatures and part of overcoming learned helplessness for men involves abandoning concern for social ostracism, particularly from women and learning how to identify and manage the risks that a predatory gynocentric society presents, so you can live life in your own way and avoid entrapment and attack.

Men and boys are punished for performing and exhibiting their natural masculine nature and at the same time ridiculed for failing to perform and demonstrate a masculine nature. At the same time that men are told they must live up to the hypergamous expectations of women to earn more money than their female counterparts in order to be worthy of a relationship with women, they are cast as privileged oppressors and blamed for the gender pay gap if they do earn more money than women.

Men are told they are losers if they do not perform and then are told they are privileged oppressors when they do perform. Women will write articles about “where are all the good men” and then write other articles about the gender wage gap and how we need female quotas in upper management and corporate boards because of male privilege. It is a double bind. Men have no escape from social ostracism if they follow external societal pressures and succumb to herd mentality and social pressure to conform. Such men must accept the message from society they are inferior, violent, privileged and evil oppressors.

MGTOW is the healthy alternative. MGTOW involves finding your own way in life, independent of what the culture or society or women expects of you or what they think of you. MGTOW is the only way out for men from the gynocentric prison society has been turned into. To borrow a line from the Shawshank Redemption you either, “get busy living or get busy dying”.

The biases in human perception, thinking and behaviour discussed, combined with the changes in family structure, the proliferation of superstimuli with mass communication and the influence of gynocentric institutions, media and authority figures, keep the silent killer that is gynocentrism from being detected and addressed by civilisation and by individuals.

To fight this, we need to develop greater self-awareness in society and awareness of what gynocentrism is and the harms it can and does cause. We need organised resistance to gynocentrism to emerge at the individual level of men going their own way and at the collective level of a well-funded and well organised men’s movement to tackle institutional and legalised gynocentrism. Either we address gynocentrism, or the harsh forces of natural selection will remove gynocentric behaviour from the human evolutionary lineage, or worse put the entire human race into the fossil record. For the superorganisms of society, they will have to either rid themselves of gynocentrism or look forward to bankruptcy or collapse. For the individual man, you either overcome gynocentrism or you suffer for it and in some cases lose everything, including your life.

It is our choice, we can either do this the easy way or the hard way individually, and as a society. It takes discipline to recondition ourselves out of bad habits and develop the self-awareness to recognise and stop bad behaviours. It does not happen overnight. Websites like AVFM, men’s discussion and support groups and male friendly life coaches and mental health professionals, can help with that process.

MGTOW helps in a big way in overcoming gynocentrism. MGTOW or men going their own way, is grounded on the fundamental principle of self-control. You cannot go your own way without it! MGTOW and its continued growth is direct proof it is possible for men to overcome years of gynocentric programming, instinctual and emotional impulses and take the red pill.

But like I said nothing happens overnight. That goes for individual change and also for societal change. Just because change is slow, does not mean change is impossible or will not eventually lead to profound shifts in people’s lives and the way society functions. Every journey begins with a single first step. It is time men broke free of their psychological bondage and dared to recognise and accept their true intrinsic value, in the face of a gynocentric society that would prefer they did not.

It is not just biology at play when we are talking about gynocentrism. Social, political, institutional, economic, informational and cultural factors, are also involved in normalising the social pathology we call gynocentrism. We are indeed living in the matrix of gynocentrism. Most people are still asleep in the matrix. We need to stop normalising gynocentrism by addressing the ten causes responsible for its normalisation discussed earlier. MGTOW and a well funded and organised men’s movement, would go a long way to achieving that objective.

We are at a critical period in human civilisation where we need to move beyond outmoded gynocentric ways of thinking and behaving if we expect civilisation to survive. Technology cannot be uninvented and we cannot return to a traditionalist path. Simply ending feminism will not be sufficient to advance society either. Gynocentrism has now become an unsustainable problem for society.

Tens of thousands of years ago when we humans transitioned from a hunter-gatherer existence to primitive civilisation, the dynamics between the sexes changed. Now we face a similar challenge to change those dynamics again, as a result of rapid technological change over the last two centuries. Dr. Warren Farrell has in the past described the need for a gender transition movement, to recognise and address this reality.

The Kardashev scale18 lays out the stage of technological advancement of civilisations. Human civilisation is currently undergoing a transition from a type 0 civilisation, to a type 1 civilisation in which we control all of the energy available on the planet and coming from the parent star (currently we can only make use of a fraction of the energy available). Technologies of a type 1 civilisation include: nuclear fusion and renewable energy on a large scale, the capacity to produce large quantities of antimatter etc. Some of these technologies we have obtained, some we are on the cusp of and other technology is quite a while away.

In several decades if everything goes right, we may have a permanent, sizeable and self-sustaining settlement on Mars. All of this civilisational advancement, requires a society that remains socially stable, free, safe, educated and prosperous enough to permit the required technological progress to occur and to ensure the technology is not used to destroy ourselves.

The relationship between men and women forms the backbone of the family and the family forms the backbone of society. Gynocentrism is now threatening to destroy the backbone of the family and of society. We need to wake up, otherwise the future for humanity is looking bleak. External threats like nuclear weapons appear to be well recognised. The same does not seem to apply for gynocentrism and the scale of the threat it poses for the continued existence of human civilisation. This needs to change.


[1] Slaying The Dragon. Peter Wright & Paul Elam, A Voice For Men (2018).

[2] The Boy Crisis: Why Our Boys Are Struggling and What We Can Do About It. Dr. Warren Farrell & Dr. John Gray (2018)

[3] Chasing The Dragon. Peter Wright & Paul Elam, A Voice For Men (2016).

[4] Self-Control And The Human Brain: The Neuroscience Of Impulse Control. Elana Glowatz, Medical Daily (2017)

[5] Demographic Winter – the decline of the human family (Full Movie) Rick Stout. Acuity Productions. YouTube (Accessed 2018)

[6] Women believe they live in the age of entitlement. Miranda Devine, The Daily Telegraph (2012)

[7] Gender Differences in Automatic In-Group Bias: Why Do Women Like Women More Than Men Like Men? Rudman, Laurie A.,Goodwin, Stephanie A. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol 87(4), Oct 2004, 494-509

[8] Elaboration likelihood model. Wikipedia (Accessed 2018)

[9] Why Can’t We Hate Men? Suzanna Danuta Walters, The Washington Post (2018)

[10] The End of Men. Hanna Rosin, The Atlantic (2010)

[11] Partner Abuse State Of Knowledge Project (PASK) FACTS AND STATISTICS ON DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AT-A-GLANCE (Accessed 2018)

[12] Systems Biology. Wikipedia (Accessed 2018)

[13] How did life become Multicellular?-Mysteries of Life #2. Ben G Thomas. YouTube (Accessed 2018).

[14] Stanford Prison Experiment. Wikipedia (Accessed 2018)

[15] Uri Bezmenov: Deception Was My Job (Complete) G. Edward Griffin. American Media. All West Video. The Reality Zone. YouTube (Accessed 2018)

[16] Angry Harry’s MRA Corner (Accessed 2018)

[17] Learned Helplessness: Seligman’s Theory of Depression (+ Cure). Positive Psychology Program (2018)

[18] Kardashev scale. Wikipedia (Accessed 2018)
Peter Ryan, also called TheAntigynocentrist, is a man going his own way who dares to believe men are not disposable and challenges the gynocentric zeitgeist. Peter’s blog is